::: CHEETAHS ::: Friday, what's not to love?


Good morning, cheetahs :) :) :) and happy Friday...


I'll be doing my workout in the afternoon today, so I can do my HIIT outdoors. (It's still dark out now.) It'll be TT Day B with an added superset for triceps.

Julie, er, I mean, Dallas ;) :7 :: Skeletor is my nickname for Jari. :) Love your Bingham siggy...Just a thought, but it might be good to massage your leg proactively, so you don't develop any trigger points...yikes! Sorry about the bats.

Gloria :: Thanks! I have been sleeping like a brick these days. We begin grad practice today, which is about as exciting as watching paint dry. :) What's on the agenda for today? Can't wait to join you in lovin' summer life! :7

Wendy :: let me introduce you to my friend Don. He'll snap you outta that mood right-quick. ;) *ha* Anyway, buck up, little camper...today's a new day. :7

Hope it's a great one for everyone!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Good morning Cathy and all of Cheetahville!

Yesterday was CRAZY busy and today is just going to be a very loooooong one so I don't have time for personals right now. I do want to thank each and every one of you for the well wishes regarding my first baby step into finding my niche. While I can't wait to finally get out of what I'm doing (and I know that I HAVE to get out) I'm absolutely terrrified of leaving the only thing that I know how to do and the somewhat secure paycheck. I am downright scared!!!! I know it's not going to be an immediate change but that doesn't really make it any easier, you know?

Okay, must stop blathering on. I'm trying to decide if I should workout this morning. Friday's are always rest days because of bowling Thursday night but I feel like I shouldn't waste this absolutely gorgeous morning. I'm gonna go refill the java and then, maybe, head out for a short, easy run...maybe 4ish miles???

Okay, shutting up now. I might be back after my run if I have time. Happy Friday everyone!
Morning Girls :) YAY IT's Friday :) :)

Cathy: I so loved the picture you posted yesterday about teachers on the road. I get very angry when I hear people complain about teachers and how *easy* they have it. And I love the koolaid guy :) DD has her senior picnic today at a beach. It's suppose to be warm but threatening storms --YIKES! Hope they hold off for them. Enjoy your evening workout---will that happen before happy hour? :)

Gloria: I think your time off is doing wonders for you :)

Dallas: It's not a front loader. Its BRAVO elite or something like that. It has a clear lid and I get dizzy watching the clothes spin :7 :7 I *heart* my new machine. I've never had clothes wash so quickly/quietly and the dry time has been cut in half--I know I need to get out more if I'm rambling about my machine :) I'm lucky my kids are older now--I remember those days when the kids didn't want to go to the gym or were up so early I couldn't get that run in. They grow up fast :)
Oh wanted to add that I had a hip issue going --tenderness etc. Carole made some suggestions to me and I'm good to go. I roll my *hot* spots out on the foam roller daily :)Just thought that may help your problem with your leg soreness.

Wendi: We were posting same time :) I support you 100% on your journey. Do what makes you happy :)

Right now it is in the 50s. Says it is suppose to be HOT and HUMID today. Oh joy--poodle-do once again
x( But having said that I think I'll throw in a 5miler today. My legs are feeling strong and I might as well take advantage of the cooler temps and the fact it is not raining. I'm also working biceps and core stuff. I'm sporting DOMS this morning and that's a good thing }(

Not much else planned for today. Need to order DD's grad cake and start cleaning stuff out again. She graduates the 28th and we will have a house full and then some that day. Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers regarding older bro. I found out yesterday he is to be moved to a nursing home type place. I've spoke to a social worker and they need someone to step up to be a power of attorney for him in the event (which could be soon) can not speak on his behalf --ie: care and whether they will place him on any machines to continue his life. I told them I would step up and do it. My parents want nothing to do with him and younger siblings consider him dead. I do not really know my older brother --sad isn't it? But that is what his life with drugs has done. But I also know I can not walk away from him in his time of need. He made some horrible choices in his life and he is paying dearly. DH wants me to consult our attorney first before I act on his behalf. I told him yesterday maybe some good come come from all this and he can save someone else's life from a life of drugs. Anyways--enough ramblings :) :)

I need a refill and anyone need any clothes washed ??:+ :+
Good Morning Cheetahs!

