:::: CHEETAHS :::: Friday!!!! 6.29

Hello again, cheetahs :)

Thanks to all those who offered congrats – much, much appreciated! :D

Wendy :: I would love to do what you are doing (PT) on a part-time basis, but I doubt that is possible. I think it is all about doing what you love!

Jess :: oh yeah, I was trying to hide that thing ‘cuz I knew the pic would find its way to the thread *lol*…ITA about L&B. Toward the end, I subbed B&G (or one of its premixes) a lot.

Carole :: I remember seeing the Gillian O’Malley line of underwear at Target. Too bad it’s discontinued. I was going to give the brands you & Wendy recommended another shot. Maybe I can acclimate myself to those things.

Amy :: you can definitely work up to 4-5 days a week. Just take your time. The standard rule of thumb is not to add more than 10% to either your time or mileage per week.

Shelly :: sorry to hear it’s back to work tonight ~ hope reverting back to the night shift schedule isn’t too much of a pain. Knowing you, it will be a seamless transition…Good to hear about CM. I look forward to trying it out…My degree is in Curriculum and Instruction, so for now, it will serve to inform my classroom instruction and curricular decisions. I'm a member of a curriculum steering committee in my subject area, so it's also helpful in that venue. In the long run, I would like to obtain my Supervisor’s Certificate and may use that then to move into administration. I don’t know when I’ll decide it’s time to leave the classroom, but that is sort of a loose vision I have for myself. Ultimately, I might like to work at the college level, working with pre-service teachers. Or who knows? I might stay right where I am til retirement.

My new yoga DVDs arrived today – am gonna go preview them. Ultimate Stretch Yoga and Fat Free Yoga, both with Ravi Singh and Ana Brett. They received rave reviews on Amazon, so I’m very curious to see what all the hype’s about!

Have a great night!
~Cathy :)
Cathy- congratulations on receiving your masters degree!!! what a big, big accomplishment:D .
let me know what you think of ultimate stretch yoga..i'm curious
Sunny & Wendy ~ That would be awesome to do the X together!!! I'm done w/ my 90 days on July 13th (I think, need to recheck that). I'm thinking of doing some circuits & other workouts for 3 weeks or so & then doing another round of the X!! Let me know if you guys are interested!! Maybe a tentative date of August 6th or 13th??

Anyone else wanna join in????? The more the merrier!! :)
I really brought it hard w/ L & B and upped my reps for pullups/ chinups. I can't do a full one pullup from dead hang, but I can do them from about halfway (I stand on a stool to reach the bar). YIPPEE!! I *can* do full chinups though!! :)

Then it was ErrandMax & GroceryMax today! ;-) Kiersten's appt went well, her ears & throat look great. Man, the whole day feels like it's gone now!! We hit Walmart & Sam's club for groceries.

Allison picked out her bday cake- a white Little Mermaid cake. We're doing a little bday party w/ my MIL & BIL tomorrow & then my Mom & Scot will come down on her actual bday (Tues). I can't believe my *baby* will be FOUR!! Man, where has the time gone???

OK, must get to work around here. It felt good to sit down for a few min! :p

And I added some new pics: http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=16840032&uid=8948436
All right, CM is just ridiculous. :p I have to admit, I hung it up after 39 minutes. It is a sweaty dripfest, I give props for that. And I loved the compound exercises and the kickbox portions without step, BUT overall, the choreography was insane *lol*. And the whole thing requires a bit more floor space than I have to workout in. So, I'm gonna have to conclude this one is not for me. Nonetheless, I like Cardio Kicks, so I'm glad to have this DVD in my collection.

Sunny :: thanks! :D...I previewed only a few minutes each of the Singh/Brett DVDs. Both start out with some far-out meditation-type chants. I really don't know how else to describe some of the breathing techniques and moves I was seeing. All I can say is this is definitely *NOT* the kind of yoga I am used to! *lol* The music is really good and the set is quite unique (in one segment, Brett - who is the lone practitioner - uses a bath mat as her mat.) Of course, I'll reserve judgment for when I actually try them out, but I can tell these will require an open-mind approach. There must be something to it for all those gushing reviews on amazon.

Jess :: glad to hear Kiersten's doing well...what is the difference between a pullup and a chinup?...I would LOVE to join you ladies, but I'm not quite ready for another round of the X just yet. I need to burn fat, and for me, I believe that requires more cardio.

Well, it'll be a quiet weekend here at my end. No big plans, which is a good thing. It sounds terrible, but when I am trying to regroup and eat healthier, I am better off being a little anti-social.

Cathy :)
That's one that I don't have, Cathy! Sorry it was a bit insane! (that made me giggle, I admit!) Enjoy your anti-social weekend! IKWYM about it being easier to eat healthier! Ooh, did I mention that I pre-ordered the new workouts????? I'm excited, I've never pre-ordered before!

A chinup (or Tony calls them reverse grip pullup, I think?) is with your hands facing in. Pullups are when your hands are facing out. I can *almost* do a full close grip pullup.

Aw, man! You can do doubles X to get in some more cardio! I think I'm going to go even heavier next round & try to build more muscle. That means I need heavier dumbbells. }(

My dd's & I are just hangin' out tonight. I made breakfast for dinner and painted their toenails. Greg will be home soon, he's helping a co-worker fix a leak in his roof. Until then, it's girls night!! ;-)
Well, ya can't go by me... I am choreographically-challenged! :) To me, it was whack!

Oh, OK - gotcha on the difference between pullups/chinups. I do remember him calling them reverse grip.

Doubles! Ha! Funny. :p :D

Enjoy your girls' night while it lasts! BTW, checked out your latest pics - you tryin' to compete with Wendy for most sculpted guns around here??? ;) Cute pre-race pics with the girls, and Greg looks like he's getting really fit. Good job, both of you!

~Cathy :)

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