::: CHEETAHS ::: Hump Day


Good morning, cheetahs! :) :) :)

Graduation went well. We had perfect weather, and I didn't wipe out during the procession even though my heels kept getting caught in the field. :7 *lol* Today the kids are getting their yearbooks, so they'll be pumped.

Gloria...glad you kicked off those crabby pants...I didn't encounter many parents like that at my old school, either. I remember being told by one parent that she didn't want any phone calls b/c he was my problem from 8 to 3 every day. (!) Now it is a different story. I do still have some parents like that, but they are in the minority. Most of the parents are wonderful, involved and supportive, but the helicoptering seems to be a trend on the rise. Good job getting on that TM because of the rain. I'm glad you are off to a good start with your new principal. You must have an excellent reputation at your school.

Christine...sounds like a fun night--well, except the brawling part. That would freak me out a little. I don't understand it, either. But I guess beer and sports brings out the hooligan in some guys. Glad you were safely removed from that scene. Boston does sound like a cool city. Would like to visit someday.

Carole...I'm not sure, but I think Rudy killed Dex's bio dad to start him down the path of unlocking his past (since he inherited the house then), particularly to get him see that Harry was not all he was cracked up to be. But I think I need to watch that episode again. :) *lol* about your co-worker's advice. Sounds familiar.

OK, that catches me up once again.

I need to get my classroom done today, so I may be working late. Am aiming for TT-A, but I'll be playing things loosely.

Enjoy your day, everyone!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Morning Girls :) :) :)

Cathy: I'm going to get confused if you and Carole start talking about Dexter characters-- I'll be thinking it's a real person :7

Carole: TOO funny what you co-worker said

Christine: Sounds like a fun time. But scarey too. Glad you got out there before things got out of hand.

Dallas: I'm thinking of you and your family. I did email you.

Today is a HIIT --some circuit workout and abs of course. I do believe I have chest on tap today :)

It's raining right now so looks like I planned yesterday's run right.

Need a refill
Should be on and off today need to get things cleaned and together for grad party next week.

BRB :) :)

Oh and thank you for all the advice on DH's injury. I did buy him some superfeet and explained to him what he needs to do--he rolled his eyes LOL.
Good morning lovely cheetahs! Today I'll be working with actual patients (yay). This will be my only day shift and I start on nights this Sat. I ended up doing B&G yest afternoon rather then LL.
I'll be taking today as my rest day for the week---difficult to fit in on a 12 hr workday anyway.

Wendi- That was a great time on your long run yest. despite those hills!! WTG

Judy- FINALLY I actually work with patients today! Hope the golf went well for you yesterday.

Marsha- Welcome back! I remember how incredibly busy you always are with your 5 or 6 jobs! Glad to hear things have slowed down a tad for ya.

Carole- Did you survive the pyramid leg work AND core syn? How are the legs feeling today?

Lorie- IA- you needed that extra sleep more then the swim. It seems like you're alot more relaxed and happy lately!!

Jackie- I'm waiting til I have the extra time (and an empty fitness center) before I try out some of the new equipment. That was quite a workout you got in yest. despite lack of sleep!!

Sunny- Well, I always have believed that the body responds best when you switch things up now and then which you certainly have been doing. I think it's wonderful that you and your DH will be working out together (I'm quite jealous too... which I could get my DH into it)

Dallas- if you are lurking today and reading.... BIG hugs to ya sweetie.. I sent a message to you
thru the Yahoo group.

Gloria- I'm pretty much doing the same thing I always do at this job... taking care of critical patients. I'm working at a general Med/Surg ICU. The surroudings are vastly different tho.
I've worked at large hospitals before... this one is actually more moderate sized. I'm impressed you were able to get in a 5 mile run after work!! Your new principal sounds inspiring!!! Great news for you.

Christine- WOW, what an experience you had!!! Not sure I could have appreciated it like you did...especially the rioting part!! Hope you get in your run today and have a good time.

Cathy- Congrats on getting thru the ceremony without tripping over your feet!!! I remember how special the yearbook day was. Hope you catch up with everything.

