:: CHEETAHS Check-in :: Tues, 6/13


Good morning, Cheetahs! Finally caught up with yesterday's posts.

Wendy :: the running classes sound like a great way to transition to the 5K. Hope Joey's doing better.

Judy :: Is that the Rodney Yee yoga dvd? How do you like it? I used to take yoga classes and haven't found a dvd that I really like yet.

Marcia :: I can definitely relate to the stress you're feeling right now and am trying to recover from a high-calorie weekend.

Laura :: Sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother. It's never easy to let go.

Jess :: I must've tried on about 50 swimsuits before I found a tankini that I liked this year. It seemed like everything was halter-style, which I LIKE - but not all of them were flattering. I did eventually end up with a halter. Black, of course! *lol*

Christine :: I agree - that mapmyroute thing is cool!

Carole :: Hope your 10-miler went well yesterday.

My vacation is to Germany to visit family for the World Cup (I do have tickets to one match - can't wait!) and I'll be making a couple of short trips (4 days each) to Amsterdam and Budapest. I'll be gone a month and internet access may be scarce, so I'll probably disapppear from here for a while...but I DO plan to keep running and doing some modified strength training.

Well, today our 8th graders are having a picnic at a nearby lake, and we don't expect to get back to school before 5 or 6 pm, so I think I'm calling it a rest day.

Hope everyone has a great day & workout. Hello to Karen, Karin, Elaine, Sarah, Thomasina, Pamela, Barb and everyone who follows.

-cathy :)
good morning:)

Tonight I have bootcamp class , so no running for me today. Also this afternoon is my doctors appt. curious to see what he has to say. He'll probably just tell me its my asthma and allergies but having him officially diagnosing it will make me feel better.

Well my husband got a call this morning and his grandma passed away at 4:30 this morning. At least she isnt suffering anymore but we wont know when services are until tonight. Thanks to all ofyou for your thoughtfulness and prayers!

talk with everyone later!
Good morning all:

Cathy - Have fun on your trip, ENJOY - keep running and I can't wait to hear from you whenever possible and when you return with pics and stories - HAVE FUN!!!

Laura - I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's grandma my thoughts are with your family.

I have a 3.5 mile run today and I'm trying to decide where to go. My meeting last night only went until 10pm which is early, so I was happy and dealt with the stress with the "I don't care" attitude and it got me through pretty good. Except............when I got home I ate two pieces of taco pizza leftover from supper. But, i never really had supper so I though that was ??OK??

Those of you on Weight Watchers now or in the past, did you use the Flex System or Core?? I'm going to switch this week to Core because I'm not getting anywhere right now with the Flex Plan. The only thing, of course, is I need carbs for running. So, maybe I'll figure the points for running and use those for the carbs to fuel my runs? What do you think?

Have a great day everyone, see you later.

Good Morning Cheetahs!

Cathy: Have a FABULOUS time girlfriend! Please don't forget about us...post when you get back and tell us all about it. We'll miss you when you are gone!:)

Laura: Sending hugs and thoughts/prayers your way Laura. I hope the doc has something useful to say..LOL!:p

ETA: Hi Marcia, we were posting at the same time. Blow off the taco pizza...you'll be fine and I'll bet it was super yummy!:9

So I have been mulling this running class over in my mind a thousand times...one minute I'm gonna do it and the next I say it's not worth it. I think I am just trying to talk myself out of it because I feel guilty that I already missed the first class and will miss another in 2 weeks AND because I am nervous and scared. The nervous scared part is silly though, I know, cause this class is for beginners-people with little or no experience! I am going to call DH in a bit to confirm that he can stay with Joey and I will join the 6:30pm Monday night class...so long as I didn't wait too long!:eek:

No idea what's on the w/o agenda for today. I would normally go to the gym but with Joey having the cough I need to stay away right now. I'll report back on what I am doing when I finally decide. LOL :p
Hi Cheetahs :)

Laura- I am sorry about your husbands loss. May she rest in peace.

Cathy- the yoga I did for PM was clled PM Yoga for Beginners. It was not a power yoga but a mroe relaxing yoga. No planks, but good down dogs and warriers. It was on the short side.

