Hi Girls!
Nope, I never got to MM. That's ok, I did get a lot done workout wise and otherwise y-day. DS did indeed have pink eye. He also has a little something going on in his lung. It didn't surprise me because those two things seem to go hand in hand with us. Anyway, he's back on Pulmicort and Xoponex. Hopefully, will get it so antibiotics are not necessary. Today, I did the EXT and GS-BSB. I'll save MM for later in the week. I hope to add some abs and an extended stretch later. We're expecting snow, so when DH gets home I'll run my errands early.
Shelly ~ I was *lol* a few times y-day when I thought of erroneous post to you about the Gravity class.
Good luck with your shopping. At least, there's some great deals out there.
Linda ~ I think 5k's scare me.
I'm slow too. So, you're not 100% sold on the Wave? It looked neat though on the informercial, however I can easily get pulled into those things.
Fun about the winter series! Good way to keep ya running! You know, I have CC#7, but don't think I've ever done it. I still have to order #8.
Christine ~ No, no MM for me. See above. Glad you're all rested up.
I'm sure you'll get your "to do" list all done now!
Carole ~ I'd love to know when I can run again. The MT asked me y-day. Maybe I'll wait until next week. I can feel it a bit today, but I always do after she works on it. Yeah, I thought he was a look-a-like too, but there's not a doubt it was him!
IA, I think he is guilty too. I think Caylee's mom is too! So, so sad!
I laughed when I read about your ice eyelashes. I forgot to comment about them.
Hi Wendi ~ Have a great day at work.
Judy ~ Yep, about the pink eye. Oh well. It's inevitable. At least one of my kids gets it per year. IA that spin bike really can work you hard! I have a love/hate relationship with it.
IA hugs are definitely needed in the den.
Wendy ~ Nope, he's as free as OJ...well, OJ's not anymore! Sending healing {{{VIBES}}}. Well, I like lower body work, but , once again, I'll put KB's on the back burner. I'm doing pilates w/the band and some lighter leg work for now. Thanks for responding.
Cathy ~ It was a private event at Nordstrom's...it was nice. The had live entertainment...ppl were singing and drinking and charging (credit card)! LOL Smart move on Nordstrom's part. Waiters were walking around with appetizers and cocktails! ha ha
Oh dear, please drive carefully. When do you leave? Good luck with all that work!
Jackie ~ Thanks, the hips is feeling better. The chiro asked me if I completely rested it or modified...LOL. He said he would have done the same thing. I like him!!! I'm sure to listen to my body and not push too much! Did you do both the pilates and yoga? How are the legs feeling today?
Brighton ~ (((HUGS))) and prayers. She's so young!
Gloria ~ His wife went missing, some time ago. You'll have to google to get the full report. Sad story.
I think he's guilty though. Glad you got the extra rest. There's so much going around.
I think I'm caught up. Have a great day.