Kath- LOL about your DH rolling his eyes! He can roll them as much as he likes if he follows your advice! Have a great circuit workout and hit those pecs!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Cathy: He is italian and stubborn :) I did say to him this morning--"if you want this to get better, you need to follow through" I think he thinks he is still 25 and can just go out and run. Sadly-- he isn't :9 and I'm sure he will find out on his own.

Shelly: How many 12 hours do you put in a row?
Good morning everyone - beautiful day here in Minnesota. I hope we are done with rain for a while. :)

Kathy - Great signature quote, I love it!!!

ShellyC - WOW, great memory! I still have all the jobs, but manage them much better. ;-)

Cathy - Good morning! Are you off for the summer or does your school go all year around?

I hope I didn't miss anyone (still trying to read and catch up with all of you ;-) )

Today, DS has a baseball game, my boss is taking us out for lunch this week because it's his last week before he reires 'again'. My workout will be Turbo Kick after all this running around and some core work, probably Tracy Staele's new core DVD, love that one!!

Take care all,
Good morning ladies!

Once again, my apologies for a fly-by. There just aren't enough hours in the day lately x(. I did Viper this morning instead of the kickbox mish mosh I had planned today. I tweaked my knee a little at the driving range last night so I needed to go easy(er) on it.

*If* I don't have plans with DSO tonight I should be able to catch up tonight. Have a fantabulous hump day everyone!
Mornin' Loverlies. :)

So y'day I did half of Interval X+ at nap time and then went to the gym after dinner and ran hills for 20 mins. I am still struggling with the speed so instead of aggravating myself with that, I found the fastest speed I could run pretty comfortably and then played with the inclines for the remainder of the run. I felt accomplished for running the hills when I was done instead of aggravated that I couldn't run fast so that's good. :)

I still have some pretty fierce DOMS in my lats from my work out the other day!}( Today will be one of my new SWAT work outs. I previewed them y'day and they look pretty good. One is a circuit and one is weights. I am leaning towards doing the circuit today but we'll see what happens. ;)

Shelley: Thanks re the fat loss. Hope you have a good first day with the patients!

Wendi: Nice run y'day. Hope you have a nicer week at work with the boss gone.

Judy: Sorry about the PF flaring up. Hope you can nip it in the butt quickly.

Marcia: Welcome back my friend!

Carole: I hope you enjoy X+. Which rotation will you be doing?

Lorie: So how did your day go y'day? Did you feel the need to sneak in a nap?

Jackie: Congrats on the arm definition. Isn't it great when muscles pop!? :) Sorry about your bad night's sleep the other night. Glad you felt better after your work out. Did you hit the hay early last night to make up for it?]

Sunny: You are kickin' some serious arse with the fat loss! Good job girl! Enjoy your work out time with DH. He works in the fitness industry too, doesn't he?

Gloria: Sorry about the bad mood y'day. I am no stranger to that. I deal with it often. Glad you were able to get over it quickly though. I am not that lucky most times. My probem with early morning work outs is my need for quiet, forum, coffee time in the morning along with breakfast before being able to work out. By the time I get that in and then allow for a little digestion time, it can take entirely too long for me to get my work out started! LOL

Christine: Sounds like you are certainly having a blast on this trip. So let me ask you...when do you actually start WORKING!? :p The whole drunken brawl/riot thing is insane. I don't get it either. People are just plain nuts and get waaaaay out of hand over professional sports IMO. Ofcourse, I am on the opposite end of the extreme where I hate watching ANY kind of professional sporting event.

Cathy: Hope you can get your classroom packed up in good time today so you have the time and energy for your TT work out!

Kath: Enjoy HIIT and chest today. Hope your DH does what he is supposed to do so that his injury heals. Men can be such babies! LOL

Well that catches me up for now!:)

I have to work this morning so I'll be back later on!
Good Morning Cheetahs –

Dallas – I’m so sorry to hear about your MIL. She and your DH, you and the rest of the family will be in my prayers.

Cathy – Glad you had perfect weather for graduation and you didn’t wipe out! :p It was a fun night. Fortunately, we got out before the brawling. Happy last day of school for you!! Another summer, eh? Enjoy it!

