Cheetahs Check In June 11 Sunday

Hello again!
Carole- So sorry about your run today:-( It made me feel better when you were describing how it gets hard at 16-17miles. This is where I'm really struggling lately. I just have to develop the mental toughness that you have!

Barb- Yes, the "man against horse" race really involves horses. It is an endurance event where people run right alongside of horses.
I signed up for the 25 mile run and I will be racing against my good friend and her mule "Maddie". It isn't as impossible as it sounds. The horses are required to take breaks and vet checks, wheras the humans can keep going and abuse their bodies as much as they want!
My first marathon attempt will be the PF Chang RocknRoll Marathon in Phoenix. Conditions there in January are ideal and the course is fast and flat!

Love the new check in name:+ !!

Well, things may be settling a little with DH and I. We've agreed to go back to counseling to see what we can do. He has also talked extensively to his DS and DS spoke to me, apologized for past behavior and promised to do better moving forward. DH is adamant about DS staying here because he is convinced that if DS is put into an apartment and totally unsupervised he will go back to his old ways. I still have misgivings, but for 2 months inconvenience, I hate to break up a marriage and I can see DH's point about the total lack of supervision as I am not 100% sure that DS is rehabed - but we have to give the benefit of the doubt. We'll see. If DS does not change his ways, then I'll have some thinking to do. Thanks again for your support. I needed to vent and the love and strength I felt pouring in from this incredible group helped so much more than any of you can imagine.

As for the Half in Napa - I'll definitely be there, but I may be running the 10k. The truth is that I don't need the stress of training for a half, dealing with the situation at work, and dealing with the situation at home. I have to let something go. At least I'll still run with you ladies - or at least hang out with y'all.

I was SORE from the BootCamp/Me Bonus premix and in the mood for some fun so I did IMax Extreme, skipping the weight sections and adding on interval 10 of Imax 2 (my favorite one!).

Carole - sorry to hear about your crash and burn! How frustrating! But you'll come back, stronger than ever. There's something about running with stomach issues that is simply impossible. I'm impressed you managed 10 miles!

Wendy - I actually find Rodney Yee easier to follow, but probably because I started with him. Mr YP is a little tough at first, but if you just hang in there, you'll get it. I think my major problem is that I'm in a downward dog position most of the time, and can't see the tv when he's telling us what to do next.

Elaine - I'm very happy to hear about your brother! Having gone through cancer with my mom, I know how tough it can be on someone. He's in my prayers - as are you.

Mattea - Those chest flies are killing me today. I could barely lift my arms above my head for Imax Extreme - it was quite funny. But YES!!! Between you wonderful ladies and Cathe (another wonderful lady) - I'm feeling so much better.

Karen - 9.5 miles on the treadmill? Wow! That IS impressive!

Laura - sounds like you had a good hill workout, and your friend is keeping you on your toes. Good job.

Barb - you should be proud of your son! Sounds like you're raising a wonderful young man! Good job mom!

Shelly - I love HCE # 2 - I think that's my favorite. Just the right mix of high impact and fun step. And I am laughing at the description of the Man against Horse race! I love it! Go Shelly Go!
Christine- I must have missed this in not posting yesterday other than to say I wasn't going to be home. Oh honey, I'm so sorry you are going through this . Your such a support here for all of us that if you ever need anything, you got it. I know you will do what is best for you at this time in your life. Be strong and you will make it through this road block. Hang in there. We are all here for you. If you need anything I'm putting my shoes on and running to help you. Second thought email will be quicker. I'm not that fast.LOL
Christine --sounds like some sun cracked through the clouds in your conversations with DH -- that's wonderful and good that there is a way to talk now. Hard, hard situation you described with his S. Glad you are feeling better and finding ways to rework it all on land and in your head. I hope counselling will help continue the good work. I'm glad you will still get to meet up with the Cheetahs at the half and running the 10K sounds like fun!

I agree, though, that the BC/ME bonus premix is a tough one. Cannot believe you tacked on IMAX extreme!!!! Gulp!

Elaine-- your brother and family are in my prayers, too. Ditto on what Christine said about having family members go through cancer, it's painful to see someone you love suffer.

Karen-- I'm definitely impressed you did that long run on the treadmill. Go girl Go!!

Shelly- Neigh!!! running with the horses. That is too cool. That is a long way to go with or without breaks or horses. The marathon in Phoenix sounds like a good choice and lots of fun. Long and flat sounds good to me.

:) :) :)
Thanks cheetahs...:)

Karen, you are right sh@t does happen...[/img]

Barb...the humidity is nasty but I do have something to take for it, I just forgot today...

