Morning Cheetahs!
I wasn't sure which cardio to do, so I pulled out a KCM - Step Kickboxing. That was a good ol' time this AM!

I'll have to add that to the mix more often. I still have APX - back, biceps and triceps + core to do. I have to be at DD's school for field days this morn. Hope I can bring DS5. They have gotten so strict about siblings.

I'll just show up and play dumb. ;-) Thanks everyone about the picture!!!

You guys are too sweet!
Posh ~ LOL'd about that emoticon! Sometimes it might be better to go in not knowing. ;-) Can you eat before you go? Oh, guess you'll be just getting off a plane. What the heck time zone are you in again? Your lunch break seems so late! That was some b-day celebration for your DH!! Was it a milestone b-day?
Gloria ~ You just can't shake it, huh?!!? Healing {{{VIBES}}} Can you try Claritin or Zyrtec to see if it helps? Yes, you should come to Chicago too! However, I do hope you get into the NYC marathon.
Jackie ~ NO WAY!!! not your 35th!??! I thought you were going to say your 20th reunion! You look so young!! Stay safe. Hope the bad weather is behind you.
Kath ~ My kids are 10, 8.5, & 5. I wanted it to be a surprise party, but it was too hard. Enjoy that get-ready-for-the-bikini workout today! ;-)
Wendi ~ What's wrong w/that "Boy Wonder"?!?! You know what they say, "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." Good luck with your marathon day!
Cathy ~ I was having trouble posting the picture. We must have been posting at the same time. Yuck, a sinus infection.

You probably don't need that Oscillo stuff for that. Take it easy, ok?!
Sunny ~ I meant to say y-day, "Enjoy your BBQ?" as a question. How's the Alywnn program treating you?}(
Wendy ~ I wasn't sure I was liking iTread #27 either, but liked the calorie burn for such a short workout! }( IA, I liked IC#2 much better. That's all the KB'ing experience I have, I'm afraid. I'd like to just focus on that, but can't seem to give up traditional weights right now.
Christine ~ Good luck to your DD! I started out in an office job during high school during all my breaks (Spring, Christmas, Summer). I ended up working there all through college too. It would be a great experience for your DD. You're right, it may even help your relationship.

Hope you feel better really soon. Blonde, huh!?!? You know what they say, "Blondes have more fun..." or something like that. Is that true??!?!

Carole ~ I like your workout today. S&A was my fav too. Great job on PlyoX.

I know, once I got going w/PlyoX I would really enjoy it....there was a dread factor going into it though. Enjoy that wet run! ;-)
Shelly ~ Enjoy that Indy movie y-day. I want to see it too.
Hi to all who follow!