Howdy all! I’ve been MIA again, but that’s how it gets for me with all I have on my plate sometimes! Glad everyone is doing great. I did an EASY breezy 3 miles this morning (recovering from bronchitis) and some PUB. OUCH.
Laura – I know how you feel, I have asthma and just finished a bout of bronchitis too. Needless to say, my runs and/or exercise were crappy or non existent. I glad you got some meds to clear up the problem and I know your running fitness level will return in no time! My prayers are with you and your family during this stressful time, but please have a good week despite the busyness!
Wendy!!!! –YYYYYIIIIIIIPEEEEEE!! You joined! I wasn’t sure if you saw my totally enabling post I left a few nights ago, so I was SOOOOOOOO excited that you took the plunge AND that you chose the women’s run in the park to do! I tell ya, there’s one I’d be running if I lived in your neck of the woods! You can do this miss cheetah woman, don’t even be shy. You’ll make new friends right away and you’ll also see that missing a class here and there will not be the end of the world. Also, the advice you’re getting on this cheetah place will compliment what you learn from the running group. Woo Hoo! I’m still so excited for you!
Marcia – You’re doing awesome with your runs! I can remember shakin’ in my boots (well must have been running shoes but…) when I was going to run my first 5 miler! Good for you! Also, I am a lifetime member of weight watchers and I have used the flex plan. The problem with WW is that I am a vegetarian (trying to be vegan …dang cheese!) and I have to do a lot of modifying. But I use WW mostly for what I call checking into Yep, I am now way over my goal weight that I had maintained for years. Coincidently, I am going to a meeting (rehab) tonight after work because I managed to get off track these last few weeks with all the illness and stresses and busyness going on in my life. Sooo, just the checking in with the meeting makes me be more accountable to myself around the eating games I play with myself. Tonight I plan to look further into the Core plan as I think this will be more what I need for the Vegan eating that I want to do. I’ll let you know of any tips etc that I find out. If you would like a WW buddy for support, and chatting etc just PM me or Email me at
[email protected]. Good job on the workouts!!
Jess – Awe, you’re still one tough cheetah because you still got up and ran 5 HILLY miles. SHeesh! You guys and your hills! I think I should get a shirt that reads “Hills are my friend”…but then maybe not, because all of the perverts would think I was referring to something else! LOL. Thank goodness you found our silly ol’ Mikey! Dang dog, but atleast you got in some triathalon training that day! Oh, and your girls are absolutely adorable with their up and coming running careers. You are setting such a great example for fitness, not to mention the group involvement that encourages their self-esteem. Like some of our fellow cheetahs, I admire what a great mom you are!
Shelley- Howdy! 3 miles of trails is wonderful. I too have to back of any intensity lately because of my strep throat that followed with bronchitis. I’m still taking it easy on the workouts until next week. Of course, all of your guyszes “low intensity” is probably something that would kill me! Lol
Carole! - Super Carole! You had me cracking up about the MIL stuff. Actually You, Matea and Barb were! Glad you are feeling better, my DS had a touch of what you had before he left for DC. Strange stuff that goes around. You still rock with your workouts anyway. But that is why you are SUPER CAROLE! Lol
Hi to Barb! - I am a rushed person these days too, but I’m glad you could pop in to say hello and post such funny stuff about your MIL! LMAO!
Hi to Gayle – Another great mom! Glad your running schedule is coming along and thanks for popping in to say hello. You’re another groovy cheetah mom spending time being active with your boys! You deserve some atta girls!!
Judy, Judy Judy… Hi Judy! You’re an awesome 45 year young cheetah. As always, you and Mattea (well Sarah too) are my inspiration when I must attempt to attack an upcoming hill. Did you know that Hills is a four letter word? lol
Karen – Hi there! Sounds like you are just a cheetah in everything you do! Have fun with your girls and the Library – another great mom!
Elaine – HellO! Good work with your schedule and track work. I get DOMS from walking lunges too so I don’t do them Nah, I just have to tone them down is all. Hope you can arrange to meet with Carole for a run and then you can come back and tell us how many mountain lions and bears you counted on the run. I bet they’re all afraid of Super Carole anyway. By the way, I love the advice you have been giving Wendy with the 5K running group and all. It sounds like real advice and not just enabling blabber that I do!
Christine – HOWDY! Thanks for missing me and DS is having a blast in DC. Actually today they went to NYC for the remainder of the trip. He’s also very stoked because I phoned into the office of his 8th grade to find out his final grades and I’m happy to report that the kid came out MUCH improved over the last report card and now DH will pay and officially enroll him into the high school football program for fall and the summer camp conditioning camp. He’s a smart kid and doesn’t get into trouble at school, he just likes his friends and sports better than his academics! Anyway, DD is another story for another day. Lets just use the word tolerating for now. LOL. Glad you have been able to overcome your stressful family issues and a short get away for you and DH are probably just what you need. Running the 10K is going to be fine for you I’m sure. Running should be fun, not stressful! Have a good day!
Mattea! - GO to your room and get that PUB done right now! Yeah, you’re one of the tough cheetahs that can attack and conquer a hill without notice so what are you doing trying to ditch a measly little PUB workout! Ok..did that work? LOL Good luck with your MIL this weekend and make sure you explain to her in detail what happens in a slaughterhouse the minute she is bagging on your Vegan way of life. Better yet, wait till all of them are just sitting down to daintily eat the goodies at the shower!.. I know sounds, evil, but that is what I am always tempted to do when people here at work start making fun of me at one of our many fatty a$$ food related functions. Oh, and I’ll get that book out to you on Friday when I ‘m off from work and can get to the post office. Have a great weekend..uh hem…anyway!
Pamela – Hello! And Congratulations on the weight loss! Hope you can get your workouts in order. I know I have trouble with that sometimes when life gets in the way.
Kathy!! Hello! So glad you posted. I was just wondering the other day how you were managing. Sounds like you will recover nicely. And by the way, if it matters, you were already a cheetah before the surgery! Good luck to you and keep coming back to update us on your progress!
Gotta get going now, Take care ya'll!