Hey there, cheetahs
Just finished a 3 mile run, the drills from KM, and abs & stretch from PH. Feel great! Am even enjoying the DOMS in my tris from CST yesterday. Yowzas! Tony got me good.
Sunny :: LOL with you about just going outside and running w/out a clue. I sorta did that, too, when I decided to run (see below for short novel) – was clodhoppin’ around in clunky cross-trainers for a bit…I need to go on leg attack, too…iTrains seem to be the one thing I have been able to resist. Who knows for how much longer. LOL
Wendy :: didja get your yoga DVD??…I am waiting on a few deliveries myself.

…Thanks for the info – I am somewhat relieved to hear that, and it does make sense. Yes, I am usually working in the lean rep range…hope you enjoyed tonight’s dinner with MIL.
Jess :: wow, that’s a late practice ~ glad you’re having fun with it.
Carole :: we missed you yesterday…sorry you were feeling down.
Shelly :: yes! This winter I seem to have developed an aversion to running out in the cold, and maybe even more so, the dark. It's great to be getting back out there - I've missed it. Enjoy your night off!
Gayle :: is that PC of yours behaving?….Honest to God, as soon as I got to your post about wanting to put your foot through your screen, my internet crapped out on me. Grr!
Jackie :: I know – it’s hard to believe it is already May. I’m glad for the running weather. Hmm, now you’ve got me intrigued about this Sharon person. LOL
Kristi :: glad you found that tick. My dad has Lyme disease, so our family has become pretty vigilant. Hope DD made out OK at the ENT.
Christine :: I rec’d BBC for my b’day from my parents, and my dad said delivery was pretty slow… I’m jealous of your purring cheetah!

…But I’ve got my own…Apparently, there is a black panther on the loose in South Jersey. No kidding.
Enjoyed hearing how everyone fell into running…For me, it was my uncle…It’s funny – I played sports throughout HS but *hated* running…When I was 21, my uncle in Germany was killed just a few weeks before I was scheduled to go visit him for the summer…it was a sudden death, and the whole family was devastated and in shock…my aunt (his wife) was in especially bad shape… It was just the two of us in the house, and I felt like I had to be strong for her…I’d sob myself to sleep at night and do my best to keep it together during the day…Every day, I’d escape on his bike and ride like hell for hours, until every muscle screamed, around the streets of my dad’s hometown…somehow it was therapeutic…At the end of the summer, when I came back home to the States, I felt like I still needed that outlet…but bike riding was not an option – I no longer had a bike at that time, and besides, biking the congested, pedestrian-unfriendly streets of South Jersey is a death wish itself…Strangely, something – some voice from somewhere -- just told me to start running…And so I did…in my cross-training sneakers. (DOH! LOL) It was my way of working through grief. Initially, it was just about trying to punish my body as hard as I could to match the pain I felt inside. Sounds odd, I guess, but it’s truly how I felt. My neighbor at the time noticed me running after awhile (she was a runner, too) and she basically signed me up for a local 5K…Later, it became about more than mental and physical health, it became about challenging myself to do better, conquer new distances, and beat previous times… Now I don’t race too often – when I started running again last winter, it was after a hiatus of about 5-6 years and 50 lbs. (!) So, primarily I run now for the health & weight loss benefits, the stress release, the endorphins, and simply the chance to enjoy the outdoors. Whoo, that was long-winded. Heck, I’m an English teacher. Sometimes it’s hard to be brief. LOL
OK, time to settle in for the night. TTY in the morning!