RE: I'm up!!
Hi Cheetahs,
I got some kickmax drills and TurboJam in today. Then a mishmosh of GS Chest, Back & shoulders. I'm gearing up for a long run tomorrow and hope to fit in some Coremax or abripper later today.
Wendy -- good job on your run! Yahoo for running straight through and on the distance. Good luck packing. Good luck easing in to Mr. YP. Don't be intimidated by those first rounds of Sun Salutations. They move fast and it's hard to be in sync with the tape. Just do what you can and see how you like it!

I love stretchmax 1.
Judy -- sounds like you have a good week plotted out for yourself working around travel. Fun to run with your kids. My son won't run with me because I am way too slow. I can only do floorwork after a run or L&G standing with ankleweights, but not weights, i.e. standing leg weights like squats and lunges.
Carole -- My MIL definitely sees me as from the other side of the tracks. Early in the marriage she told me someone "of your background would not be familiar with grape scissors..." and then my DH grabbed some grapes, put them in a bowl and started eating them hands-free.....very amusing.......;-)
Interesting that you say endurance leg workouts exhaust your legs more pre-run than a heavier weight workout. Were the weights you listed on a machine/cable machine? I really like the floor work on GSL & PLB. I like to mix L&G floor work w/PLB floorwork. Or sometimes I do PLB floor work: glutes and Hams, but do inner & outer thigh from GSL, and then glutes from L& G. I don't know why I like that combo, but I do!
Karen-- great job on your run. It's awesome you have your ITB soreness under control with stretching. Smart to catch it early.
Christine -- all your time with your daughters sounds so nice. Have fun with your hike/run today. Sounds like you are definitely in a good groove! I'm thinking of filet, too, for DH tomorrow for Father's Day.
Marcia -- happy anniversary. The elliptical sounds like fun. Hard for me to figure out what to eat for special occasions. I'm a creature of habit.
Shelly -- Have a great, great time on your trip! A hilly run and then HSTA??? Unlike my MIL, I cursty to you on that workout without any hesitation.
Hi to everyone coming by later: Elaine, Mattea (hope the weekend's going well!), Pamela, Laura, Cathy, Karin, Gayle, Thomasina....
have a great day