::: CHEETAHS ::: Sat., 10/21


Good morning, cheetahs...

Susan :: you cracked me up with the new outfits for Mr. YP! Can't wait to hear all about it. I think you should tell him about his nickname.

Wendy :: glad you had fun with the kickboxing class & transferred all your songs to the Nano. I doubt you'll have any problems downloading/uploading new tunes. Are you using iTunes? It's really easy. Nope, as you can see above, I lazed out yesterday...Meanwhile, Jess is sick and doing Imax2 for God's sake. lol <slinks out of the room guiltily>

My plan is to strap on my running kicks and head out there as soon as it gets light...then it'll be GS CT after. And after THAT, I am definitely heading over to Dick's for some new gear.

Have a great Saturday, everyone! Will stop in again later.
cathy :)
Hey there, Cathy! I know, I'm a nut so don't feel guilty!! I seriously need to learn how to take a full rest day. It's just so hard! Which is why I did PUB at 8:30 last night! :p And have fun looking for new gear!! Anything in particular?

I am feeling better today even though AF (or TOTM, whatever you call it here!) showed up last night! I did IMAX 3 on Wed when I wasn't feeling so great either! But at least I'm not out running in the cold, I guess that's one plus!

Enjoy your run & GS today! I love C & T, I really worked my triceps hard this week!

Ok, I think I'm awake enough to attempt IMAX 2 now! ;-)
Good Morning early risers,

cathy- have fun shopping. i went to target yesterday and spent more money than planned, oops but it was so fun!

jess-imax 3 and 2 in the same week, girl you are on fire!!

this morning's exercise of choice was staying in bed and cuddling with dh, hehehehe. In a few minutes i am leaving for my all day turbokick cert. class. I am so excited yet nervous at the same time.

have a great day everyone:)
Morning Girls!

Cathy: It's light out girl! You better be out there running your bootie off! }(

Jess: I will exercise when I don't feel well too. It depends on what's buggin' me though and if I have a fever I won't do anything. You are not nuts. There are more like you then you think! :)

Sunny: I am soooo excited for you girlfriend! You have to come back tonight and tell us allllll about it! If you can stay upright and awake long enough! I wonder if you find out right away if you completed the course successfully?

Well, I was going to work out this morning before heading off to work (a short cardio) but I over-slept! Oh the horror!:eek: After working out for TWO HOURS y'day, though, I think I can forgive myself for not doing anything today!;)

Today is day 6 which would be my last work out before a rest day but tomorrow is my race so I can't rest. Maybe it's better that I don't do anything today so that I'll be rarin' to go in the morning!}( }( }(

I have some nice DOMS in my upper body after doing RttC followed by kickboxing!:D

Have a great day everyone!
SunnyD ~ Your princes are tooooo precious- I love your avatar!! I have that problem w/ Target too, it's too easy to spend $$ there!! I love their exercise clothes, kids clothes & then you look here or there & before you know it- $100!! EEK!

I am loving the IMAX 2 & 3. I just got them last week and I love trying out new workouts!

G/L w/ the Turbokick certification!! That sounds like fun. I really would like to get certified to teach some classes to make a little extra money. $$ How did you go about finding out about it?? Your local gym? Let us know how it goes!
Wendy ~ Glad to know that I'm not alone. I honestly haven't been sick in so long, I seriously think some of it is from not running!!! I hate being sick!

I think you can forgive yourself after your killer workouts y'day! ;-) And good luck for your race tomorrow, I can't wait to hear all about it! Take some more pics too, you're too cute!!
OK, IMAX 2 is done!! I think I got all of the intervals & blasts pretty much down now so it was much more fun than the first time! ;-) I'm getting used to the step now, it's just been so long since I've done any sort of step workout! I worked up a good sweat & feel good now. I might try to squeeze in GS legs later if I can since I had wanted to do it y'day.