Cathy - Your trip sounds really wellplanned. Have a really great time :)

Yesterday I did so well with my run I went a little father at the end, just 0.5 mile, but I wqas glad to feel good at the end. I also got in ME Uper body , PS floor legs with ankle weights and PS abs. Today will be a light day: ME abs and golfing.

I have been doing my weight work on running days and then having a light day the next day to recover; It is working well. The only drawback is that I am not cross training much for cardio. I will try to get in one non-running cardio this week.

ETA- good Morning to Wenday and Marcia we posted simultaneously!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


I just left DH a message about the class...keep your fingers crossed that my 2nd choice class does not fill up by the time I hear back from him!:+ I am excited...I feel like a little kid at Christmas!:+ :7 :+
Hello, Cheetahs!!! Went for a 4.6 mile run w/ my buddies & then had to do about a mile bike ride looking for my dumb dog. He was right with us running & when I went to get his food/ water he ran off w/ the neighbor's dog!! As soon as he saw me on the bike though he was chasing me home! It was kinda chilly- about 53 degrees again! It's supposed to heat up by Sat to about 88 of course since I have a 5K to run!!! I definitely want a PR- this was my first race last year & I did it in 24:26. I already did a 5K this year in 24:02 so I'm going for anything under 24 min!! (would love to be under 23:30!)

I have a ton of errands to run this morning- trying to get everything ready for vacation next week. Gotta make sure to get food/ snacks/ drinks/ and I'll hit the Dollar Tree for some new little toys & coloring books for the kids for the drive.

OK, I'll post some personals while I have a chance- kiddos are still asleep & I'm eating my oatmeal & drinking my coffee! :)

Cathy- I probably tried on 50 swim suits too!!! I liked some of the halters that I tried on, but still felt like my *jugs* might pop out at any time!! :eek: This one is really cute- the bottoms are black w/ a cute belt that has the same pattern as the top & it just fit right, KWIM? I don't know that I'm brave enough to post a pic of me in a swim suit yet!! :p That sounds like such a fun vacation!!! A family from our church is at the World Cup!! Have an awesome time & take some pics!!! Have fun at the picnic!!

Laura- I'm really sorry about your dh's grandma. My dh's best friend's grandma passed away y'day also so we'll be attending a visitation/ funeral this week also. I hope all goes well w/ your Dr's visit & glad that you got in a good run y'day!

Marcia- I love taco pizza!! There's a place in my hometown that makes the BEST pizza! If you didn't eat dinner, then you're fine! I don't know much about the WW plan, I mainly follow the SBD principles of lean protein, good carbs, & good fats. I have to up my good carb when I'm running more, I stick to the whole grains, oatmeal, higher fiber cereals, etc.

Wendy- just do it!!! You'll meet some other runners & have fun! I'm sure it will really motivate you to get outside too! So buy that jogger, ok?? (oops, not supposed to enable= sorry!! :p )

Judy- glad that you found a routine that's working for you!! I'm kinda doing that too- running & doing a pyramid workout or MM. Then on my *off* days some pilates or a lighter workout. I need to do some yoga again, I have Baron Baptiste's Live which I like but just need to do!

Everyone else- have a great day & great workout today!!

Good morning lovely Cheetah Ladies!

Laura - I am really sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother. Safe journey to her, and love and hugs to you and your family.

Wendy - I'm excited for you! That sounds like fun! I think it's so much easier to run with others. Besides girl, you're doing so well that a missed class or two won't make a difference! I'm in the "GO FOR IT!" category.

Judy - I need to get something like your yoga video. I like yoga, but I have no patience for an hour of it, even though I really do see the benefits.

Marcia - I've done the flex plan, but didn't care for it. I think I'd like the core plan better. It's more of a focus on clean eating.

Carole - oddly enough, my DH washed the cars on Sunday too. Double whammy! It will definitely rain now!

Jess - Good luck on your 5k! You'll do well, I know it!

Cathy - sounds like you'll have a wonderful vacation!

Pamela - I ended up doing about half of ab ripper because of time. This is the last week of school, so I will have a few more minutes in the morning. That will help!

Thomasina - Your last week is my this week. Just running around getting DD ready for everything. I'm going to be sad to see her go, but she'll have fun. How are you holding up? Missing DS?