Today is a new day and this Cheetah is in a MUCH better mood! YAY!:)

Cathy: Enjoy your TT work out today. I'm still hangin' on. I haven't caved on TT yet but I will. It's just a matter of time. I'm doing good so far though! :7 So I was kind of following your convo with Christine about adding extra exercises to target the arms. You don't feel you are getting enough of a work out for your upperbody? I can totally understand your fears as that is what worries me about doing a kettlebell only rotation. I am seriously considering doing a rotation comprised of 2 kb work outs and one upper body only work out per week when I'm done with AB.

Wendi: Hope you had a good run. Trust me girl, I understand your fear. Leaving your comfort zone will always be scarey. Heck, look at me, I have been "certified" since last summer and have yet to get a "real" job in a gym. I am flat out petrified so I keep making up excuses and putting it off. My intention is to put Joey in pre-k this fall though so I'll have about 20 hours per week to commit to working. At that point my goal is to get my first "real" training job in a gym or whatever. I'll STILL be petrified though. :eek:

Not sure what's on tap as far as a work out for today yet...

Kath: We were posting at the same time. You are an angel for stepping up to help your brother. Enjoy your day.
hello ladies! obviously, i did not make it back here yesterday for the personals i promised (shame on me!). i had an awful attack of pms/wonky stomach and laid around doing a lot of nothing once i got home from work! i got my auntie flow this morning, so hopefully i will be feeling better.

so, on to personals...taa daa!

christine-thanks for your support. i know i did the right thing, but it's also nice to hear it. how was the health and wellness fair? sounds like fun! btw...wtg on getting to your minimum on the donations! i hope you far surpass what you want to raise. what a great cause. nbf is sales director for a company that sells oncology equipment to hospitals. he does a lot of work with cancer charities and used to be a radiation therapist in england.

kath-yeah, i'm going to hawaii the scond week of july. i've never been but heard it's positively gorgeous. can't wait! i'd love to take you with me...just stow away in my suitcase! omg...i HATE doing the washing! i could not imagine having to do one load every day let alone FIVE!!! i think i would cry.

gloria-new bf is pretty great. as a lot of these gals know, i have been through a lot with x-df and it's nice to be in a positive, healthy relationship. i see you did bosu blast. i really like it and find i always have a great w/o when i do it.

wt-aloha! yes, hawaii bound i will be. come with!!! contract testing is basically doing the cases that were "left over" from the end of the year. i don't have any for the schools i am at, but sometimes, for one reason or another, the psychologists don't get to the later cases, so the department will pay whoever wants to do them during the summer. it's decent money although, this particular case is going to take me triple the time of most because it's pretty involved. the kid is great and i don't mind, but i hope to negotiate some extra cash-ola for it since i will be going in again today and could be going in more if needed! usually, it's a one day thing that takes me about three hours from assessment to scoring to writing the report. not this one! grrrr.

jackie-i could tell from the very first moment that the cheetahs were WAY MORE than a running check-in. i have received such wonderful advice on SO MANY things from everyone. is it as hot and humid in TN as it is here? i am dying, but that's living in GA for you!

gloria-i also have all jari's stuff. i don't mind her, but i do get annoyed about the "burning 100% carbohydrates" thing. i do agree that she is very skinny, but that's her deal. i have been doing nrolw and loving it, but before, i found times when i reached for a jari w/o just to change things up.

wendi-wtg on making the next step in "finding your bliss." i know, even back from the clean eating check in a year ago, that you have been searching for another career. i am so glad you are taking that step and am here to support you 100%!

wendy-lol about dvd w/o addicts anonymous. i think we could all join that support group. also, w/o enablers anonymous, cathe anonymous, forums anonymous, i-want-every-single-piece of equipment anonymous...sad that i could go on and on.