I don't know what we're doing yet today. I need to run a couple errands & we want to go price some flooring for our living room, kitchen, & bathroom. I'd love to do Pergo on the first floor, but I don't think we can afford it! We'll see what they have at Lowe's... The bathroom won't be so bad, I want to repaint, get new linoleum (it's that cheap peel & stick stuff in there now, it was there when we bought the house) & just do a little updating in there. Too bad money doesn't grow on trees! :p

Well, drinking my coffee & I think I might make those pumpkin pancakes again. Everyone loved them last week & they were easy to make! ;-) Have a great Saturday!!
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy...congrats on your Ipod!! I bet it is way cool...I have RTTC and plan on doing it today after church. Rest would be good today before the race tomorrow!!!

Cathy....you didn't have to feel guilty about me working out yesterday as I didn't!! And I do feel alot better today for resting. Enjoy your run and GS today...

Jess...enjoy Imax2....I love the music in that one! Good luck with the flooring...

Sunny...good luck in the cert class today! Let us know how it goes...

Christine...I am missing circuits myself. I am anxious about the new workouts too and hoping I get them next week. They look so fun...

Jennifer....signing up for 3 halfs in 5 weeks is NOT stupid!!! crazy??? YEP!!! :)..:)..but you are a true cheetah and Good luck!

Judy...thanks for the Garcia chip link, it seems they have them at Safeway here...:)...With your weather yesterday, I would have opted for an indooor workout myself!

Elaine TYR...I do feel alot better today. I didn't even workout yesterday as I felt rest would be a better idea. I have been taking extra zinc and VitaC, airborne, and colloidal silver, so something helped me cut the time for this cold...:)...hope your 6 and 12 goes well...

Laurie...I feel for your 17 yr old Elizabeth...17 is a tough age, and so much different these days than when we were that age...I wish her well thru the transition...:)...That active release method sounds very interesting. I bet the results are great..And the Lowmax clip was even better!!

Shelly...no corework yesterday as I took a rest day instead. For the Cathe Player did you go to the link they posted and install the Flashplayer? Also not sure what browser you use but have you updated it? XP is usually good with any kind of new programing...

Susan...tell us all about Mr YP!!! Maybe one day I will try and drive to see him...

As I am feeling much more human today....I will do an iClimb on my Elliptical and then Jari's RTTC.

Have a great day...:)
Good Morning Cheetahs!

Today I’m heading to the gym for a 30 minute run on the treadmill, and a Kickboxing class. I hear this one is killer, so I’m stoked!! Then it’s off to the doc’s for a mammogram – I’m not quite as stoked for that! I hate those things! Then out to dinner with friends – DH birthday is Monday, and one of our friend’s birthdays is tomorrow, so we always go out to dinner to celebrate together. They’re great people.

Cathy – How was the run? And what kind of gear? I have fun shopping for new gear! Don’t feel guilty! We all go through that! You’ll go out for a nice run today and be happy!

Jess – I, too, have been known to work out when I’m sick, too. We are a nutso lot! LOL. I’m glad you are enjoying the Imax’s – aren’t they great?

Sunny – ENJOY your Turbo Kick Class!!! Cuddling with DH sounds like a nice thing to do on a chilly morning…

Wendy – you’re racing tomorrow? Wow – where are you racing and how far? You’re doing so well!!!

Carole – oooh, next week would be wonderful! I think they should ship to us West Coast gals first as it takes longer to get to us (or ship 2 day air!). I’m SOOOO excited for them. I’m really happy you’re feeling better!!

Laurie – it is a hard age! My 17 yo alternates between thinking everything will be okay, and worrying that she’ll never get into college and that all of her hopes and dreams will turn to dust. {{{HUGS}}}

Susan – enjoy Mr YP!!! How’d the session go yesterday?

Editing to add that the Iron Man Triathalon is today. We had a nice news story about one of the news men who is participating in it this year. He made a comment that really resonnated with me - he said that at this level of event that you are really competiting with yourself. SO many times you simply want to lay down and give up, but you don't. That's the real measure of a winner - when you so desperately want to quit, but press on. I see a lot of winners in this group!!
Hi cheetahs!

Just wanted to let you know I will be MIA for the next few days. Our TnT team (along with every TnT team in the country, actually :)) will be in San Francisco this weekend (we're taking over the city!!) for the Nike Marathon & Half Marathon. I won't be bringing my computer so I can't check in with you guys. I'll try and check in on Monday, but I will probably be recovering then ;).

Jess: good luck on your run!!!

See you guys soon!

