::: Cheetahs ::: Mon., 8/20

Hi Gayle--
Great to hear from you !
Congrats on getting married! I didn't realize you are engaged.

About the TM vs. outside...build up gradually for a week to get used to it. I found it tough to go from TM to outside and keep a steady pace. Give yourself time to adapt and you can always finish a run on the TM.

The rebelling against anything healthy? Do you mean food or exercise or both?
I got the book Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes and thought it was helpful.
Also, the book Elaine recommended by Matt Fitzgerald on performance nutrition was also good.

Good luck on your half. Hats off to you for doing the marathon.

I can't believe it's time for school to start so soon.
:) :) :)
Gayle! So nice to see you! Can't wait to have you checkin' in on regular basis again! :)

ACK! Had to cancel gym work out today in favor of nothing until my class tonight. I'm having a "female issue" that is quite uncharacteristic for me and it's making me feel quite tired and light headed at times. :-( I was actually in the car on the way to the gym when I got scared of how I felt and turned around. I don't feel too bad now but wisdom dictates I rest until class tonight. Don't worry...I WILL blow class off if need be as well. I'm dedicated but not dumb!;)
Hey Ladies -

Sorry - no time for personals right now - I'll check in when I get back from my interview. Busy morning - had to get the two high schoolers :-( off to school this morning, then get in a long run before my interview at 10AM. I only managed 8 miles due to time constraints, but I ran them faster than the last 8 I ran, so that's good news. It was a bit harder today - something I ate yesterday did not agree with me, so I had to dash into a convenience mart for a restroom break, but I muddled through and still came out faster - amazing! I'll check back after my interview....
Whew! I’m back ::: the class was killer! But I feel pumped!

Wendy :: thanks for setting me straight on today's date! (See, I was just going backwards to resist the approaching end of summer…this is what teachers do! The nightmares will probably start soon. *lol*) Hope your issue isn’t anything serious and you recover in time for tonight’s class.

Barb :: Great that you’re managing to fit in your workouts despite your busy preparations! Can you tell me more about Circuit Max? Is it high impact? Complex choreography? (As if I need to be prompted to buy one more thing. The cheetahs should be gettin' kickbacks!) :)

Marcia :: hope you’re doing well with your weight loss goals. My scale has been parked at the same spot for almost 2 months now. Granted, there was a month-long vacation in there, but it’s time to start losin’ again already!

Laurie :: enjoy your rest & the stretch. It was more like Cathe kickin’ MY butt. Cedie and Jai were also in the class again.

Shelly :: let me know when you make your next pilgrimage. If I’m off from school, I would love to take a class w/ you! With each visit I make, her gym is seriously tempting me to join!! Have a great run & fun with GS Legs.

Natalie :: hope you have a good back-to-school…are you elem, middle, or HS? As Wendy mentioned, I think the workouts do help us stay sane!

Jess :: I’m glad you’re feeling so strong and still on that high! Your energy just bubbles through your post. A half followed by a long bike and MM and then cleaning?? Talk about Supercheetahs! You’re unstoppable! :)

Katie :: glad you had a great run. I know what you mean ~ some days, you run strong – others you’ve got legs made of lead. The class **is** fun, and of course, tough -- I wish I could take it every Monday morning. It’s nice that it changes every week. On the other hand, I now get to make all my mistakes in public instead of in my living room. Today, she had us doing sprints, skips, jumps, etc. across the gym floor and at one point, we had to do a sort of ballet-type jump where you basically do the splits airborne – couldn’t do it. I'm sure my attempts looked entertaining. :) The live class is great, but I also have to say one thing I like about the DVDs is that Cathe & crew are all in sync. There’s one woman who does not keep the right pace throughout the entire workout and yet she insists on being up front near Cathe. It’s kind of annoying bc she throws me off at times even if I’m trying to just look past her.

Gayle :: I know the feeling…I really don’t care for the TM very much…LOVE getting outdoors! Hang in there ~ won’t be long. :)

ETA: Christine :: good luck @ your interview! Be sure to tell us all about it when you get back. Knock 'em dead! :)

OK, time to get out in this gorgeous weather.
Hi girls.

