::: CHEETAHS ::: June 18 ~ Monday

Yep, now you know the truth!! LOL It's a nickname that started in Jr. high, a lovely friend gave it to me. And it got funnier as I was nursing my dd's. My dh used to say that they drank milk from the *jug*. ;-) I couldn't think of a clever name on another forum (it seems every other way to say Jess/ Jessica is taken), so I used it & it just *stuck*. So... there ya have it!

Oh, and I used to be a 40 DD+, so I've shrunk a lot to a 34 C/D cup!! ;-)

Ok, I'm off to do some of Butts & Guts, I've been wanting to do that workout lately!! :) That'll make a triple workout for me today, cardio this morning, legs this afternoon, and CST later!! ;-)
Can ya tell I'm feelin' good today?? :+
Hi, Shelly!

All of these nice welcomes! DEFINITELY takes the place of the welcome basket - except no wine:-( !!! LOL!

I just went to the website you posted. I like it! I think the prices are reasonable, too.

My husband isn't home too much because of his job. Between both of our strange schedules, we see each other "maybe" 3 full days a month. Sometimes (like tonight) he will be home when I get home from work. He knows my determination to keep fit, and likes it, so if it means he needs to run/walk with me he'll do it. I try to do the same with his John Wayne movies (yawn)! I agree with you......running is probably more comfortable being less well-endowed (never really knew anything different to compare to, though). Got to think of the positive, right? :)

4 hrs and 15 min until I leave work. Woo Hoo! I am really excited about tonight! I really like this forum. All of you are so nice. I work with a bunch of guys.......it's a nice change.
Hey cheetahs—

Sunny :: is everything set up for your class tomorrow? Enjoy your workout, if you can squeeze one in.

Wendy :: I don’t blame you – I have to go as I am *in* the ceremony. I don’t mind, though, because I really did enjoy this group of kids. They are, I think, the best class I’ve ever taught. I found myself getting a little choked up at practice the other day. What a dork. *lol* Some of the teachers are heading out for dinner after…WOO-HOO on the race sign-up!

Shelly :: the calf and the back are feeling OK today…you know how it is – sometimes an ache here and a pain there. Funny things is, I get tired working legs on the foam roller. *lol*…I am craving another massage, but it’s only been 3 weeks. Unfortunately, I gotta spread ‘em out….laughing so hard about DH not running even if he were on fire…

Carole :: Oooh, massage day! I’m so envious! ENJOY! :) (I know you will!)

Judy :: *lol* I enjoyed being outside, but the kids were wilting and complaining that it was too hot…then again, some of them had on long sleeves, pants, and hoodies! I don’t know what some of them were thinking…Sounds like a great run, and not slow by my standards!…Have fun kicking off the WO room project!

Christine :: sounds like a nice day yesterday… our last day is Wednesday, a half day.

Jackie :: hope things level off & calm down for you…you haven’t destroyed your computer in the meantime, have you? :) It’s tempting sometimes, isn’t it?

Heather :: I’m not a fan of the tanks, but I have a strong preference for Nike sports bras – but only a certain kind as some of them have too much “bounce.”

Hi Marcia, Gayle, and Jess!

OK, gonna grab a light snack of some sort, get showered, and head back to school for the ceremony.

Have a great night, everyone!
Cathy :)
Hi All!

All of these nice welcomes! DEFINITELY takes the place of the welcome basket - except no wine !!! LOL!

Shelly: My husband isn't home too much because of his job. Between both of our strange schedules, we see each other "maybe" 3 full days a month. Sometimes (like tonight) he will be home when I get home from work. He knows my determination to keep fit, and likes it, so if it means he needs to run/walk with me he'll do it. I try to do the same with his John Wayne movies (yawn)! I agree with you......running is probably more comfortable being less well-endowed (never really knew anything different to compare to, though). Got to think of the positive, right? I just went to the website you posted. I like it! I think the prices are reasonable, too.

4 hrs and 15 min until I leave work. Woo Hoo! I am really excited about tonight! I really like this forum. All of you are so nice. I work with a bunch of guys.......it's a nice change.


"Live Life Knowing Hindsight is 20/20"
Hey ladies. Quick question for those of you who have Barry's Boot Camp. Do any of you have worksheets or logs for those workouts??? Also, I have PLB on tap for tomorrow, but I'm wondering how Legs & Butt (or whatever it's called in BBC land, lol) compares to PLB, if at all?


shelly it was a 4 miler.

carole- I took today as a rest day since I will be running tomorrow morning with my SIL plus I ran yesterday. I am feeling much better but really for not pushing myself that fast in a year I wasnt as sore as I thought I would be.

they finished the basement today. yes it is exciting to see. thanks everyone and talk with you later!
just popped in late to announce where there is a will there is a way...i managed a spin class and 30 min. power squeeze, yea!

welcome Heather!! you will love it here in cheetahland:7

i will post personals in the a.m.

night, night:)
Hey Cheetahs.

Just poppin' in to say good night!

Hey, anyone ever try that PB2 stuff from Belle Plantation??? They talk about it every so often in O/D! It's supposed to be great! I ordered some and it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow! I'm very excited to try it considering how much I LOOOOVE peanut butter! I am hoping it's good as it will enable me to eat more of it!!!:9 }( :9 }(

I have my ISculpt Ballet on tap for nap time tomorrow finally and an early evening TM run at the gym. DH might come with me which is why I am doing it later in the day.

I was planning on going food shopping tomorrow as well but ended up at the foodstore for DH cause I was out and he was craving icecream...what is he, a friggin' pregnant woman!?!? LOL...So anyway, I wasn't going to waste the trip and ended up buying MOST of what I would buy on my weekly trips anyway. Nice to know I don't have to do that now!:)

So I finally found a local place that is going to transfer my P/T video onto DVD for me. I dropped it off there tonight and should be able to pick it up by the end of next week. Now I can relax and start working on the final draft of my essay questions. This will be over with soon! Oh thank goodness! :7 :7 :7 Then I just get to wait on pins and needles for 1-2 months until I get the results back! ACK!x(

Okay, I'm done babbling...gotta hit the bed now!

Be back in the morning!:+

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