Howdy there chicas!
I'm sorry I didn't get back for personals this morning. Between reading up on PF and having to get off to work I found myself a bit short on time.
Thank you all so, so much for all the advice and support. It was so awesome to know that my Cheetahs were in my corner! On the plus side...the foot felt pretty darn good today. I only had one twinge and it was the result of a stupid fault x(. I did discover that if I stay on even, meaning paved or some other solid surface, there is little to no pain. However, walking in the ring (sand mix) is where I'm really having a hard time. It almost feels like all those micro-adjustments that your foot has to make for balance are what cause the most pain, not any kind of impact. It made me wonder if all of my time on the Bosu lately could have contributed to this as well ;(...I *heart* my Bosu and don't want to give it up ;(. Oh well, it's been nixed for now though.
Cathy - Thanks, but I think I stole Cheetastic from Judy, if I remember correctly
. That is, indeed, the perfect workout for + Bosu = nice sweatfest!
Sunny - Sorry to hear of your iTread disappointment this month. I know you're quite the junkie
. Thanks for the healing wishes.
Lorie - Thank you so much for letting "her" come out and play...that's exactly how I feel today x(! How on earth did you get through two hours of yoga!?!?!?! LOL about the wine...2 glasses puts me right to sleep. My plan for tonight is to read through PF stuff here...I KNOW there HAS to be some good info here
. Awesome workout today! OMG LMAO at the "crack"!!!!!
Wendy - Wouldn't you know that the first thing I thought was "Now I HAVE to find a HM this summer to do with da girls!" Sorry to hear that you're still fighting off the cruddies. You've been putting in some great workouts!!!
Lori - Fantastic run today!
Christine - Thanks hon. I actually tried to wrap it this morning and found it actually made it worse so I nixed that idea. No, I'm too askeered to get the X
. You know, once again, you've inspired me. I'm not a very religious person and have never given anything up for Lent. Well this year, that's a changin'! I'm borrowing Gayle's idea...I will stop abusing my body with food binges. Sorry your boss' speech was a snoozefest, but happy to hear that the Key Note was worth the drive. I only wish it was a *real* vacay. It's only three days and I'm just tagging along on a business trip...anything to have the opportunity to spend time with him.
Carole - Thanks for the info!!!! I will definitely check that one out...*adds to notebook located to side of computer*. I actually *know* for a fact that my left foot has *never* "lined up" of the reasons I could never become a dancer (killed me when I started pointe as a kid). The, ahem, *insinuation* from my boss was that it was caused by my running, which he doesn't approve of and thinks is *baaaaad*.
Kristi - My heart goes out to all who have been affected by those storms...{{{{HUGS}}}}}. So sorry to hear about the anxious (and sleepless) night for you. Now, get thee to bed!!! This little "break" is just making me hungrier for the next race!
Jackie - I meant to ask you the other's your UTI? Are you just about done with the meds? I'll bet that probably had something to do with your low(er) energy levels. Yup, I need to refocus the lower body work. I think B&G and I are going to become *very* good friends
Dallas - ART? I know I should probably know what this is but I'm having a brain fart. Yeah, I am going to try that frozen bottle thing. Oh, what a wonderful gift for your MIL!!!! I hear you about the "spare time"...would you care to define that for me
Shelly - Wow, taxes and a great run, you go!!!!!!! You are too awesome for words to run with your friend...I hope you have fun! Yup, that book is at the top of my list right now. You're right about the why didn't I think about that? I hope there's one there. I know it's only a temporary hiccup, but it's rather annoying to say the least, hmph! Thanks love!
Judy - Thanks for the boost! Had to LOL about your Great Room...I've been known to do things like that just because I get bored easily
. I hope DS feels better soon.
Well, I have a little research to do here and then it's off to La La Land. I'll probably be asleep by 8 or 8:30...pathetic! Hasta manana!