Well, thankfully I am feeling better. I downed a bowl of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked low fat frozen yogurt and it did the trick!}(

I don't know if I mentioned it here but I put in an application for a p/t time at my gym. I got a call today. They have an opening for a VERY p/t position in the daycare. I can bring DS. It's 2-3 mornings a week at 3 hours per morning. The pay is very low but I believe I am entitled to free membership to the gym w/employment plus it gets my foot in the door to something I am interested in-the gym, not the daycare! LOL I was not going to take it at first cause my paychecks are going to look like "who did it and ran"! LOL But after talking to DH we decided it's worth a shot and worst case scenario is that I can resign if it's not worth it. So anyway....I was about to pull out a work out when the gym called. Now I'm nervous about the job so I know I'm not going to be able to concentrate! LOL

HEY! I can save my measely pay and buy a jogging stroller with the $$$! }( }( }(
Hey Wendy, the 10 miles took 1:44:11 which is about 6 minutes longer than it took last week but was a much hillier run. Funny how if I map out my own run it's pretty flat, when I go with the group they include many hills including the dreaded 'Fort Henry Hill'. It leads to an historic fortress built to keep an eye on our neighbours to the south. Fortunately we're much friendlier with our American neighbours now;-) Faith is nervous but excited too. She has been in a 50/50 french/english programme until now and we decided to send her to an 80/20 french/english programme with rotary for grade 7. It's a small school, 100 students and an environment in which my 15 year old blossomed like nobody's business.

Shelly, I'm trying to get that stretch in...soon I hope. Have a good run and fun with GS legs:)

Barb, sounds like you've got a full plate and lots of prep and work on the way. Exercise sure does help keep everything balanced!

Natalie, nice job getting your workout in so early. Sleep issues can be all consuming.

Carole, I'll definitely check those out, I used a different brand of gel yesterday it was vanilla and very gross. I had a heck of a time getting the darned thing open too, don't want to lose a crown trying to open a stupid gel pack:+ Sounds like a bit of everything for your workout today, enjoy!!:)

Jess, I love it that your still riding so high from Saturday's run!!! My Girls don't go back to school until Sept. 5, can't believe that my Elizabeth is in her senior year:eek:

Katie, don't you wish everyday was a run forever day!:) Great job!

Gayle, I'm with you on the outdoor running, I have to confess that I have NEVER run on a TM, done the elliptical thing but never TM. I think I'll make it a goal to stay off of them which might not be realistic once the Canadian winter kicks in :)

Christine, good luck with the interview. Awesome job on your run, bathroom break and all!!

Cathy, Glad you enjoyed your butt kickin}( I'm off to enjoy the weather now too!:7

Wendy, that's a great opportunity at the gym!! You can add the price of a membership right onto your paycheck! Good Luck!!

Take Care
Laurie, Good job on the run! That would take me longer for sure! I tend to average 11 minute miles outdoors and that's WITHOUT hills! :eek: :7 :7 :7
Thanks for the encouragement w/the job thing. It's something for me to do, I'll get paid SOMETHING for it, and maybe it will "blossom" into something better...you never know!;)
Sounds like you have a great plan for your daughter. Best of luck to her! I'm sure she'll do wonderfully!:)
Phew, okay, now I have a moment!!

Cathy – Thank you! I am feeling better – still a little congested, but it’s livable. I didn’t take anything today on my run. I know we’re trying to make the West Coast GTG as centrally located as possible and San Francisco is right in the middle of everyone, that’s why we picked it. You should still come out – San Fran is a gorgeous city!!

Wendy – Oh, I did enjoy my rest day, thank you!!! Have fun running tonight! A jogging stroller sounds like a wonderful idea!

Marcia – We MISSED YOU!!! I’m glad you’re checking in again! We’ll keep you on track! I know, though, how tough it is!!

Barb – LifeMax… That thing that gets in the way of FunMax, eh? I sooo understand that. Good job on the 11 miler!!! And I love Circuit Max, too! I’ll sometimes do it with just a barbell and no upperbody weights – then it becomes a killer leg workout, but it’s just plain fun!

Laurie – You deserve a rest after 10 miles! Way to go!

Shelly – Have fun with your run and GS Legs!!!

Natalie – Way to GO on getting your workout in this morning!!! Good luck today!!

Carole – well, got in 8 miles. Crud is there, but not too bad today. I had something like the Sharkies during the 10k. They were JellyBellies, but for endurance sports. But they were sweeter – might have to try the Sharkies! When I hike distance I find that I like to have something in my pocket to munch on – these would work that way, too. I do better getting lower doses of food over longer periods of time. I’ll have to pick some up!

Jess – Sad say when the kids go back, isn’t it? My house is too bloody quiet! You should be darned proud of that race time!!! Great job!

Katie – funny how that works isn’t it? Today was certainly not a forever day for me, but I ran the 8 miles anyway. I don’t mind the hard days any more, but I LOVE the forever days.