Kath – It was fun – it got to watch the brawling on tv from the safety of my hotel room. Glad the Cheetahs were able to help with DH! Enjoy your HIIT and circuit and abs today!

Shelly – Oh, how is this new job going? I’m so hoping you enjoy this experience. Great news that you get to work with actual patients. I know that’s what you love to do. Have a great day today! We high-tailed it out of the area, so we saw the riot police, but did not see any violence – just a bunch of idiot drunks, which I can handle. ;p

Marcia – GOOD TO SEE YOU!! Enjoy your workout and your lunch out!

Wendi – Enjoy your day! Sounds like a great workout. Sorry you tweaked your knee. I hope it feels better sweetie!

Wendy – Good job on getting around the treadmill problem!!! I do hope it goes away soon. Enjoy SWAT! Oh I worked all day yesterday! I’m done! Gotta love business trips with one day of work and 3 days of fun! :p Now if only those pesky customers wouldn’t bother me. :p I am not a basketball fan, but I do appreciate sports. But you’re right, people take them way too seriously.

Well, I got to be the lady of leisure today and slept in until 7:30. It’s a gorgeous day, and I’m meeting my friend at 1:00. So I got a late checkout and my plan is a 5 mile run along Charles River, and if I have time, some weights in the gym. I doubt I’ll follow a set plan – more likely just play with the weights in a circuit kind of thing similar to the TT’s. We’ll see. I’m enjoying a nice room service omelet with egg beaters and stuffed with veggies (and coffee service in what looks like a giant egg – really weird), then I’ll get ready and meander out the door for my run around 9AM. Then it’s meet Sherry and depending on whether her DH can drive (he broke his ankle and the pins are coming out today –she’ll know more later), we’ll either have a great night in town or have a great night back at her place. Either way is fine with me. I have to pick up some Celtic fan stuff for people back home. Have a great day all!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...LOL about your heels getting stuck in the field...I hate that! Thanks re Dexter, I think you are right. I watched the episode with the horrific bloody hotel room last night where Dex gets sick (I had not seen that one). It is interesting watching this time as I know what happens...Hope you are able to get in TT-A if you can...:)

Kath...lol about Dexter being real!! The sad truth is sometimes you really don't know people you meet online...but the cheetahs I have met are great, and it is amazing how much we have in common. Enjoy your HIIT workout.

Shelly...so glad you get to see patients today! Good job with B&G. Core Syn was tough yesterday...but I liked it. Legs are not real sore and I thought they could be as the weight I used for Squats was 70#, 75#, 80#! Did I say I LOVE my squat rack...:D

Wendy..I was looking at the Classic rotation (didn't check for Doubles) and I will add running and 2 days of heavy legwork. So maybe a modified Classic?? Good job with IntervalX and hill running. Do you have a training plan for your 18 miler?

Gloria...sorry about the rain and missing your walk. Why is it DH's love to leave stuff all over?? I can completely understand you not going to your friends last night for the reasons you said. Many times when we go to a friends for dinner we take something we can eat and it seems to go well. Good job with 5 miles on the TM!

Christine...sounds like a lot of fun last night! Not really a basketball fan either but I would have loved being there last night!! Enjoy your day of leisure and the run! Hope you have fun meeting up with Sherry.

Hi to Marcia and Wendi

Today I am doing a run instead of the scheduled KenopX+, I will do that tomorrow. Running right now on Wed and Fri fits better into my schedule. I will try for an easy 4-5 miler.