Good morning cheetahbabes! Sounds like alot of us are having promising weekends so far. It sounds like I should be receiving the new workouts by the middle of next week.....wooohoooo:7 :7

ElaineTYR- Wow...I'm so stoked that you may possibly come to Phoenix for the RnR next Jan!!! You know they DO have a half marathon also?
You could do that one without a problem! (crossing fingers and hoping) I'm hoping Thomasina is still planning on coming. Haven't heard from her in a while.

Susan- Color me green with envy....we're all looking forward to your account of your personal encounter with Mr. YP. Re: you question about ellipticals. I actually use a fairly cheap and simple model. I bought it years ago for about $400.00 and I have to manually adjust the incline. However it still gives me a great workout. Ellipticals pretty much can mimic the exertion and physical activity associated with running without the impact. Great for keeping in shape while mimimizing injury risk.

Wendy- Having fun with your KEWL iPod Nano? It's one of the toys I bought recently myself and absolutely LOVE it. I wonder how I ever exercised without one. Best of luck to you with your upcoming race....but you don't need it....you're a pro now! Going for a PR on this one?

Christine- Your reflections on the ironman triathlon were interesting. I love challenging myself physically and to me triathlons are the ultimate in this. I've been considering seriously training for this once my marathon goal is accomplished. I have a friend who is inaugurating me into the world of cycling and I'll be joining the YMCA to take swimmming lessons. I know how to swim, I'm just not very efficient at it......yet! Have a great kickboxing class!

Cathy- Wow....you get up before it's light out even on weekends! I would think you'd be crashing and sleeping in! Have a great time with GS CT. I did this one the day before yesterday and still have sore pecs!

Jess- I'm glad you're feeling a bit better this morning. Sounds like you're having a great time with your step and the IMAX workouts. They will definitely help you to keep up your cardiovascular fitness while your knee recovers.

SunnyD- Great morning exercise routine!!!! Good luck with your certification today!

Carole- I'm still struggling with the Cathy player. I did download the flashplayer and my browser is updated. It's very frustrating. However, I'll have the real deal soon enough!!!!! Which to do first though?????? Glad to hear you're feeling better!

Off to do a 9 mile run now. This is my longest attempt since starting rehab for my adductor strain (groinpull) It's still slow and easy for me! Later I'll get in some yoga....Susan has inspired me to do a session with Mr. YP Kest!


I ran 5.2 miles today. It was cold and windy but I needed to run since my last run was last sunday. I didnt do a lot this week, my butt was sore for 3 days from those skater lunges.OUCH!! much needed in that area though. I will probably run tomorrow too.

I dont have Imax2 but I dont really like the step in Imax 3. I will usually skip to the blasts. How do you get past not liking step workouts? I just cant get into them and with cathes ,her choreography is so tough I just quit doing it.

hope you all have a nice day!!
Good Afternoon Everyone!

I am sorry that I didn't check in yesterday. I had to deal with one problem on top of another.

I did manage to get my second 60 minute walk/run done yesterday. It felt so good just to clear my head by being outside. I am grateful to have access to treadmills, but I think I like being outside better.

After my workout, I got a massive headache. I laid down in a darkened room for the rest of the day. I hate when I get headaches like that! x(

This will be a rest day for me, but I might do some very gentle yoga if I am too antsy. :p

I hope to check in later!
OK, I am back and realizing now that my comment to Wendy in my initial post made no sense...This is what you get when you cut & paste!...and now I can't edit...DOH! It's an English teacher's nightmare...lol! :)

Anywho...yes, Wendy, I was out there running...6 miles...legs were tired...but a good tired. I felt pumped after but decided to save GS CT for later in the day so I could do my shopping early.

Stopped at Dick's AND Sport's Authority and both places were still surprisingly low on their fall/winter running gear. Disappointing. I did manage to pick up one pair of Nike tights, two long-sleeve dri-fit tops, a sports bra, zipup hoodie, and er, a new North Face ski jacket. And another North Face jacket...fleece on the inside and some high-tech fabric on the outside. Those two I did not plan on buying, but I have that post-splurge high, so I'm happy. :)

Jess :: What I’m really in need of is new tights…I used to love Speedo brand but they are impossible to find anymore. Glad you are feeling better and fighting through it. Actually, I often exercise through a cold, too…depends on the severity. I have the same problem in Target!! Always spend more than I intend to. That place is dangerous! How’d you make out at Lowe’s? I love the look of hardwood (or Pergo) floors.