Gayle - WE MISS YOU TOO!!! Sounds like you had a great weekend. I sometimes think it’s harder to train for the second major event then the first. Once I’ve done an endurance event I become more blasé about training. So I fully understand you not wanting to eat as healthy or train as hard. You’ll do well, though!!! Check in here – we’ll keep you on track! What’s funny for me is that if I get used to a treadmill, I can’t run outside. Once I’m used to outside, I have issues on a treadmill… I’m such a blond.

Well, the interview went the way I expected. I’m WAY over qualified for the position and he’s concerned I’ll be bored within 15 minutes. I will be, so it’s not the job for me. I’m so lucky as DH is not pushing me to get a job right this moment. I’d actually like to start after my Half in October so I can train properly, but I won’t say no to the right opportunity. As for my run- it’s kind of interesting now. In June when I was training for the Sonoma Half, if I felt the way I did today I would have been totally discouraged. I fought for pretty much all 8 miles. But whenever the thought that I should just stop and do it again on another day hit me, I laughed at myself and said, “You’re half way there, just finish.” The really funny thing is that I KNOW without a doubt, that I will be able to finish the Half. For someone who could not even run ¼ of a mile in high school, to be looking at 13.1 miles in the face knowing that she can finish it … I have to thank you ladies for ALL of the encouragement. Without your “enabling” I’d never be at this point. So {{{HUGS}}} to all of you!
Hi there, back after my run. I was going to do a 4-5 miler but I was feeling up to a challenge so I did a 7 mile interval run on the TM in 60 minutes. After a break here at the computer I'll tackle GS legs. Haven't done that one in a while!

Hi Barb! I hope all goes well with your friends dd's MRI. If it was a meningioma (a tumor on the outside of the brain) those are usually cured 100% after surgery, tx. Even with other types if all is well after 2 yrs, that's a great sign. It's nerve wracking though for sure.

Natalie- Hi there! Great job with getting up early today! Re: taking Tylenol PM (I've been an ICU RN for 25+ yrs) Alot of people do this and consider it harmless. However, taking acetaminophen
(tylenol) continuously isn't real good for your liver and over time may cause some harm. I think you're far better off just taking benedryl. (diphenhydramine) This is the ingredient in TylenolPM which produces sleep. You don't have to buy the brand "Benedryl" You can buy generic diphenhydramine very cheaply. 25-50 mg will help you sleep just as well as a Tylenol PM with no health risk or dependency problems. I use it alot and have never had any problems.

OK....enough boring nursing advice Sorry everyone!!!!

Carole- hey, thanks for the info on the sharkies. I think I'll try some. The gels kind of make me sick sometimes! I've been thinking of trying some Cytomax for fluid replacement. This is what Dean Karnaze(sp?) uses. He's the guy doing the 50 marathons in 50 days.
It comes in a pink lemonade flavor...my absolute favorite drink!

Jess- MM is my favorite all over body weight workout! It has such variety. So next weekend is the BIG 20!!! That's a great psychological milestone!

Hi there Katie- my fellow Az cheetah! Smart girl to stay indoor in the a/c with your treadmill! Good job on the 4 miles and keeping to your training!

Gayle- Fantastic to hear from you!!!! We will all be more than happy to keep you motivated on your 9 wk mini challenge.

Wendy- Glad to hear you got treatment from the Dr.s Ben and Jerry!
Your PT job at the gym sounds perfect!!! You'll probably be able to mix with trainers and get all sorts of great tips also!

Christine- Grat job on your 8 miles. When is this SF GTG anyway?
Are you meeting for a race?

Okay, enough babbling. Got to go work these legs!

Shelly -- that's a great time for a treadmill run for 7 miles! Great job. My friend's DD had medulla blastoma, and is doing really well post treatment. But it's so scary to worry it could come back -- and also still dealing with the after effects of treatment....She is just a wonderful kid and the family is wonderful. Isn't your man-horse race coming up in September?

Christine -- good job on your good attitude on the run. You definitely can do a half and I know the feeling of being the kid who does not feel athletic and running now is just an amazing accomplishment. It's nice you can hold out for a job that's a better fit. It's a big commitment to get a new job, better to be safe than sorry. Can you explain how you do circuit max with a barbell? Do you use the barbell on the lunges to do bicep curls or the tricep extension or just skip the upper body work and make it an all-leg work out with a barbell?