Have a great day...:)
well, yesterday's workout did NOT happen. it was really strange. i sat down to put on my running shoes and must have turned my hip in a funny way because i kinda heard *something* and then it started to hurt so badly i couldn't even put any weight on it. i took some ibuprofen and it felt good enough that i could walk without any real pain, but the area is tender to the touch, so i must've done something. so, instead of "powering on" like i would usually do, i rested completely yesterday and am planning on doing nrolw and maybe some eoin today but no running, step, etc. i did mow the lawn this morning and it didn't hurt. now, it's more when i touch it. i also got out the foam roller and have been using that.

anyway...onwards with personals...

jackie-that is too funny about dbf and his leisurely stroll!!! ita! when i walk, i want to walk, not stop!

sunny-woo hoo on the bf% decrease! glad you sorted out the whole workout with dh thing.

wt-glad your graduation went well and you didn't trip!

carole-i am not sure bf *really* gets it, but i think he's trying.

gloria-go on and get that bathing suit, girl!!! glad you signed up for the yahoo group!

christine-glad you had fun last night. i can't believe there was brawling in the street! whoa, 0730 sleep in! that wouldn't be a "sleep in" for me! ;)

kath-have fun with hiit and chest!

shelly-yay for working with patients!!! i am feeling more relaxed and at-ease lately.

marcia-have fun with your workout today and your baseball game.

wendi-if you find some more hours in the day, would you let me borrow some?

wendy-nope, no nap needed. good work on the run. i really try hard not to focus on my speed but it's difficult.

anyway, i hope to get in nrolw today. going to work on that psychoeducational report from work first and hope to get a good chunk of that done.
Carole - I thought of you last night. I knew you would understand that while I'm not really a basketball fan, there is something special about being in a town poised to win the National Championship. I had such a great time! Enjoy your run today!

Lorie - hope the hip feels better today! I have a tough time sleeping past sunrise (which is 5AM here, how odd). But it felt so good. :p Enjoy your NROLW!

I had a fabulous run along the Charles River. I crossed over two bridges - one by MIT and one called Harvard Bridge. I feel so smart! :+ The bridge by MIT is a draw bridge and it was up, so I had to wait for it to go back down (didn't see anything crossing under, though). This is a must run if you ever get to Boston. Wow! Then I did some band pull ups and some push ups in my room. That was enough. Time for a shower, then to pack. The victory parade for the Celtics is tomorrow at 11AM - I'm hoping we get to see it! :p I fly out tomorrow on a 6PM flight. Enjoy all!
HI Cheetahs!

This needs to be quick.

Lorie- That is weird about your hip. But I think mowing the lawn successfully is a good sign. :) I hope you get in NROL4W today too!

Carole- have a nice 'easy' run today :)

Kath- What are you doing for HIIT today? (sorry if I missed it)

HI Marcia!!!!!

Shelly- are you a night owl at work by choice? I hope you like the new environment as much as the apartment! :)

Cathy- Congrats on getting through 'grad night' with the kids!

Today was HIIT: Imax2 blast only on the BOSU (such a great HIIT!) and NROL4W 3B. I used the BOSU for the side lying crunches and some how it really works my sides more intensely. Today my weights went up for both rows and wide grip lat pull downs. I am still afraid to have 'real-big-girl-pull-ups' in the rotation though!

Christine- It seems Bostonians are passionate about their sports victories!! Have fun today :) I have run along the Charles river also, and enjoyed it! did you know there is a Baron Baptise Yoga studio not too far from the Fairmont Copley Hotel? Well maybe on your next Boston visit....

HI to all I have missed I really gotta shower and get going with my day, TTFN friends :7

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

Good morning Cheetahs!

Sunny - How nice that you and DH will become workout buddies! Sounds like a good rotation for you both. Congratulations on the BF loss!

Carole - Have to agree that most of my family and friends don't get my cyber friend connection either. But, they're not the ones trying to make fitness an important part of their life. Don't know if I could go X+ for 90 days. Maybe the 4th week is meant to break up that monotony. Have a good run!

Gloria - Glad you got rid of the crabbies. LOL!! Good job on getting the 5 miles in. Sounds like you have yourself an awesome principal.

Christine - Glad you had fun cheering for the champs last night. I know it had to be quite an experience to be a part of it. Glad you were safe. Sounds like a fun run today.

Cathy - Yay for the class of 2008. Glad everything went well. My GD graduated 8th grade but the school decided not to have a graduation ceremony. They had an awards ceremony instead.

Kath - Have a good workout! Funny about DH rolling his eyes. LOL!