Sunny :: good luck with the Turbokick cert class! You'll have to fill us in on all the details.

Wendy :: RTTC followed by k’boxing? Yowzas! I say you earned a rest day there. Good luck in tomorrow’s race. I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t been looking for any other 5Ks to do. Is this one a 10K?

Carole :: glad the rest did you good. Hope you enjoyed today’s workout! I agree on your cold strategy – it really does help reduce the symptoms & knock it out quicker.

Christine :: I had a great run, thanks. I was looking for tights (only managed to find 1 pair in my size) and a couple of long-sleeve tops. Still need to find another pair or two of tights to keep me going as it gets cooler. Have fun celebrating the birthdays tonight…hope the mammo wasn’t too bad. I have never had one, but I hear they are a b*tch.

Jennifer :: good luck in your race! See ya when ya get back. :)

Shelly :: how was the 9-miler? Yes, I do often get up very early, even on the weekends. Unless I’ve been out late the night before }( …But I was good last night. :)

Laura :: Good question. I’ve simply accepted the fact that I’m just not a step person. I tried Imax2 but found it to be way over the top for me…maybe I’m missing out on something but I just don’t have the interest (or the time) to study & learn the footwork. I have two left feet, so I just prefer straightforward cardio – like running and k’boxing. I'm hoping the new DVDs won't lose me w/ fancy choreography.

Elaine (DP) :: I hear you…the TM is a real struggle for me…I prefer to be outdoors…and I’m the same…I find that it clears your head in a way that somehow doesn’t happen on the TM. Enjoy your rest day or the yoga, whichever you decide.

Hi to all other cheetahs!

Shelly - you want to participate in an Iron Man? My hat's off to you. I swear, that's one event I never wanted to do. A short course Tri? Oh yeah, that would be fun, but an Iron Man? Wow!! If you do, let me know where and when, and I swear I'll be there to see you finish no matter where!

Well, ended up doing a 45 minute run, and 40 minute on the elliptical as the kickboxing class was going to concentrate on abs, and I worked mine the past two days. Felt good to run again! Mammography is done - I'm always going to schedule on Saturdays - I was in there and out of there before I realized what happened. I usually have time to shake in anticipation!! Cathy - they're not fun, but they're not that bad. The discomfort is momentary and the benefits are incredible. My OBGYN makes me get one every year now that I'm over 40. I will say, though, that I think the glass of champagne at lunch helped... :p
Christine...let us know about the killer kickboxing class! Hate mammograms myself. I had this new girl once...and she must have done one side like 10 times as she couldn't get a good pic. I mean honestly...I have NO fat there!!! So I finally said "You know what, next year I will just get a chest x-ray!" She of course missed my sense of humor...:)

Jennifer...Good Luck in San Fran!!!

Shelly...good luck with the 9 miler. I am sending you no pain vibes!! I use a browser called Firefox from Mozilla (I am not an IE fan!) It is faster than IE and the player worked great in it. I am also using XP.

Laura...good job on the 5.2 mile run. I have always liked step, but some people just don't. If you stick with Cathe's choreography it feels great when you get it! But some of the workouts are just tougher than others.

Elaine DP...sorry about the headache. I am NOT a treadmill runner, but luckily where I live the weather is never too severe...

Cathy...wow!! way to go on the new running stuff!! We have a Sports Authority and I should check it out for some new tights. Mine are a bit old...:)...I will stick with my cold remedies for a few more days, just to make sure its gone!

