Cheetah's (Runners) check in Friday Aug. 11

Hey all!!

Carole - you are too sweet! Shelly and Cathy - thanks for the well wishes!!!

So far so good. DH took me to Pizza Antiqua (a FABULOUS pizza place) for lunch. And we walked around Santana Row. That was nice. He also got me a wonderful card that was so sweet it made me cry - telling me about how he could not ask for a more wonderful wife.

The girls made a cake and did some shopping. I only asked for an IPod Nano for my birthday (music for running!), and the wrapped box on the counter is about that size, so I think I got it! Yeah!

We have a couple who are good friends coming over to join us for dinner (DH is making his Pasta Tutti Mare - with clams, muscles, scallops... - it's fabulous). This couple is in their 80's and still go to the gym every day. They are just the sweetest people and I hope to be like them one day. They also have an Aussie who looks like Tucker named JJ. I made DH not tell them it's my BDay as I did not want them to feel obligated to bring a gift. Honestly, their presence is gift enough. DD17's boyfriend is coming over as well, which is sweet. They've been together for 2 years, so he is part of the family, and I swear he's the reason DD17 does not drink or do drugs and he's a good guy over all. So, yes, he's definitely welcome and a part of the family. So we'll have a nice little family get together. :)

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