Shelly - Hope you have a good day at work. Can't wait to hear how it went. So, do you prefer nights? I can't remember if you said before. Enjoy your rest day.

Marcia - Enjoy lunch with the boss. Is a new one ready to take his place?

Wendi - Glad you're able to just say hi. Hope the knee is ok.

Wendy - Good job finding something that works for you on the treadmill. So, you're fine running outside? Looking forward to your review of SWAT. I went to bed at my normal time last night because I wasn' sleepy. Then, it took me longer to fall asleep than usual. Must be those hormones acting up. x(

Lorie - OUCH on the hip! Hope it's nothing serious and you'll be back running. Good luck with the workout and the report.

Judy - Good job on the workout today!

I did Total Body+ and added some squats, plies and leg presses. Think all of the push ups and pull ups are bothering my shoulder. Glad I'm getting a break from them tomorrow.

Happy Hump Day!

Hello everyone!

Cathy: I am known at school for my classroom management and calm nature. I don't know if it is excellent, but so sweet of you to say. :) Except for the fifth grade team, I try and keep to myself and do not create drama. I have had a few parents like the one you were talking about (he's your responsibility). I cannot understand that thinking. Oh well, we have to deal with what we've got, right? Glad to hear you didn't fall down during the procession and that the weather was great! So is the classroom packed? I can imagine how excited they are to get the yearbooks. Did you give them time to exchange and do autographs? I am so happy you will have some free time! How intensive is the committee work?

Shelly: Thanks for filling me in about your new job. Is this the department you like best? I admire nurses. No wonder there is a shortage! My friend is an LPN and will be getting her RN this fall. She is very passionate about it. She would eventually like to work in surgery. Well, I only work three hours a day, so it wasn't so amazing that I ran afterwards, but thanks! :)

Marcia: I live in Michigan so we are sorta neighbors! We are having lots of rain too. Should clear up tomorrow. Hope your workout was nice!

Wendy: Great hill work! I am with you on the quiet time in the morning. That is why I get up so early. I like to have an hour before I work out to have coffee, watch news and get on the forums/email. I don't usually eat until afterwards. I had to LOL at what you said to Kath about men being babies! :)

Christine: That is wild about the riots! I bet it was cool to be in the "winning city." I hope you are having a nice time with your friend. Sounds like a great trip! :)

Carole: So your DH is a culprit too! LOL! We can't even eat at the kitchen table because it is completely covered with his feathers, hooks, etc. for fly tying. I am glad I made the choice to stay home, DH stayed late. That is a good idea about taking food. I know my friends would not mind. Hope you had a nice run today!

Lorie: That is unusual about the hip. Isn't wierd when you all the sudden get a pain out of nowhere? That drives me batty! Good idea for the yoga and rest!

Jackie: Yes, I do think she will do a good job for our school! You get in some great workouts!

Hello to Kath, Wendi, and Judy!

We walked this morning. My quads are sore from my 5 miler yesterday since I haven't ran that distance in a while. I'll just do the walk today I think and tackle something else tomorrow afternoon. We are at least walking really fast. I am going to get back into serious training gradually so I don't get hurt. I ended up cancelling my doctor's appointment yesterday (remember the side thing) since it is feeling a lot better and seems to be pretty much healed. I took my car into the shop to get fixed and am just waiting to find out the damage. I hope it doesn't burn up everything I am earning from summer school! Have a great evening ladies!

I'm back.

I just finished the SWAT Extreme weight loss & fat burning work out and I can honestly say that I truly enjoyed it! It's comprised of several different moves like jumping jacks, high knees, football drills, mountain climbers, burpees, push ups, squats, lunges, and various upper body moves. It's divided into 3 rounds and works the body well. He doesn't use weights for the lower body exercises but I opted to. I used a set of 10# DB's for the entire program and feel I got a good w/o. I could increase the weight for the lower body movements if I wanted to but I don't see the need to go any heavier with a circuit work out like this. He separates all of the movements with short spurts of marching to lower the heart rate before moving on to the next exercise. I was fine with that but if you wanted to increase the intensity you could always sub in another higher intensity cardio move. I also did the 6 min ab section and enjoyed it. The warm up, work out, abs and cool down are all separate chapters which is nice as well.