The Elliptical workout felt great!! Then Jari's RTTC...interesting workout. Personally, she needs a bit more fat or muscle on her IMO! But, the workout was good as I like compound exercises and I bet I will have some DOMS tomorrow...:)
Whew! It's been a busy day! After a yummy breakfast of pumpkin pancakes we all got ready & headed to Lowe's!! We found the flooring we wanted at a great price so we got it!! It's a cheaper version of Pergo, the oak flooring that you snap together. We're going to do it ourselves too so that will save us the installation costs. It's going to look soooo great in our kitchen/ living room (that's what's on our first floor, it's a tri-level home). Right now our carpet is soooo worn & starting to peel up around the edges & I absolutely hate my white linoleum in the kitchen. NOT practical w/ 3 kids to keep clean! (and I'm a bit OCD so I sweep/ mop constantly to keep it clean!) Now we have some work to do before we can put it in, maybe we'll start Tues night. And we got a roll of linoleum for the bathroom that was cheap ($25!) but will look much nicer. I love doing home improvements! Then we ran a couple other places & stopped to eat at our favorite Chinese buffet that just reopened after some remodeling. YUMMY! The girls were so good while we were shopping & we were hungry after running around all morning! ;-)

I did the standing part of GS legs & the abs from C & W after we got home. Then I had to help Greg put a new fan in the ceiling of the bathroom, I was the official flash light holder. :p I'm so glad that I married a handy man!

OK, enough babbling from me. We're just hanging out tonight, gonna watch a movie & relax! Have a great night!
Hey Christine....we posted at the same time...or close. Glad things went well today!! A run and Elliptical workout....????http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/b0/pray.gif[/img]
Hello Cheetahs gals!

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I am so sore right now I can barely sit down. I have done 5 hours of yoga in the past 24 hours. I tell ya, who knew that doing 3 hours of yoga today could feel like a ran 10 miles. It was tough!

Bryan is absolutely even more adorable this year than the last time I saw him. He became a new dad 2 months ago and he has really mellowed out even more than he already was. He is so incredibly passionate about yoga and life. He really did not focus too much on the poses, but more on the breath and how we individually were feeling. We did fairly easy poses, but held them for an eternity. I did have some problems with my sciatica in the forward bend series. I did have to modify quite a bit.

He has some great new cd's that are 90 minutes of power yoga practice. They are available at his website bryankest.com

For the first half hour I could not stop smiling at him. He is just such a nice guy and I like him with his really short hair. I could go on and on forever about yummy pants, but I am probably starting to bore you.

I am supposed to go to another 2 and half hour session tomorrow, but I think I am not because I don't want to push the sciatica issue anymore than I already did.

I have to say gals, Bryan is not a fan of runners. He thinks it is way to much impact and that most runners by the time they are 40 tend to have a lot of issues with their knees and joints. I think there probably is truth to that, but it is all about moderation, which I know nothing about;)

I took my camera to take pictures, but these ladies were laughing at me when they saw it, so I was kind of shamed out of it.

I wore my brand new prana yoga pants and they fit like a glove. I have never paid $50 for a pair of workout pants though, but anything that makes my butt look good I buy:)

Well, it sounds like there are some great workouts going on around here. Have a great day ladies and I am off to have dinner with my family.

Oh, one more thing, Bryan had on a pair of cut-off cargo pants and yes, there is definitley a reason he is called yummy pants.(tee hee)

Ladies i made it back, LOL
I am sore and tired but extremely excited!!!:D Turbokick is so much more advanced than turbo jam.
The class was so much fun and the instructor was awesome. she is a ball of energy. she has been instructing for 15 years.
the first part of the class was her speaking and then showing you the form and mechanics of all the moves. then we had to "do" the class for 2 hrs straight. i am soooooooo happy i didn't exercise this morning before attending the class. the last part of the class was the practical test where you had to show your stuff and then take a written exam.
i am on cloud nine right now because after the practical this girl came over to me and said she purposely stood next to me because i made it look so easy, she said i was very movitating! little ol' me, i can't believe it. cathe taught me well;) later on this other lady asked me if i am a personal trainer because she thinks my arms look really nice and toned!! whoo hooo two compliments in a row. again, Thanks cathe!!!

wendy- pretty much as long as you are there you "pass". however you won't know the level which you passed until you receive your actual cert. in 4-6 weeks.

jess-blush, thanks for the compliments on my boys. they are my pride and joy:D you are the workout queen today! my local gym hosted the class today.

speaking of triathons my dh is currently training to do his first one sometime next year. i am so proud of him.

hope i didn't gloat to much.

enjoy your evening ladies.

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