Cheetahs Check In June 11 Sunday


Hey there Cheetahs! I took Christine's idea and changed the name of the check-in! Hope you don't mind!:)

Today is my rest day but I think I will do some ab work and possibly FINALLY try some of Mr. YP!}( I should probably go ahead and get started on the soon though as my mom is headed back down here today so once she gets here I won't have a chance to do it until later and who knows if I'll feel like it by then.

Have a good day!:)
Hey Wendy-
I started a post under "Cheetahs" one day last week, and folks missed it - probably not looking for that name. So, I'll post now and give it a quick bump.

I took a rest day yesterday and plan to get a PM workout in after the last World Cup match of the day - around 6-ish. (I love that it stays daylight longer and that's possible.) My plan is a 3-mile run and the GS BSB (which I blew off on Friday).

Have a great Sunday, everyone!

7 days of school left
Good morning Cheetahs....

I like the check in name Wendy!! Hope you enjoy Mr YP!...

Cathy...I is nice the days are longer...have a good workout.

Have fun golfing Judy...

I am attempting 22 miles today, alot of it on pavement, so when I finish...I'll crawl back and tell you how I did...:)

Christine...just thinking of you and hoping your day goes well...:)
Cathy: Yes, the longer days are DEFINATELY nicer but I tend to lose track of time b/c I think it's alot earlier than it is!:7

Judy: Enjoy golfing today!:)

Carole: WOW! That's a looooong run you have planned! Have fun!

So I just finished my "rest day work out". I did PUB w/u + ab work then did the first 10 mins of Mr YP Energize and finally the Stretchmax band segment.

I only did 10 mins of YP cause I didn't want to try too much too soon. I was having a hard time following his direction as he started moving into the poses quicker. A few times I would look up while in one pose and see that they were doing something completely different but I have no clue how they got there!!! HELP! LOL :7

I'm off to shower now but I'm sure I'll be back!;)
Good Morning! Now that summer is here I think I'm going to be busier than ever.....In addition to my job, my workouts and regular household stuff I'll be directing the lives of DS and DD. But it's fun to spend the time with them and I've got all sorts of fun stuff planned.

I'm going to run 11 miles this morning then we are off to a family day provided by my DH work at one of those amusement places that has miniature golf, go carts, batting cages, etc. After that we are going to my brother's house for a BBQ. I'm thrilled about the BBQ because my brother is very, very sick with cancer (has been for the past year) and it must mean that he is feeling good to have organized a BBQ at his house.

Wendy, Don't worry, you'll figure out Mr. YP in no time. I did that the first couple of times too and now I rarely have to look at the TV. Sometimes I'm a little behind but Mr. YP tells me over and over that it's not about how I look, it's about how I feel!! LOL!

Carole, I'll be thinking of you and your 22 miles. It won't be long before I'll be doing the same (except that my longest runs will be only 20 miles).

Judy, Enjoy golf. One of these days I'll get to do that again......

Mattea, Where exactly do you live in NY? I went to HS in Endicott. My father worked for IBM in Owego....

Christine, Amy and Thomasina, Are you guys following a training schedule for the Sonoma 1/2? How's it coming?

Gayle, Hope you are doing well. I've been thinking about you alot this last week......

Hello to everyone else! Talk to you all soon.:)
Morning Cheetahs!
I also like the name of the check-in!

Christine-So glad you see that your workout helped to sweatout some of the crap yesterday! Yeah, switching back to endurance work can feel like torture at first, lol! Isn't it nice to have us AND Cathe to help you vent =-)

Wendy-You'll get used to Mr. YP very soon, think of it like any other video, you have to preview it, then practice it before you can really 'do' it.

Carole-Good luck on the 22 miles! I'll have the ice bath ready}(

Cathy-Sounds like a great workout today! Don't you love GS? I'm still in awe of Cathe's bicep weights, 20's?!?!? 20's!?!? Meanwhile I'm usually dropping to 12's, lol! Yep, the RT was unforgettable!

