Gloria - Glad you had a nice run this morning! The schools in our area seem to have a tremendous amount of testing and, IMHO, I think it cuts into the instructional time far, far too much. The kids here in NY have "Regents" and, besides the fact that the teachers have to "teach to the test" it seems like it takes almost two weeks out of every school year, on top of their mid-terms and finals. I recently was able to see what an average HS freshman had for homework/coursework and it was stuff that I had done in 7th grade

. This was in a private Catholic school so I'm not sure if that made any difference but I found it very disappointing.
Cathy - Awesome workout yesterday! I hope you enjoy your yoga tonight.
Kath - Glad you got your run in! Good for you for finally putting your foot down and leaving that hairdresser. I'm happy to hear that your hair has recuperated. Poor DD...those mock interviews would be tough for her in her current condition.
Shelly - Wow, busy bee! I hope you are able to put a sizeable dent in your to do list...I failed miserably at mine today lol! Aw, come on, are you saying that's not some twisted Shelly-type workout that you wouldn't have come up with yourself

? Heehee, it actually equated to about a 10 miler

Wendy - WTG with BBC! I should take your lead and try those...I'm not sure why I'm dragging my feet so much with those *shrugs*. I hope Charlie Brown did the trick for DS

. I hope you get some good zzzzz's soon, you do sound a bit tired.
Carole - You have such a big heart!!!! What a truly wonderful and generous thing you did for your friend's mom. I'm so sorry to hear of yet more bad news surrounding you and those you care about. IA about the Big C being everywhere. One of our clients was recently (Sept) diagnosed with ovarian cancer, has had surgery, is going through her second round of chemo and it still doesn't look good. She still comes out every weekend and rides her very lovely horse who loves her dearly. It's been a very rough winter ;(. Regarding my injury...had a very large horse rear and flip over on top of me at a horse show (not showing that day, just getting him in the ring to let him see the sights). I was actually on my feet before the EMT's got to me, I just couldn't straighten up lol! The vertebra burst into six nice little pieces...nice, huh? Regarding our
jack@$$...we hate him more than you can know, probably because he's hurt each of us pretty good at one time or another. He trampled me about two years ago and broke two ribs, he's knocked his owner unconcious when he flipped over on her, etc. Wonderful animal.
Jackie - Oooh, enjoy those two hours of pure heaven...I'm so jealous, aaaaah! I hope you got some good zzzzz's. It seems like there are a bunch of us that could use some catching up in that department. Oh, fun workout for you today! Adding pull ups in after HIS C&!
Christine - I am so jealous of you right now! What an absolutely gorgeous race!!!! Congrats on your awesome finish! How inspiring that that 95 year old gentleman was able to accomplish that! You do have me thinking about maybe joining you for that one next year...maybe, just maybe? OMG, too funny about Paul and Joanne. LMAO at the mule comment!
Lorie - LMAO about the pet psychic...couldn't hurt as we do know that he has neurologic issues from time to time but I'm almost beginning to think that he uses that as an excuse to be bad. Wow, you're really getting some kick arse workouts in!
Linda - Wow, you have been logging some serious miles...wtg! Sorry they weren't your best runs, but at least you got something in, right? Nah, I have a cast iron stomach and I'm pretty drug resistant in most cases...except when the pharmacy overdoses me *rolls eyes*.
Judy - I hope you had a good time golfing this weekend. I was hoping to get to the driving range today but it's been pouring since daybreak. See post to Carole ^^^^ regarding my injury. I will say that losing all the weight and getting fit three years ago has made a tremendous difference with regards to any lingering pain.
HI Posh and Sunny!!! I hope you're both well and not *too* busy lol

WOW, sorry for the novel guys! I promise I'll shut up now

. I want to get to bed early tonight anyway as I know it's going to be another tough work week and don't want to start it already behind i the sleep department. Hasta manana chicas!