Today is Kickboxing in my P90X rotation, but I want to do legs as well, so I'm going to do a KPC/L&G combo. Then I'll do the elliptical in the afternoon. I'm feeling more "normal" than I have in weeks! It's a great feeling.

DH IM'd me at work yesterday. He made reservations for he and I (no kids!) at the Villagio in Napa (actually Yountville, but I like Yountville better than Napa anyway) Wednesday and Thursday next week. He even booked massages at the spa! This was the place we stayed for our first trip to Napa together - it was a Cisco off-site. Nice nice place.
Hi, ladies. I just cannot keep up with all the posts every day! Sorry. I read them all, but family life and SUMMER is getting in the way lately.

Marcia-I've always done Flex. I've considered going to Core several times, even last week. But I LOVE and NEED the flexibility on Flex. I've had great success with it, so why fix what's not broken. Why don't you try Core for a week, then see how you feel and what you like. You can easily switch back.

Laura-sorry to hear about DH's Gram. Prayers and hugs!!!!!!!

So, Jess has a 5K. According to my list, Laura is also scheduled for a 5K on Saturday...still doing it? ANYBODY ELSE RUNNING / RACING this weekend???????

Sorry I never made it back here yesterday. Summer days. That's all I can say about it. LOL. I took my boys and a friend for each of them to the pool yesterday. 70 degree weather and the water was 72....COLD! LOL. But they had a great time. Today, our normal summer Tuesday playdates have started. We alternate houses of those ladies that are lucky enough to have a pool. So we're headed there today. For my contribution of the goodie table, I made mini carrot cupcakes with honey cream cheese frosting (a WW recipe from a recent issue of their magazine...YUMMY btw). LOL

This morning, up early for a 3 mile steady run followed by the kicking drills of Kick Max. It feels good that have at least a rough outline of my daily workouts now. I planned out the next 20 weeks, but not 100% to a T. I have scheduled all weekly runs and all long runs for the weekend. Everything in between, like weights, yoga, etc, will be decided on a daily basis. This way, I have an outline/rotation, but I still have the flexibility to throw something else in when I want. I am going to try to type it into my PC now and will see who wants to see it.

I think I'm headed to the Doc this AM. I got an itchy rash on my body again (had one back in February). I want to get a refill on the meds he gave me, which kicked it right out! The itching is the WORST!

Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...enjoy your rest day by the lake...:)..my 10 miler did go well. It was a bit humid but I took water for that and glad I did!

Marcia...well you needed to eat something for dinner. So the pizza is better than nothing in my opinion.

Judy...you had a really good workout yesterday...glad your shcedule is working well for you..:)

Jess...sounds like you had an interesting run and bike ride looking for your dog! I bet you will do great in your 5K this weeeknd..

Christine...it sure looked like rain again last night but I haven't looked outside yet. Enjoy your KPC/L&G workout. The Villagio sounds very nice for next week..:)

Gayle...glad you have your training schedule figured out. I get an excema type rash every now and then under stress...hope your Doctor can help...

Wendy...I wasn't comparing your and Matteas killer circuits to a marathon...but I think running 6 miles would be easier than those circuits!!!! When is your cruise?? I also think you should go fo the club....many positive things come out of those kind of groups...

Laura...that is great about your 9:05 pace yesterday! Good idea to check back with the doctor. I run with my HR monitor every time I run, but I don;t worry about a particular rate unless I am doing speedwork. Sorry about your DH's grandma...thoughts and prayer to you and your DH's family.

I am doing S&H legs and maybe trying for 10 mies again, that should get me back on track with my mileage....

Have a great day...
Christine: Ooooh, have fun next week at your get away!;) }( ;) :+

Jess: Good luck on your 5K! I'm sure you'll do fantastic!

Gayle: Have fun with the kiddos! That's what summertime is for! We'll still be here in the fall!:+

So I just finished this shoot from the hip home made rebounder work out where I basically alterated 5 mins of running on the rebounder with jumping jacks, jump rope, plyo lunges and speed skaters. It was a 30 min work out not including w/u and c/d. It ended up being a good calorie burner and my hr got up pretty high. I was surprised. My hr never gets beyond the occassional 140's when I do the rebounder work outs I have.