Judy-Enjoy the rest day and the golfing. So really it's more of a resting/playing day:7

Elaine-Don't you just love summer "vacation"? Good luck on the 11 miles and have fun with the family get togethers. Glad to hear your brother feels up to the BBQ.

Karen-Glad you had a good long run today, I'm very jealous of the treadmill today! Way to keep yourself motivated!

Today was supposed to be a long run day for me, but DH is babying his leg a little in prep for a race next Sat. I can't go b/c I have to go to SIL's bridal shower (Ugh!), so he'll get to see what he can do without me slowing him down. Anyway, I'm a little hesitant to go the long distance w/o DH or pepper spray, so I'm going to make today a circuit day (I feel "circuity"). BUT I can't decide which one to do, so I'd love suggestions!! I have them all and I keep staring at them, reading the descriptions, lol! HELP!!
Reposting this over her. I know. That's what happens when you are feeling so good from a run. You lose your head. So here is my orgianl post.Good Morning Cheetahs. Today is suppose to be my long outdoor run with dh and the girls but it had to be all treadmill today. Dh is at the McDonald's LPGA tournament here in Maryland. Actually the golf course is 10 min away. Anyway I ran 9.5 miles today and kept a really steady pace on the treadmill. I was real happy with that. The speed was set like at 6.4 mph for the whole run. I feel good and even though I missed the outdoors it was fun trying to get the one mile in like at 8 minutes and then see if I could get the next at 9 min and so on. Kind of like a game. Then I did 30 min of a flexibily workout for runners that I have. My it band feels so good. Doesn't hurt one bit. I didn't want to push to 10 miles just to be safe. Hope you all have a great day.
Ok, Now to say Hello

Elaine- Great job on the 11 miles. Have fun at the BBQ. Prayers to BIL.

Wendy- Enjoy your rest day. I found this black dress yesterday at Target while shopping with my my. It is so cute but I didn't buy it. I know it will go to clearance soon. I'm so cheap.

Judy- Enjoy your golf game

Cathy- Dh was watching World Cup this morning before he left. Enjoy the game

Mattea- I thought the same thing. I was going to run the trail that we all bike and run together by myself this morning and be back before dh left for golf but then I was thinking, I have no pepper sray or anything so I opted for the treadmill.

Carole- Enjoy your 22 miles and the fresh air. Hope it's nice and not to hot. Question Carole. When does it begin to get tough for you. Like for me, my longest is 10 miles so arond mile 8.5 it starts to get a little sore and endurance seems to wear.I know I can push on and be fine at the 10 mile mark but more than that I need to work up to. I know you do 50k's so at 22 miles is that a relativly easy run in the sense that your enduracne does not give at all. When you do a 50k when does the legs start to kick in. I want to get to that point where at 15 mile run is as natural as a 8 mile run to me. Your inspire me to get there. Love ya.!!!!

Off to laundy max.
good morning ladies,

I just got back from running with my friend marci. We ran 5.62miles this morning. she really gave me a workout today being she was in control of where we went. she threw a couple of good hills at me. I havent done many hills in several weeks. I was tired at the end but the cooler weather today helped with my breathing. we also average 10:07pace, so again a slower pace helps me get through the runs these days.I have some muscle soreness from the upper body pyramid workout yesterday. a good soreness though.

carole hope you have a good run today!!!

gayle hope your doing okay!!!

hello to mattea,barb,shelly,thomasina,karen and anyone else I missed!also , to tell sarah we truly miss her here on the forum.hopefully she can pop in soon!!

talk with everyone later!!!
Hello again Cheetahs!

Elaine: Sounds like you have a fun day planned! Good for you! That 11 mile run should pump you up good for the day ahead! ENJOY!:)

Mattea: When in doubt, Boot Camp is always a great circuit! Or...even of the Terminators!!!}( }( }(

Karen: Sounds like you had a awesome TM run. Sorry you missed your OD run today. I know how you love them!

ETA a Hello to Laura...we were posting at the same time!

Thanks for the YP advice ladies....I will keep at it even if I have to do just the first 10 mins for the next month to get it down before I move on! LOL ;)
Hi Cheetahs,
Sounds like everyone is off to having great workouts today.

