Hello again all you beautiful cheetahs! Had a great nap and then a terrific workout with HSC. I'll get in a good 40-50 minutes on the elliptical later. Tomorrow is my long run....15 miles
Hey Carole- I didn't expect an answer so soon from you this morning!
The west coast cheetahs were sure up early today! I am so very happy if what I can tell you provides any help/comfort at all

Your nephew will come through this I am certain. How can he not when he has his Auntie Carole for inspiration? :7 I forgot to ask you how did you do on PLB going up to 65lbs

You've set a challenge for me now! Hope you had a relaxing run today!
Judy- Thank you so much for keeping us informed on your Dr. appt.
I'm sure it was a relief to you to hear your hip problem wasn't a serious one. In the meantime you are sure getting in some quality workouts! The rest may well make you a better runner in the long run! Glad to hear your going for some good PT.
Cathy- Survivor of the dreaded bikiniwax

Having fun with your Garmin I see! Good job on the 3.5 miles!
Marcia- I hear ya about this checkin being addicting! I call it my
cheetahfix. Re: your open house. I understand how you can be disappointed about your turnout but I've never heard of any new business that starts out strongly. The word of mouth will get out and you have the right attitude that's for sure!
Christine- You're having a fun workout day.....love those!
HAPPY B DAY :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ Fill us in on your presents!
Wendy- Your dilemma on your pacing is what I consider a drawback to using these things. You can get TOO focused on the numbers. I like to run by perceived exertion and only occasionally glance at the GPS to check my mileage. If a run is feeling too easy or rough I'll check my pace then. You'll adjust and learn how to use it well.
Hi Katie - my fellow Arizona cheetah! Yes I work 12 hour night shifts 7p-7a 3x/wk. When I miss posting here it's usually because I'm in the middle of a work stretch. Hey, there's nothing like a good run to knock out a headache!!! Good for you in getting yourself out there!!!
Laurie- great job on your run/ bike workout today! I can tell you're really getting back in to the swing of things and feeling
Mattea- you're probably incommunicado now...oh well, best of luck to you our packingfool cheetah! Can't wait to hear from you in your new place but I'm sure it will be a few days at least!
Okay- enough babbling- Hello to Pamela, Barb, Elaine (good luck on your run this weekend), Laurie, Jess, and anyone else I may have missed