HRM: 30 mins---Avg hr: 148---Pk hr: 170---Cals burned: 362

As far as the class goes...DH still hasn't called me back but I realized that I will probably miss 3 classes now as he had mentioned to me recently that some time in July he has a night class to take for one week. I am thinking I may just forget it....*sigh*...the only option I have is if my mom is around can watch Joey for me but I can't count on that. GRRRR. x( I'll shut up about it for now (LOL)...I'll just let you all know when I've FINALLY made my FINAL decision!:p :7

Need some food!:9
Good Morning Cheetahs. I'm off and running this morning with the girls. I need to get a birthday present for my girls friend's party this weekend. So it's off to get wrapping paper and presents.

Today I got in a 5 miles speed interval run. I increased my interval run from 4 to 5 miles and also the speed. I feel so good. This is really all coming together for me ( without injury). My endurance has really impoved. I can run on that treadmill like nobody's business. We have really become one since it's so hard for me to get my outdoor run's in with the girls. Anyway I can hold speed of like 8 to 9 mph on the treadmill for 400 to 600 meters at an interval and then jog at 5 for 200 meters. Which is how it was today for the whole 5 miles. I'm stoked. I can remember a long time ago when I just was trying to hold a speed of 6 mph for 10 min. Hard work does pay off. Your body is really a machine. Anyway when I was done I did 30 min of yoga.

Cathy- Enjoy your picnic

Laura- So sorry to here about your dh grandma passing. My prayers are with you and you family.

Marcia- My mom did WW last year and after the intitial loss she couldn't really get anywhere on either program. I know with some it works wonders but for her it didn't work as well. She is over 55 and was on tamoxifin( sp) for cancer so I know the medication held on her weight too. Anyway I hope the new plan works. It may just be the change you need.

Christine- sounds like dh is really trying and making an effort. I hope it really works. I'm glad your getting away together.

Carole- Enjoy your 10 mile run and the leg work. You always do such fantastic workouts. When are you pacing for that marathon? I know it's coming.

Jess- Good luck on the 5k. I can't wait to see if you break into the 23 min range. That was my goal at my last 5k but then my grandmother got ill so I have to wait and see when the next one comes my way. My last pr was 24.38 but I had really been working on the speed work and temop runs with a vengence. Anyway I know you can do it and if you dont' that is ok too. That is the way I look at it. You work hard and that is all that matters. You really learn from each race as these wise women told me. You really do.

Wendy- My nervous girl. You are to much like me. I can feel it in your post. I remember when I needed everyone's support to do my first 5k. I mean I was so anxious and nervous. Let me tell you even if you don't join the running group, do the run. This way you have somthing to work toward plus it is such a wonderful experince. Don't miss out from fear. I almost did and I don't want you to either. You do one ,and then the next one gets easier. Don't get me wrong I still get anxious but not nervous. The point is to complete one. That is the goal. It's ok not to do the running group if you can't fit it in. Do the 5k and then maybe next time do the running group. If your like me which it seems like you are. We overthink eveything. Take a deep breathe. Either way it goes your still a runner.

Judy and Gayle- Good morning and good workouts.

Good morning!

Wendy, If the running class/club thing doesn't work out this time are there future classes you could join? I'm sure all the Cathe ladies here would agree that we'd be delighted to watch little Joey for you while you went off to run. If only we didn't live so dang far away. Of course if we were close enough to watch Joey we'd be close enough to have our own little running club. Anyway... I'll be excited to hear how it turns out!:)

Carole, Do you live near Burney? We'll be there for vacation in July. I'll need to get some runs in and keep thinking about your bears and mountain lions!

Today DH and I will go the track for a workout when he gets home from work. Soon as I post this I'm going to go do CTX upper body.

"Hi!" to everyone else. I don't have time to get very personal right now but I'll probably be back since I have to work today!
Hi again, ladies. I SO LOVE listening to you guys chatter about race goal times, increasing speed intervals, and the overall excitement of it all!

I just picked up The Runner's World Complete Book of Running from my library and read the frist 2 chapters over lunch and am SO PUMPED for us runners once again!