Wendy-- the job sounds interesting. What do you think? Will it be "value-added" to your life -- as those corporate types (which I am not) love to say...The free gym membership sounds like a good deal. When my kids were under age 5, I went to a gym with a childcare and still have fond memories of the woman "Miss Annie" who ran the place. It was terrific and I got my 1 hour of sanity!

Cathy -- Circuit Max is an older workout. Something like 2 hi-lo routines, each with a weight workout afterwards, then 2 kickbox and then 2 step routines. The weight work like others have said isn't killer, but nice for me to do when I'm on the fence about whether to do cardio or light weights -- do them both...Cardio Kicks is on the same DVD and I enjoy that one, too. They are both on my "B" list of Cathe workouts: not my absolute faves, but I'm really glad I have them.

Onward...I'm making curried split pea soup from Vegan with a Vengeance for dinner. I'm trying to reset myself -- get out of the "i'm planning for a big event at my house mindset" and just get back to basics that make me feel like me....

I had a bad shopping experience last week--salespeople and friends (well-meaning) encouraging me to buy outfits for this family event that are just "NOT ME!!!" and I am now back in my own zone, with a new outfit that's me -- I got it for 30% off (which is totally me) and it isn't glitzy, but it's nice and I will feel good wearing it. The End. Funny how little things like that can get my karma-chakra-spirit-mojo all in an uproar!!

have a great day cheetahs!

:) :) :)
Good afternoon!

It was a busy morning here getting DS and DD off to school for the first day and way too quiet once everyone cleared out. I managed to get PLB done and then some cleaning. After I pick up DS I'm planning on getting on my elliptical but I feel pretty crappy still....congested and with a sore throat so we shall see.

Looks like everyone else had a fabulous day today with awesome workouts. It would take me forever to do personals so I'm going to skip those for now except to ask:

Wendy, If you take the gym job and your membership is free plus you get paid isn't this worth it?

Carole, Where did you get the Sharkies? I'm always on the lookout for something "better".
Elaine--hope you feel better soon. Great job doing PLB even though you felt under the weather. My kids don't go back to school until after Labor Day. Sounds like West Coasters have too quiet houses today!

Shelly - No, no race at this point, but there is a Half in San Francisco on the 5th http://www.ushalf.com/default.htm. We'd get to run the Golden Gate! There's also a 12k and a 5k for those who want to just relax... There's also the Big Sur Half October 29th. That's a half that runs through the town of Monterey. So if we WANT to do an event, we can... If ya'll feel comfortable, we could grab a few hotel rooms and split the cost.

So - Carole, Elaine, Amy... What do you think??? Should we just get together, or should we run?

Barb - thanks! It's amazing, isn't it that we can go from not being athletic at all to running that far? For CM, I skip the upperbody workout all together - no curls, overhead presses... and simply do the legs with a barbell or dumbbells - which ever makes more sense - I'm a little leery of front lunges with a heavy barbell on my back. I'm not that cooridinated! But it's a killer leg workout!
ELAINE!! Yep - I'm with ya - the house was WAY TO QUIET today!! I even took a brief nap it was that quiet! Hey - check out the two events we could do if we wanted for our GTG... they're listed above.
Hello Cheetahs:)

Cathy your so lucky to live close to Cathe and take her classes.

Wendy have fun with your class and garnin tonight. If I were you I would take the job maybe do only 1 to 2 times a week. I do 2 times a week now but use to do 3 to 4. I don't work in the babysitting but with the pre-k 3 and 4 years old. I just told them that I am cutting back. Really I just want free membership since My whole family does use the gym a lot.

Barb Have fun with GS or what ever you do.

Laurie good for you for taking a rest day. Wow 10 miles that is great:)

ShellyC I wish I can take naps but once the boys go back to school and college I will take a few afternoon naps in peace.

Natalie I am not sure if you are new to the cheetah if so just wanted to say a big "Welcome".

Carole those sharkie sounds good. Maybe I will try them. I never took anything with me but maybe I will:) How is your nephew? Forgive me I haven't read up on the last few days.

Jess I can't believe the kids are back to school already. This summer went to fast.

Katie I go through that too where somedays I could go forever. I wish I was like that all the time:)

Wow Christine another cheetah who kids are going back to school. Well I guess this job was not meant to be. It's nice of your husband not to push you.

Hello to Elaine, Marcia, Gayle, and everyone else:)

Today I did PUB premix down only. I also went and got my first manogram today, ouch. Well Im glad I got that over with. I took a rest day yesterday, and Saturday I did iClimb #5 40 minutes. Your right Carole he sure has you climbing up high}(
Wendy :: I think the job at the gym sounds great! Make a little cash and get a membership as a perk! Go for it!