shelly-no, we did not make it to IJ yet. i have had a raging case of pms (i usually don't get it too badly, but this time it came with nausea and a bad stomach), but we will be seeing it soon. tonight, we have tickets for "mamma mia." i have hard it's a really fun show.

carole-YES! i am very happy to be doing nrolw again. i started from the beginning, so yesterday was w/o B1. i enjoy it and like that the w/o's are short but seem to be pretty effective for me.

judy-are you still loving nrolw? i can't wait to get to the next phases, but i did decide to start from the beginning since i was off it for about five weeks. i did w/o B1 yesterday. have you noticed a lot of changes? guess i better get my arse over to the alwyn check-in, huh? ;)

dallas-did you make it without any tonadoes? i am like you, if i don't get it done in the morning, it probably won't get done. especially cardio. i never feel like doing cardio in the afternoon/evening.

yesterday was nrolw and i ended up doing iTread #20/35 min. i got in 4.37 mi., so i thought that was pretty good. bf did it as well and really liked his first iTread. he said he did a bit under jogger's speeds. i'm so proud of him as he hadn't run in a LOOOOONG time. he did do the london mary in 2000, but never ran consistently after that. you all know, i'll make him an iTread addict!

i am not sure what my workout will be today. something cardio. i am thinking step for a change, but maybe the ext. i have some time to decide.

so, i am REALLY frustrated about my dissertation. i am not going to go into it right now, but you all know i have "issues" with my dissertation chair/mentor. i am going to call my academic advisor today because i am really feeling like i need to change but i don't know if that's possible. i swear i would quit if i hadn't already spent SO MUCH time and money! as for how frustrated i am at this point...you know what this calls for:

have a great morning all!
Good Morning Cheetahs-

It was nice and quiet here until a few minutes ago when Crosby brought in a live chipmunk. That got me outta this chair like lightning! I was able to get it out a few minutes later. The kitties went right out the door too chasing it. Ok now back to java and personals!

Lori It is a pleasure to read about the positive direction you have gone in. But you really are a positivity sweet person in spite of all the obstacles thrown your way. So you are making DBF an iTread junkie too? I am not even surprised :)

Gloria- I have never done any Jari WO's. In fact I was strictly Cathe for a long time, then I picked up running, then iTreads and Cardio coach. NROL4W is very recent.

Kath- you are funny with the washing machine! At least you made a good choice! Laundry is a big part of a SAHM's day! The pictures on the beach sound like a good setting. DD needs hers done. We are having them done probably in our yard. A neighbor of ours has a small photography business, and mostly does family pictures.

Christine- Enjoy Boston! What are your WO plans while there? I am sorry about the repeated tire problems.

Shelly Our new Northeastern Cheetah! Today will be a humid day again! What are you up to? I have a hair app't after today workout, I need a non frizzy routine! The daily pony does nothing for my 47 year old face. ( Pinch me if I ever want a perm again!)

Ladies- I have to admit I have not run outside in forever. The TM has been fun for HIIT and short tempo like runs. And long runs just haven't happened! Hmmm, I am almost afraid to tackle the neighborhood hills now. :eek: :eek:

Hi Cathy! long live the koolade man!

Hi Wendy- I posted to ya in Alwyn's check in

Wendi- We are going to be here listening to you you and supporting you all the way to a new career! Did you get that run in this morning?

Hi Carole!! Nice workouts this week! Are you into the HOT temps again? We are back at 90 and humid today. No more perms for this humid east coast lady.

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

Good morning to all the lovely cheetahs! Today is an interesting day for me. I'll be going to Philly to pick up the keys to my apt and do a walk thru. I'll try to move alot of my stuff there today also.
The cable guy will be there in the afternoon so maybe I'll post to youze guys from there:) I'll be coming back here for today. Tomorrow I will be in the Sheehan Classic 5 miler. Still not sure if I feel like really racing this or just participating for the fun. I'll see how I feel in the morning. Anyway, for today it'll be exploring my new apartment.. no workouts :)

Carole- Very glad to hear that you are unaffected by recent fires and definitely crossing my fingers for you that it stays that way! On Sat. I am running the 5 mile George Sheehan Classic in Red Bank, NJ. I did this one last year while on vacation and really enjoyed it. For a "short" race they have alot of nice amenities and give out pretty cool finisher medals. The course is nice also- tree lined etc. Wendy will be there too.... always a good thing! I very much understand why you prefer the long distances races.On these shorter races there is a lot more "intensity".

