Christine..our skies are clearer today too. I was sad hearing about the Big Sur one too...beautiful area. Hope they get it under control soon. Sorry about the sore throat and fever! Glad the back is better though. Sounds like a busy day, maybe get some Airborne...

..Or, if you know anyone that sells Young Living essential Oil's, I use their Thieves oil for my immune system, one drop in my coffee every morning and it has helped tremendously.
Gloria...working through that calf pain can really help! Refrigerator cleaning can be not fun at all...good luck.
Cathy...Glad to hear "Word" isn't freezing so maybe your ISP? Not sure where the Bomber is today but I am sure it is out there. The skies seem clearer. Thank you so much for the continued prayers for John and his family. Way to go working those legs hard!!
Jackie...The Bomber is just huge and I am sure it is helping so much here. I am not using the perfect push ups for X+ but I am using regular push-up bars. IMO I would stay away from Norton or McAfee as in Anti-Virus as they are resource hogs and can bog down your PC. Avg is a very good free alternative: I was happy about the dentist!! You are so right about yard work, it is never ending. great cardio workout and then yoga today!
Wendy...sounds like a good TM workout today. I just did squats and calf raises, but upped the weight on squats!! I forgot too I still have to do Abs/core later! Way gross about your dog...x(
I did get some leaf raking done. And tidied up the PC room, seemed to have a bunch of DH's clothes laying around. They are stuffed in the closet now....