Again, I'm so sorry I can't really take the time to chat more. But please know that I read every single word typed and get every ounce of motivation from it.

Now, my marathon training schedule is typed up and printed. In my hot little hands are my next 20 weeks' worth of runs. Talk about EXCITED! If you want to check it out, PM me your email address and I'll get it off to you tonight.

Karen...good workout today. The intervals are really working for you...:)..I'll be pacing on Jun 24th and 25th. It isn't a marathon but a 100 mile Endurance run. I will pace a runner for 20 miles starting at mile 58. Most likely it'll be in the dark...( I think I do spend some time there...:))

Elaine...I don't live far from Burney, about 45 min or so. They used to run a fast half marathon there in Sept. I think they lost their funding for it. When are you going?....

I was a bit tired today and only ran 7 miles. I think S&H got to my legs...:)...
Karen and Elaine: What would I do with out you ladies? You are both so wonderful!:) As far as future classes, there are none posted right now. It says to check back for upcoming classes so I really don't know. I looked around for others but couldn't find anything. I talked to DH and he is fine with my taking the class. Once I confirm having a sitter on the Monday's DH will be in class at night I will go see if the Monday 6:30pm class is still open. If it is, I am there! If it's not, I'll wander off sulking ;( but then I'll pick back up and train my darn self and I'll run a 5k race this fall dagnamit!!! :+ :+ :+

Karen, Congrats on your run! You pushed your limits and it paid off. Good for you! I love doing that. It's such a rush when you succeed!:+

Elaine, CTX U/B is a goody! I remember when i first got the CTX series and I did Leaner Legs and CTX U/B back to back! OMG! I thought I'd die! :eek: LOL Have fun!!!!:7

So Joey and I went for a swim in his pool this morning!:7 When we were done he got a bath and went down for a nap and mom went back outside with a book and read with her feet in the water!:+ So much for that shower I took bright and early this morning!:7

ETA: Hello Carole, we were posting at the same time!
Hi back Wendy....I do love that you have been enabled to take this class....http://bestsmileys.com/clapping/5.gif[/img] Seriously, would you have ever believed 6 months ago you'd be considering running a 5K!!!!....way to go girl....http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/f/scatter.gif[/img]
Good Afternoon Cheetahs!
I had an eye doc appt. today so I'm a little late getting it check-in
Cathy-Your trip sounds amazing! And I don't think a fieldtrip w/ 8th graders is exactly a rest day!

Laura-I'm very sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother, even when it ends someone's suffering, it's always tough. Good luck at the doc today.

Marcia-You've got to fuel your runs! And well, I suppose taco pizza could be considered very healthy with the right toppings.:)

Wendy-Hugs to the sick Joester:) Join, join, join! Enable, enable, enable! Seriously though I think you'll be so happy to join. What a neat workout. I always think the rebounder sounds fun, but am afraid of my ceilings, lol. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

Judy-Those are the best runs, where you feel good at the end, lol, it's usually easy to feel good in the beginning. Doesn't Cathe say that in one of her videos?;-)

Jess-Okay, official winner of the cheetah award today!!!:7

Christine-Sounds like you're reaping the benefits of making up!!

Gayle-I love that you're loving summer! And that you're loving your training. Sorry about the rashx( Don't worry about not posting all the time, we'll be happy to keep you entertained with our cheetah chatter:p

Carole-S&H Legs and then 10 miles? Now that is pure dedication!!

Karen-Here's to increased love with your treadmill! I've only been on once and felt like I was going to go face first into the display panel the whole time. Takes some serious getting used to. The love between "machine" and machine!

Today was a 5+ mile hill run and then CM #3. My new shoes feel AMAZING! And I felt really strong today despite the serious third day DOMS from the HSTA/HSC killer. DH is racing this weekend (5K), on a totally flat and fast course, but I CAN'Tx( :-( x( I have to go my SIL's wedding shower (where I will know no one except my in-laws who I do not get along with very well. And there will be almost no vegan options-b/c my MIL loves me *so* much-sarcasm). I'll let you know how it goes, lol:+
Mattea...we did it again....:)...OMG, I think we married into the same family!!!!!...I'll be sending good vibes your way for the shower....sorry....http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/crying14.gif[/img]

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