Jackie- see above note to Carole re: race on Sat. You are making me miss the iTreads!! I'll have a TM available to me soon at my apartment and I'm looking forward to having that option again.

Christine- Very interesting link about ultra races. Every now and then I've entertained the notion of trying one.... and then I come to my senses (lol) ASJ is deceptively hard.It does start off with slightly more easier moves. I've only done this on an 8" step like I always do.... do you think I might be a tad crazy?

Judy- You don't have to be in a chatty mood every day... the cheetahs love ya anyway!! Glad you survived the chipmunk trauma this morning. Re: hair problems... I'm afraid I am so guilty of just not wanting to deal with it and have my hair in the pony tail almost all of the time! I really should follow your lead and make an appointment at a hairdresser. I went thru a period last year when I did not venture outside for a long time for a run and stayed with the TM. It does feel intimidating venturing outside again, I totally understand. Just go out for a "walk/run" ... no pressure. It will come back quickly!

Cathy- OMG, I loved that pic you posted for Gloria yest.... too funny!! 4 alarm DOMS??? Yikes... does not sound good! I hope some good stretching helped.Loved the Kool-Aid Man starting things off this morning.

Gloria- It does sound like you have a bit of a backing up problem... lol! Our boat ride yest was short but very pleasant. Now I have to shove off to Philly and will have to content myself with just looking out the window of my apartment at the boats on the Delaware River. I'm guessing from your post of your descriptions that you did your run later in the day yest... no wonder it was hard. In the warmer weather I have a very tough time running anytime other then early morning.

Dallas- I have to admit it is hard sometimes to work up the determination to do a workout in the evening. Sometimes I listen to that whiney little voice telling me to just relax!
I do tend to avoid doing any heavy cardio workouts for an evening workout tho. LOL about being a cruise director! You probably so look forward each year to when school starts again. Rabid bats??? YIKES!! Hope that sore throat doesn't develop into anything worse.

Wendy- Sorry to hear you had one of those bad days yest. when nothing feels right! Yoga would be a great choice for you today I'm a thinkin. Still planning on doing the Sheehan race tomorrow? Don't feel pressured if you aren't up for it!!!

Wendi- Hey, I think you are taking a step towards MORE security in your job... not less!

Kath- That is so very kind of you to be willing to take on the Medical Power of Attorney role for your bro. He is so very lucky to have your support. You have a generous soul and spirit! .... and some fast legs to go with it! ooooooh I WANT your washer (green with envy)

Lorie- Glad that AuntieF made her appearance and you'll be feelin better now. I've heard that Mammamia is a great show... I'm sure you'll have a fun time! I missed seeing tantrum girl (LOL) Dont blame you a bit for calling her up again re: your dissertation problems. I'm amazed that you are still with this mentor considering all the past problems. Would it really be all that terrible to change to someone else? It seems to me to be the wiser course... less pain in the long run anyway.

I think that about catches me up. Hi to all the cheetahs following and I hope everyone has a terrific day!

Hi Ya Ladies.

DS is doing potty time. I'm a happy mom cause he started taking off his diaper all on his own and uncohersed in order to sit on the potty! This HAS to be a good sign, right!? :+

Shelly: OFCOURSE I am still planning to run the Sheehan tmrw! I am looking forward to it especially considering I am not getting my usual Itreads in lately! I need this race to boost my confidence. :) Do you plan to hang out afterwards?