Christine :: San Fran is a beautiful city…I’d like to get back someday, but none of the race dates mentioned will work for me this time around, so I suppose I’ll wait for that national cheetah GTG to happen! Running does make one physically and mentally tough, doesn’t it?…so often it’s situation of mind over matter…and it feels great when you can push yourself to new accomplishments. It would be a blast to run a half (or any distance) w/ you cheetahs.

Shelly :: your workouts make me tired just reading about them! :)

Barb :: thanks for the info on Circuit Max. The blog has me pumped up for the new DVDs…I think I’m actually going to preorder all of them. (Yes, I’m ready to order something AGAIN! I have a problem!) Glad you found an outfit you love.

Elaine :: hope you recover quickly from that bug you’ve got!

Barbara :: it is pretty cool to be able to pop in on her classes...it's too bad she doesn't teach any in the afternoon! Oh well, there is always my ever-expanding DVD collection! :)

Have a good night, everyone!
Katie...isn't that a great feeling when a run feels so good like that!!

Wendy...glad you are feeling better...:)...the p/t job sounds promising, and a Gym membership sounds really good!!

Laurie...give the sharkies a try, I think you might like them as your despription of gel sounds like mine! Also Hammergel is not sweet....www.hammergel.com I completely trashed a veneer crown one time opening a balance bar wrapper with my teeth! So yes be careful using those nice crowns...

Christine...8 miles is good! San Fran sounds fun for the GTG! We can run or shop or just visit...makes no difference to me..I am glad you figured things out for this job and let it pass. The right one will come up when it needs to. Hey we all love to enable but you are the one pushing thru the miles...you will do very well in this next half...:)

Shelly...I use Accelerade drink for long runs. But yesterday I did use just water with the sharkies for the last 6 miles and felt great! Way to go on the 7 mile interval run on the TM...

Elaine...Sorry you still feel crappy, hope it goes away soon. I got my sharkies here https://www.sportsbasement.com/jump.jsp?itemID=2787&itemType=CATEGORY&iMainCat=1659&iSubCat=2787 then I noticed they have some darn good prices on running shoes!!! But I don't need any right now...:)

Barbara...my nephew did really good last week sitting up. He has a bit of an infection in his lungs right now so that is putting things off a bit. $12,000 was raised for his expenses last weekend at a benefit Yard sale in one of our High Schools. I am always amazed they can get anything in that nasty mamogram machine with me...:)..so you liked iClimb #5...:)

I had a very fun Elliptical workout then weights and abs and Baron for Yoga this afternoon...
I registered the Girls for music lessons from Sept. to June this afternoon, $1 300.00!!...YIKES:eek: :eek: I guess it wouldn't have hurt so much if I'd paid with post dated cheques but if it was paid all at once I ended up with a 10% discount....I'm a sucker for a discount:) I shouldn't complain, it's money well spent and I love having music in the house. Elizabeth has done well with electric guitar and is going to learn to play the bass, lord knows I LOVE a good bass line:7

Did MowMax this afternoon, parts of it felt more like cutting hay though, gosh it's dry! I followed with a heavenly 45 minutes of yoga!

Hey all you west coast Cheetahs, I'm jealous, a GTG sounds fabulous, maybe I'll make like Forest Gump and run there to see ya all:+ :7

Elaine, sorry you're feeling so crummy, I've been thinking about you and your son's first day at high school, I hope it went well for him. Feel better soon :)

Take Care
hello everyone,

I am posting late today. I worked and then took my son to football practice then I worked out on my elliptical for 30min and rode my bike outdoors for another 20 minutes since I didnt get up this morning. this morning would have been a perfect morning to work out to,very cool here in ohio in the mornings lately,perfect running weather.

carole do those sharkies give you the extra pep that the gels do? I feel like I get more out of the endurolytes than I do with the gels.
Thats great that they raised that much money for john!

elaine hope you get to feeling better.

well off to take yet another shower!!!
talk with you ladies tomorrow!!!
Barb & Barbara my running partners name is Barbara. When she can't run with me I put a Saint Barbara medal on my shoe. We are both Catholic. I also have a Saint Sebestain Medal on my shoe too. He is the patron saint of athletes.

I can't wait to get to know all of you.

You would think that being an Elementary School Librarian is not a stressful job, but it is. I work in a Title One School (High Poverty) and the children and their parents (or lack of) can at times be demanding. Still I feel that God has called me to serve children of poverty.

Exercise, especially running is what gets me through.

Look forward to meeting all of you.

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