I am resting today. I am trying to get my ducks in a row around the house before it's officially summer vacation here. Went to the grocery store for a major stock-up before summer and am off to Target later.

Yesterday, I did some TurboJam and portions of GS chest, triceps, biceps, shoulders & back. Tomorrow, I'm planning to swim and do Core Synergistics, but if I don't feel rested enough, it will be another rest day.

Karen--great job on your 9.5 miles on the treadmill and fantastic that your IT band feels good and you are back on track! How was shopping with your mom?

Carole-- hope your 22 miler went well. Did you get out before the heat spiked? Do you go to church on Saturday so you can run on Sunday a.m.? (I noticed yesterday, unless I misread it that you said you went to church.)

Christine -- how was Core Synergistics yesterday and your run?

Elaine -- Sounds like you have a busy summer on deck. I like your description of working with the Mr. YP tape. Do you have any races scheduled between now and the St. George? My kids last day of school is this Friday. It's a mad rush around here for them to go to school for the next four days and basically have picnics and parties (Ooops I'm starting to whine...)

Laura -- glad you had a fun run with a friend today. Here are some links I have saved on my computer about overtraining (bringing this up from yesterday's posts -- I'm catching up!)

On Overtraining,5033,s6-51-0-0-8957-1-1X2-3,00.html

Mattea -- Circuit suggestions? Hmm, I think of you as the master of putting together challenging circuits. I love SJP, C& W and Bootcamp...Did you wear your new shoes today...Here's more info on P90x..

Pamela -- glad your stress level is lower being SAHM instead of the job situation. It's hard with working, not working, working part-time (which is what I do), there's always stress about the road not taken.....

Wendy --Great job on your outdoor run yesterday. Windy, but you did it!!! Definitely it gets endlessly boring at times being with kids or a kid 24-7, but it's a good thing to find the balance the works for you. Some days are just long and not that interesting.....I feel like no one told me that when my kids were really little. Everyone seemed to fess up about "the TRUTH" whatever it was once kids were older. It's a pet peeve of mine really that there is pressure on women to be happy doing mommy-ing ...some days mommy-ing are more like days at the track without a you any feedback.
Definitely takes a few time to get down the Mr. YP sequence, especially that first 10 minutes, then the instructions are easier to follow. Think about the learning curve (at least for me) on KPC kick-punch takes awhile,but it's worth it.

Judy -- have a great golf game and stretching. When does your son start college or is he already there?

Shelly- I like your idea of moving back a level in training plans. I did that 6 months before my half -- I switched from intermediate to a novice plan and I learned a lot by doing that and was able to clearly identify weak points that were holding me back. I know the feeling of not being happy with how a run turns out vs. how you'd imagine it would go. I might have missed this but are you training for a marathon now?

Jess -- fun about your daughter's race yesterday. Funny with my son, who is 12, almost 13--going into 8th gradein the fall, at his swim meet yesterday, I was happy NOT that he went faster than other kids (he did well for him and his goals, cutting a little time off a few events -- an overall forward trajectory, so I'm pleased for him...) but I was really happy that he was a gentleman about it with some of his buddies who didn't have great days. He found something nice to say to other kids, which made me happy.

Also challenging socially is now a couple of the "ladies" on the team are rooting for him (standing at a lane saying "Go, Go...") which he is trying to be gracious about even though it's mortifying. I keep reminding myself that the effect of all of this involves the fact that everyone is wearing swimsuits aka half-naked.....

have a great Sunday to everyone else: Pamela, Thomasina, Marcia, Judy and anyone else I might have missed.

:) :) :)
Good morning to all you lovely and fit cheetahs!
Cathy- I like the new name posting! Sounds like a good workout for you today. Keep up with the GS and you'll be ripped in no time!