Lorie: I guess all of us Cheetahs/Catheites are addicted to fitness in some way shape or form, huh? }(

Judy: Sorry about the live chimpmunk. I don't know how you do it!:eek: Take a drive down to Jersey and run the 5 miler with Shelley and I tmrw morning. That'll be a good re-intro to longer road runs.}( ;)

Well, I finally chose my ITrain downloads for this month. One of them being ITread WALK intervals #21/30. In light of my tm/running issue I thought this was a good choice. I plan to use it today as a matter of fact! I was in a quandry over what to do. I think this will be a perfect middle of the road work out for me today!:+ I also downloaded the Iclimb intervals. I won't do that today though cause I think that will be too hard on the legs today based on the HIIT I've done on the EXT on my own thus far. }(

I guess that's it for now but I'll be back!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...loved the pic yesterday! Also love the Kool-Aid guy!! I can sure relate to your Dexter withdrawals, I will probably be watching all weekend...No, you would not appreciate a swamp cooler in ANY way! WOW, you really got some DOMS. Enjoy your HIIT and TT workout. LOL, I was sure who skeletor referred to...:)

Lorie..I have been fighting with Aunt Flo all week...Good job with the iTread workout. That is cool your BF does iTread too!

Judy...OMG! a live chipmunk?? Quite a scare...glad you got it out...yes, we are into the heat again, should get to the 100's this weekend. I think the wind is gone though which is better for the fires.

Shelly..Have fun touring your new apt! The 5 miler sounds fun and that is cool you get to hook up with Wendy again! I realized after my 1st marathon that I was more of a distance lover...:)

Christine...When do you plan on doing P90X abs/core? Yes, your company does know how to party. Sounds like some healthy food choices...:)..

Gloria...my hip has been much better thanks. Yes, I still do the pain free exercises. Good job ob the 4 miles, I bet it was tough in the humidity.

Dallas...thanks for the SZ explanation. Did you get to order the Stick yet? it has felt good to up the weight amount for all my leg exercises...Have you done P90X+ abs/core yet? Good workout yesterday. How is the throat today? WOW, what are you supposed to do about the rabid bats?

Today is P90X L&B, and a 4 mile interval run.

Have a great day...:)
woo-woo! just wanted to come back and report that my workout is DONE for the day! i opted for lowmax all step premix and 4ds lis. it was a good low-impact sweatfest!

now, i am ready for the shower and to head out to work!
Happy Friday Cheetahs!

Judy – You’re such a Cheetah! Getting frustrating with the final combo of a step routine, so running 9 miles :p. I have a complete health club at the hotel. So I’ll ride their exercise bikes and TT amazing abs, workout B – I may need to revise it slightly based on what is there, but that’s okay. I plan to workout every day but Thurs. :p Poor Chippie! Glad you got it out of your house! That would scare me too!

Cathy – that picture is hysterical!! Thanks for sharing! Yes, I add cardio on days where Craig says to go light. If I’m feeling really beaten up, I’ll keep it to about 30-40 minutes, otherwise I keep it to an hour, except for my long rides on Saturday. TT’s do creep up on you, don’t they! Hope you’re not hobbling today! :p Enjoy your tricep add on! I think that’s a great way to do it!

Gloria – I really like ASJ – Shelly convinced me to get it and I absolutely don’t regret it. I highly recommend it! We always need income to support our habit! :p Busy day yesterday! Good job on the humid 4 miler!

Dallas – hope the tornados stayed FAR away from you! I’m not a fan of Nadia’s BootCamp either. Isn’t it a great feeling to have the minimum and know you can participate without fear! I love it. YES! The Cheetahs ROCK in so many ways!! :p

Wendy – Glad to hear you’re feeling better! I hate being in those funky moods! Your rotation after AB sounds good, actually! YAY!! For Joey! Enjoy your iTread!

Wendi – Feel free to “blather” all you want! I know I’m excited for you. I absolutely understand your impatience and think only all the more of you by your systematic approach to getting your life on a happy track. Enjoy your run!

