Morning, cheetahs!
Thanks for the responses about the insomnia. It has started to take a toll, and I may drop to lurkdom temporarily or post a little sporadically until I can get a handle on responsibilities. Yesterday afternoon I was dragging so badly, I didn't run. Gotta break this terrible cycle. It's NOT workin' for me. Anyway, just wanted to give you all a heads up.
Gloria --- I hear you on the expenses. Last summer, on a lark, I started a spreadsheet to keep track of all the cash I funnel back into the system. Before school even started, I was up to $2,000. No kidding. Between National Board fees and the support class costs, books for the classroom library, professional books, a few new posters, office supplies—you know the drill--it seriously adds up, more than I'd realized. I meant to keep a tally going throughout the school year, but things became crazy-busy with NB work that I let it go. It has to be well over $3,000 at this point…I love to be outside, too. Yesterday I brought my students outside to deliver their poetry recitations under a shady tree. Ahhh! We were all enjoying the moment, and then wouldn’t you know-- the maintenance guys fired up their industrial-sized lawnmowers and “killed” it! *lol* …Yes, definitely charge for your tutoring services! The usual going rate around me is $45/hour. In my former district, it was $30-35. Enjoy your time out in the fresh air with the kids today.
WT --- IA with your comments about the education field. People on these boards are extremely supportive, but IRL I hear grief from people in my own family. I’m sick of it, frankly.
Sunny --- fantastic to hear that you were trainer to the winner…congrats! Let us know your thoughts on JS.
Kath --- oh yeah, your MIL sure sounds like a piece of work… “Demanded” that he fix her hopper??? *lol*…I get massages once a month and do sleep like a baby after. Wish I could go more often!
Judy --- sending lots of good luck vibes to DD.
Wendy --- sorry about your day…I think you are fine with a short run tonight.
Christine --- I don’t reach for GS Legs all that often, either… ya know, it’s not falling asleep initially that’s the problem. It’s that I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep.
Carole --- Awesome that you’re booked!!!! Yipppeeeeee! :7 :7 :7 Looks like some cool swag for that 5K!…IA about the massage—my MT always find knots I’m never aware of. It’s been a long time since I’ve done any speedwork, either. I still need to drop a few more lbs…how many hill repeats did you do in that 4 miles?
Dallas --- I did—thank you. With the exception of last Sunday’s long run (during which I had chafing problems), things are going well, but the heel lift is still on backorder. I don’t visit the chiro for another two weeks, so I may call and see if I can pick it up before then if it comes in.
Jackie --- I’ve never tried counting before…have to stop my mind from’s the house coming along?
POSH!!! --- it’s always great to see you check in. Glad the running’s going well during all the busy-ness.
Have a great day, everyone!
[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Thanks for the responses about the insomnia. It has started to take a toll, and I may drop to lurkdom temporarily or post a little sporadically until I can get a handle on responsibilities. Yesterday afternoon I was dragging so badly, I didn't run. Gotta break this terrible cycle. It's NOT workin' for me. Anyway, just wanted to give you all a heads up.
Gloria --- I hear you on the expenses. Last summer, on a lark, I started a spreadsheet to keep track of all the cash I funnel back into the system. Before school even started, I was up to $2,000. No kidding. Between National Board fees and the support class costs, books for the classroom library, professional books, a few new posters, office supplies—you know the drill--it seriously adds up, more than I'd realized. I meant to keep a tally going throughout the school year, but things became crazy-busy with NB work that I let it go. It has to be well over $3,000 at this point…I love to be outside, too. Yesterday I brought my students outside to deliver their poetry recitations under a shady tree. Ahhh! We were all enjoying the moment, and then wouldn’t you know-- the maintenance guys fired up their industrial-sized lawnmowers and “killed” it! *lol* …Yes, definitely charge for your tutoring services! The usual going rate around me is $45/hour. In my former district, it was $30-35. Enjoy your time out in the fresh air with the kids today.
WT --- IA with your comments about the education field. People on these boards are extremely supportive, but IRL I hear grief from people in my own family. I’m sick of it, frankly.
Sunny --- fantastic to hear that you were trainer to the winner…congrats! Let us know your thoughts on JS.
Kath --- oh yeah, your MIL sure sounds like a piece of work… “Demanded” that he fix her hopper??? *lol*…I get massages once a month and do sleep like a baby after. Wish I could go more often!
Judy --- sending lots of good luck vibes to DD.
Wendy --- sorry about your day…I think you are fine with a short run tonight.
Christine --- I don’t reach for GS Legs all that often, either… ya know, it’s not falling asleep initially that’s the problem. It’s that I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep.
Carole --- Awesome that you’re booked!!!! Yipppeeeeee! :7 :7 :7 Looks like some cool swag for that 5K!…IA about the massage—my MT always find knots I’m never aware of. It’s been a long time since I’ve done any speedwork, either. I still need to drop a few more lbs…how many hill repeats did you do in that 4 miles?
Dallas --- I did—thank you. With the exception of last Sunday’s long run (during which I had chafing problems), things are going well, but the heel lift is still on backorder. I don’t visit the chiro for another two weeks, so I may call and see if I can pick it up before then if it comes in.
Jackie --- I’ve never tried counting before…have to stop my mind from’s the house coming along?
POSH!!! --- it’s always great to see you check in. Glad the running’s going well during all the busy-ness.
Have a great day, everyone!
[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run