Shelly...once you get thru the 16-17 mile thing, you might start to love the distance. I know for me when marathon training 18 miles became my fav distance to run. That man against horse race sounds tough..:)

Christine...I am so glad you and your DH got some talking in...:)...I so much hope for this to work out...I know I'll be fine and yes running with my stomach like that was awful...

You sweet ladies are really the best...I never beat myself up over these kinds of things as they rarely happen. Because I didn't run far I am getting more things done around the house and that always makes me feel better....I just hope to have my appetite back soon...:)
Carole, glad you are feeling on the mend and what a nice feeling to get stuff done around the house! I love the spinning smiley for sh@t does happen!!! LOL....
Carole-Ugh!! I feel your pain on the stomach issues, I've been battling them myself lately. And with the heat, 10 miles is not just admirable, it's remarkable. We know you're good for the mileage, so we'll take the rest on credit, lol:+ Yes, 16-17 miles is mentally tough for me too (to IMAGINE!!). I bow in front of your bionic legs. Quick question about Nair, I too suffer from the overly coarse black hair syndrome. Does Nair really take care of it? Without feeling like it's taking your skin off too?

Barb-Your stories about your son keep making me smile:7 He sounds like a great kid who has his head in the right place. Could you give him an anonymous hug from the us?

ShellyC-You do realize that you can *ride* horses, right? ;-)

Christine-I'm so glad to hear that things are settling down for you at home. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed that things stay that way and that DSS stays true to his word. I think you are an amazing parent, wife, woman, pet owner, and athlete and you know that we've got your back.}(

Well Wendy, Barb, Shelly, and Carole-how's about this for a circuit}( I blended HSTA and HSC together into one extra long, pretty tough workout IMO. HSC W/U (Because I like the music, lol)
Cycle 1: HSTA Cardio 1+HSC Cardio 1+HSTA Legs+HSC Legs+HSC Upper Body+HSTA Upper Body (All from Cycle 1 of each workout)
Repeat this basic pattern for all 5 Cycles, ending with HSC Abs and Stretch. It was SO much fun (and I only laned on my A$$ once--you guessed it, during the straddle taps in HSTA, lol!) Other than that I didn't have to modify so much a single push-up. Tomorrow, well, I might hurt}(
Mattea --
just a thought---warm bath tomorrow? Ice bath today?
Creative combo which sounds fun but hard! Good job.

Thanks for the nice words about my son. :)
Good evening Cheetahs!

Christine, I missed your post yesterday. {Hugs} I'm so glad you and your dh are communicating and finding a way to work through this. Just know you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Carole, sorry you didn't meet your goal, but I'm really impressed by your attitude about it. You continue to inspire and motivate. :)

Wendy, believe it or not, I still haven't tried Mr. YP. Yesterday ended up being an unplanned rest day. After dd's game, and a few errands, dh and I were planning on hanging out on the back porch. He drove the car around so he could clean it, and I grabbed Kenpo X because I was going to do it while he cleaned the car. As I stepped onto the porch dd showed up with the neighborhood kids. We ended up watching them for hours. By the time I had my house back, it was late, and I was no longer in the mood.

Mattea, nice mish mosh. Sounds really tough! :) I love HS Challenge, but I haven't tried HSTA yet. (I think it's still in plastic. :+ )

Barb, your son sounds like a wonderful young man. You must be so proud of him!

Shelly, do you miss Florida? DH wants to look at homes in other states like N.C. and TX because real estate here is sky high. I'm going to look, but this is home. All my family is here, and I like my house and my neighbors. OTH more space and a larger yard would be nice. I guess if I could get my mom and dad, and my sister and brother to go too I might move. :))

Hi Judy, Cathy, Elaine, Marcia, Laura, Thomasina, Karen, Jess, and Sarah.

Today was supposed to be an 8 mile run + Mr. YP (finally! :)), but it started raining at about 3.5 miles so I had to cut the run short because I didn't want to be to far away if it began lightning. I did complete 5 miles, and I think I'm off to hop on the tm to get in the other 3. I may have to postpone Mr. YP again because the Heat game starts at 8:30pm, and I think that's just when I'll finish the tm, but we'll see.

Have a wonderful evening!
Christine...NOW ya tell me Rodney Yee is easier to follow! Jeesh! LOL :p ;) I'm very happy to hear that you are all trying to work out your situation together. Hopefully DS stays true to his word.

Mattea...WHOA! Super work out girl! Holy cow! I think you created your own TERMINATOR! ^5!}(

Pamela...I know stretching stuff always comes in last place for me. I can't tell you how many times I plan a stretch and it gets blown off! I think I am going to try to continue every rest day with what I have done for the past 2. I will make them active rest days with a w/u, some ab work and yoga/stretch. That way I know I'll get that stretch in atleast once per week. :)

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