Okay well DH is being a pain in the tuchus over here :p so I gotta jet for now but I'll be back later for personals!

Wendy: That workout sounds fun! How long is it? Fabulous you feel good and worked! :)

Good news about my car! I called the shop just to add an oil change to the mix and they had already looked at it. All I need is a new radiator cap. Yipee! I will hitch a ride with my former principal to summer school and DH will take me to pick it up tomorrow! His shop is well within walking distance of the school, just a few blocks. I will have to hang out there a little bit and wait till he isn't busy. I am so happy! The weather is FINALLY turning too! I have got to go and write down what we are doing for summer school tomorrow. Talk to you later!
Shelly...how was your first day back with the patients?

Kath...*lol* Stubbornness is exactly what got me in that spot! Thought I could run through anything. Duh.

Marcia...watch your mouth there, lady! :eek: ;) :7 Year-round school?!? Heck no! We return to school after Labor Day. Glad to hear you are managing your jobs well. Don't know how you do it!

Wendy...hmm, trying to get a feel for your SWAT review. Sounds like you liked it but are not quite raving, or...?

Christine...almost the last day of school...tomorrow is it. The year really flew. Glad to hear the work is outta the way, and now you can just enjoy. Not a huge basketball fan, either, but I do think it's exciting to catch a game live. Great run! Hope you get to see the parade tomorrow.

Carole...yes, it made for some awkward walking. I had on peeptoe slingbacks, and the slingbacks were coming off! :7 Gotta take a pic of the t-shirt I'm wearing today--you'll appreciate this one. Hope you had a good run.

WT...yikes! Sorry about the hip weirdness. I hope it's nothing.

Jackie...personally, I don't think an 8th grade grad ceremony is needed, either. I think an award ceremony would be appropriate.

Gloria...Hey, you're being modest. I know when you tapped for positions like that, it says something! :) Yes, we do have to work with the unique needs and demands of our populations...I will take a little break from thinking about school before I get to those professional readings...My classroom is packed except for one last stack of filing I need to take care of. The kids did sign books all day long and will have some more time tomorrow...I'm glad your side is OK and the car damage was minimal. The gods are smiling upon you. :) ETA: Forgot to answer the ? about committee work. Part of what we are doing involves examining the curriculum using special software. That is kind of intense and tedious, yeah. The rest of the time we are writing curriculum/units, which I enjoy.

Hey Wendi & Judy! Hope you both had a great day.

I did work late and really hustled to get that room shut down. On the way home, I was detoured b/c of an accident, so it took even longer. Hate when that happens. Where I work (out in no man's land :)), road closures are common, and I don't know the area well. Even my Garmin didn't want to cooperate and took forever searching for satellites, sheesh. :7 It was a serenity now commute, for sure. :7 Anyway, I am a bit tired, so I will just put in 20 min. on the EXT again.

Have a great night!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Cathy: Tis the last day of school tomorrow. I hope you don't have a melt down like I did when I finally realized I was done with those kids. Honestly, I had never felt that way on the last day of school, even after my first year! I usually celebrate with CABS! I have one of mine in summer school. She was always one to corner me and tell me about her life. Her dad is an alcoholic and in and out of jail, fathering another child, doesn't pay child support, etc. and her mom is working at K-mart. She was absent today. She lives within walking distance of the school. WTH! She has looked terrible this week. Huge bags under her eyes and such. She does well when I give her a little trouble. She just doesn't have any support at home. I hope she is there tomorrow. I feel she is one who will fall through the cracks and end up pregnant or something. She is a good girl. I wish I could take her home and take care of her. She actually asked to stay after school with me and get tutoring this year. I guess I just missed her today because I don't know the other kids. I am actually turned on to new things right now, which is great, since I have been feeling flat lately. The week off I had was good for me. That is so nice you gave the kids time to sign the yearbooks. You have to cut them a break sometimes I think. I have blabbed to you enough. I have to go and check some math papers from summer school. Take care!

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