Kath – I’m glad you’re there for your brother. What a sad situation. I cannot even imagine what you’re going through right now. {{{HUGS}}}

Lorie – Hope the PMS is better today! Never fun! The health and wellness fair was fun. I think we scared all of the neighbors around us. The band was loud, but pretty good. :p Wow, nBF sounds like a good one! :+

Shelly – Oh, are you nervous? I’ll bet it will be fabulous!! Will DH be visiting you there? If any of us could so an Ultra, it would be you. I read the report and was in awe. I just so admire people with that kind of discipline and desire!

Carole – I’m doing abs and core today. *teeth chattering* I’m thinking of starting with it, then finishing with TB+. We’ll see. This company is crazy – such a start up! :p Enjoy your run!

Today I’m working from home. I’m going to be doing P90X+ Abs, TBX+, and some HIIT – either a Interval X+ or something. I’ll probably spread these more through the day. :p I love working from home! I have a lot to do for work, though. Most admin stuff. DH is back from New Mexico, and was taunting me with tales of food. X( I love it there so! My bike is ready – but the guy who fixed it let me know that he could not fix it totally. Instead of issues going into the big chain ring, I’ll now have issues getting into the smallest. (which will be fun on that killer hill – but I’ll practice). Have a fabulous day everyone!

Edited to add - THANKS LORIE!!! I appreciate the donation!!! :+
Christine - Glad you were able to whip ASJ. Workouts fool you sometimes. Love the company perks. Glad they chose healthy foods. Enjoy working from home today.

Carole - So glad to hear you loved Abs Core+. I finally did the entire workout this morning. I love that you get some floor, some standing and then the pull up bar. Enjoy L&B and your run!

Judy - Sorry you were frustrated with part of your workout yesterday. Hope today is better.

Cathy - Glad that you get to keep the same classroom this time. Yowza on the DOMS! That does speak volumes for TT. Love, love, love the Kool Aid guy!

Gloria - Always nice to be making extra $$$! :) Sounds like a nice workout day for you yesterday. You're adjusting pretty well to being out of school, huh? :)

Dallas - Cruise director? Funny! Ugh on the bats! Hope the throat feels better.

Wendy - Sorry part of your day ended up on the bad side. Know you came through ok though. Glad your mood is better today! Rest will do that sometimes. Yay for Joey and the potty! Good luck to you tomorrow too. You and Shelly will rock!

Wendi - You will be fine once you find that perfect job for you.

Kath - Hope the storms hold off for DD pics. So sorry to hear about your DB. Will definitely say a prayer for him and you. Enjoy your run.

Lorie - Tell AF to leave you alone. Feel better. Hawaii will be nice. It is hot, hot, hot here. Hate going aside and I'm a hot weather person. Just don't like to be out in it much. How fun that DBF did an iTread with you! Good job for him! So sorry things with the dissertation haven't improved. ((((HUGS))))

Shelly - Have fun visiting your new luxury apartment. Good luck with getting your stuff in. Good attitude about your 5 miler tomorrow. If you feel like racing, do so. But, if you just want to have fun, just take it easy. Nothing wrong with that. IA that the longer races are more relaxed. Whatever you decide, good luck!!

Today's workout was UB+ and Abs Core+. I had time to do all of AC+ this time. Really love the length of these workouts.

I'm going to DBF this afternoon. Probably won't be on all weekend. Good luck to Shelly and Wendy again tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!

Jackie: My goodness that's a sweet place to workout in. Those DVDS for sale? :) You have a great selection. DD is at her senior picnic not getting pictures-- maybe I had a typo in there :)

Run is done-- I was a ***SMOKING*** :)

Did anyone realize it's friday the 13th?

I have some errands to run then I think I need to sit my parents down and get some plans rolling with or without them.

Edited to ask: is there a link to a yahoo thing? I see some of you mention it sometimes-- is it a private thing or something for cheetahs?
Wow Jackie! That is some classy workout room! Can I come over to play?! :+ You definitely match your Cheetah name. Tres Chic! Have a fab weekend with DBF! Sounds like a great workout today – kind of like mine!