Judy- have a great rest and stretch day. My absolute favorite stretch is Cathe's stability ball stretch workout! Just love it:)

Carole- you sure have a long and literally HARD run today. 22 miles on mostly pavement...that makes for quite alot of pounding! Good luck and get the ice bath ready :eek:

Elaine- Sounds like a great day for you. You sure are one busy lady! Kudos to you for managing it all and still getting in quality workouts. That's definitely a great sign that your brother is up to hosting a BBQ- Have fun :+

Mattea- I vote for a combo workout like from the Terminator's or Hardcore Extremes-- they do it for me every time}( In fact, I'll do one today:7

Karen- I really admire that you can go for long distances on the treadmill. I usually reserve it's use for shorter speed workouts.I find it difficult to go beyond 6 miles on one...too boring!
I'm so glad to hear you've conquered your bout with ITB syndrome :)

Laura- Great job on the 5+ mile hill run! You sound like your running very wisely right now. Keep up the good work!

Wendy- I had the same EXACT frustration when I first tried Mr.YP.
It was my first attempt at yoga. But it really didn't take that long to "get" it to where I felt more comfortable--you'll see, hang in there :)

Today will be some circuit cardio- I'm thinking the HCE #2 with IMAX3,Lomax, and the Kickmax segments (I think it's # 2 anyway)then some corework. A big happy hello to everyone else today :7

Hi Barb - looks like a case of simultaneous posting:) You must indeed be proud of your son! It's getting so rare these days to see that kind of good manners and attitudes in kids! So you are into swimming also? Have you ever considered or done a triathlon?
I am trying to train up for a marathon. I will be running a 25 mile "man against horse" race in October. Then will back off and train up again for my first actual marathon attempt in January 07 (I hope!)

Elaine-Right now DH and I live in Johnson City and I teach at SUNY Binghamton, but we both grew up on the Corning area and that's where most of our immediate family lives.
My MIL also went to Endicott HS and her father was an electrician with IBM. His last name was Knapp. My husband's 'maiden' name (yeah you read that right;-) he changed *his* last name when we got married) was Muffly.
So you know firsthand how grey our weather can be! And how hilly are the hills}(

Just wanted to add, thanks for the suggestions Wendy, Barb, and ShellyC! And, what did I ever do to you!! Sheesh:p BC, Terminator, HC Extreme, master at putting together challenging circuits... Well, I'm going to take that challenge!! Love you guys:+
Elaine...glad to see you posting...:)...I hope you have a good time at your brothers BBQ....that really is good he is feeling better...

Mattea...I vote for HSC!....

Karen...good job on the treadmill run! It normally starts to get tough for me about 16-17 miles of a long run. I know in my last 50K when I saw this cliff of an uphill at 20 miles...I thought "what in the world am I doing this for???" that was tough but I did push thru the 31 miles to the end. It does take some time to build up the endurance, but you can train your body for distance. Take it slow...:)

Laura...sounds like a good run today. Hills do help although they are tough to do...keep up the good work.

Barb...sounds like a nice rest day. I always go to chruch on Sat. I did tell my Pastor I became a Seventh Day Adventist so I could watch Football on sunday and go to church on saturday...:)

Shelly...enjoy your a marathon in Jan 07....way to go!!! ice baths for me!!! Super Carole crashed and burned today!!
I had some indigestion issues and without going into any detail, spent some time in the bathroom before my run. Most of the time that goes away...but not lack of the sleep the last few nights might not have helped either. I also hate this humidity!! So I managed 10 miles before I stopped...[/img]....darn....I'll have to do a couple of longer runs monday and tuesday....
Shelly -- what's a man against horse race? I'm afraid to ask if real horses are involved?
I am not into swimming exactly, but do it for fitness/crosstraining and find it works well for me. I don't like biking at all and just don't have the drive right now for a triatholon -- though I'm interested in the cross-training aspects of it.

Where is the Jan. 7 race? Congrats to you for taking this on.

Thanks for the nice words about manners and my son. One of the swim coaches wears a t-shirt that says something like: "attitudes are contagious. Is your's worth catching?" ;) and I just love that.

Barb:) :)
So sorry to hear about that Carole. You know SH#T happens. LOL Ok not to funny when your the one with the sick stomach. Hope you feel better today after you get some good sleep. Ten miles is fantastic know matter how you look at it. I hate it when I have a plan to do somthing and it doesn't work out the way I want it to. Don't worry you'll make it up Mon and Tues.

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