Kath – Yes, Happy Friday the 13th. The news this morning claimed that the reason Friday’s are considered unlucky is because they are named after the Goddess of love (and nookey!) and the early Christians thought that was a bad thing. Poor early Christians! :p

I finished AC+ - OH MY! I LOVE that workout! I’m getting the pull up bar better (read a tip to keep the lats down, and that really helps! I don’t feel like my arms are pulling out of the sockets!). Great combinations too! This will definitely be a favorite! I’m going to go sneak in TB+ :p
Well, my work out isn't done yet. LOL I did make it to the gym, however with in 10 minutes I was called in for diaper duty. I wasn't thrilled with the walking interval work out of as that point so I just bagged it and took Joey to the park instead. I started with the medium intensity #'s as well as on a 2% incline. When Grace called to punch the incline up to 5% for the high interval, I punched it up to 7%. It still felt like a warm up!x( I will try it again but will follow the hardest #s. I can only walk so fast so I may have to do a slow jog at certain points but that's okay...

Joey had a lot of fun at the park. He was running laps around and through the jungle gym with a couple different little girls. He was beat red and tired by the time we left. I know he was tired because he didn't fight me at all when it was time to leave!:+

So here I am back home, trying to decide once again, what to do for a work out or if I should rest after all. I think I will try to relax and see what I'm in the mood for once Joey is up for his nap. :)

I think I am hearing the call of the coffee pot. I must go answer it but I'll be back!;)
Okay, I've answered the call of the coffee pot :9 and so now it's time for personals. :+

Carole: Enjoy your X work out today as well as your run. Any fun plans for the weekend with your DH?

Lori: Great low impact work out this morning. No one said ya gotta get airborne to get sweaty!}(

Christine: Nice to know that an experienced KB enthusiast thinks an upper body work out in addition to the kb's sounds like a good idea! I was about to ask you if I had missed your review of Interval X+ but I see now that you haven't done it as of yet. Can't wait to hear about it when you do!

Jackie: Your dvd collection might rival mine, girl! Did you ever count? }( Love your work out room! Enjoy the weekend at DBF's!

Kath: Congrats on the SMOKIN' run!}( I hope your talk with your parents goes the way you would like it to.

Looks like that catches me up on personals. In the meantime I think I've decided on today's work out. I was considering Interval X+ but due to the fact that today should actually be a rest day, I don't want to push that hard so I will do the P90 Masters Cardio Intervals work out instead.

Got word that my bike is done, so I'll be spending 3 tortuous hours on that tomorrow. I decided AC+ and TB+ were enough for the day. I'm sooo sore }( I'm so in love with my pull up bar. What a great thing! TB+ with the pull was a whole new experience. I'm can't do full pull ups, but I'm doing the assisted up, and the unassisted down. I can do a few without falling immediately, so that's progress! :p My abs are going to be on fire tomorrow! The thing I love about P90X is that once you figure out the exercises, you can do them anywhere. :p

Wendy - Haven't done Interval X+ yet. I was thinking about doing it today, along with the rest, but as I want to ride tomorrow, I don't want to fry myself. Maybe Sunday. :p Enjoy your Cardio Intervals!
Hello again lovely cheetahs. Posting to you from my ninth floor apartment overlooking the Delaware River. OMG.... can you say overwhelmed!??? What is this country girl doing here??? I'm waiting for the cable/internet guy to show. In the meantime I'm hooked up to one of several wifi sites available, but being that they are unsecured I'd rather not rely on them alone.

Wendy- look forward to seeing you tomorrow. You can look for my red hat as always.

Jackie- Great pics.... very suiting workout room for our chic cheetah!

That's all I have time for now. Making the trek back to DH soon... he's only a little more than an hour away actually.
And... of course I've already checked out the fitness room. 4 treadmills (Landice), 2 ellipticals, 2 stairclimbers. Complete free weights, a 5 station gym, Concept 2 rowing machine. 2 stationary cycles, one recumbant... a TV and DVD in the room--- and just across the hall, the indoor pool w/ jacuzzi. Okay, somebody pinch me!


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