
getting us started...

still so busy at work. no computer time after work yesterday as i had my new SQUAT RACK/WEIGHT BENCH put together. it's the gold's gym one from wal mart and it is awesome (also, only $140). i also got a 80 inch long standard bar, some more plates, and a 35# db for one arm rows. i can't wait to use it.

so, i have been the biggest slacker lately. i need to read up and find out what's going on with everyone!!!

i did take a rest day on saturday and it was nice. sunday, i did iTread tag team #22 and tag team #23. i had downloaded them and wanted to try them. they are both really good. 23 might be a bit harder because nick loves those hills (which i hate...grace also says on that one that she hates hills :p ). on 22, mimi does these leg intervals that she calls walking/running lunges...i was sore the next day. they're both really good. yesterday was MM.

i am not sure what today will be. some kind of cardio. no weights since i did full body yesterday. I CAN'T WAIT TO USE MY NEW TOY!!!

here are a few pics:
unfortunately, the guy is not included! ;-)

i am going to try to be less of a slacker cheetah (i shoulld really change my cheetah name) but i can't promise anything until i get through the next month or so at work.

how sad is it that i plan to use my spring break to work on my dissertation???

off to go figure out a w/o. love to each and every one of you!
Good morning lovely ladies!

I only have a second to check in...DSO is coming over and we have the whole day together...YAY! L&G Standing Extreme was on the agenda for this morning but I don't have time. I may opt for a run tonight (depending on foot and chance of rain) or L&G or some step cardio...not sure yet.

Oh, bad news, we only finished 5th (cash to third) but there is a *small* chance we'll see some money. I won't get into how that works because it's a little confusing. Oh well, next time!

Sunny - I don't know where my post to you went :(? I wanted to say CONGRATS to you and your team...WTG super star trainer!

Lorie - Glad to hear that you are okay after all those kind of worried when we hadn't heard from you. Oooooh, enjoy your new toy and what a price!!!

Okay, got get moving. I have a lot of little stuff to get done before DSO gets here. TTFN...have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Cheetahs.

Lorie: Oh girl the jealousy is rising in me over your new toy!}( I would LOVE to be able to purchase something like that but I just don't have the room for stuff like that. :-( Enjoy it babe!:+

Wendi: So what are your plans with SO for today? HAVE FUN! You deserve it!:) I will keep my fingers crossed that you still won some cash. Sorry you didn't make the cut but 5th still seems pretty awesome to me!

Today was initially going to be my yoga day but I am not sure I am going to keep it that way. I may want to do more then that so I may do either Core Syn or Mint Condition after work today. We'll see how I feel. ;)

Good morning cheetahs! No time for a chat yesterday but I have a bit a spare time this morning:7 Update on my mother's reaction to my move. She e-mailed me back and all my angst was for nothing:)
She was wonderful and understanding and grateful of the years I was here.... awwwww! What a relief to have the dreaded notifications done anyway! Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day but I woke up early and thought... what the hell.... I did B&G and it felt great!

Lorie- Color me green with jealousy along with Wendy over your new toy!!! Can't wait to hear what kind of weights you'll be squatting with!!}( }( }(

Wendi- Sorry about the dissapointing finish for you on your bowling tourney but I gotta say... you have the attitude of a champion:7
on to the next one!!! Have a great day with your DSO.

Wendy- The snowfall turned out to be quite manageable afterall and provided a nice break. I am so intrigued by your description of the mint condition workout... I will definitely be checking it out.
WTG on that pace of 9:34--- that's getting to be pretty routine for you now!!

Christine- So happy to hear that your DH is home and feeling well. I can't believe he has the energy for any socializing:eek: I love your KB circuit--- sounds like a real killer}(

Dallas- I haven't actually done the circuit circus for a while, you've got me wanting to do it again now}( I've been considering getting a second iPod for a while now.... those itrains, etc do take up room!!!

Carole- Hope your week is going well for you so far and you're having fun with the CTX rotation.

Jackie- Nice to hear you are recovering from the hospital adventure with your Mom and getting back on track.:)

Kath- Welcome to Cheetahville!!! We are always very happy to have new runners to chat with. Congratulations on meeting your 12 week challenge goals... that is awesome:eek: :7 This is the place to be for encouragement and advice... we'll all be pulling for ya on your upcoming half marathon!

Linda- getting back into the swing of things yet?

Sunny- Hiya! I thought you were finished with the TT workouts...
what's on tap for today?

Kristi--- how is your knee? Inquiring cheetahs want to know:p

Busy Cathy---- are you still sane?

Gotta go.... duty calls. For today it will be a 5 mile run and then
DM upperbody circuit.


Good morning Cheetahs! I thought I would have been able to post before now, but life has been so busy. DH came home late Saturday night. Of course, he came home to an injured cheetah. Sunday morning he had to go out and buy me crutches because I couldn't apply any pressure to my right leg. However, by lunch time the ibuprofen kicked in and it was much better. Today I am not hobbling around like I had been. I can somewhat navigate stairs and apply pressure to my right leg. I think my injury was due to a few factors. It was really cold the morning of the race and I don't think I warmed up and stretched enough. Also, my new shoes came in the day before the race, but I didn't want to wear them for the first time on the course. Nike has changed the shoe slightly. I knew I needed new shoes when I had my 5K the beginning of March. However, I didn't know it would take the running store so long to get them in. Finally during the race when I was having knee problems, my other muscles started overcompensating for the problem. I'm sure my leg is not seriously injured because it is much better than Sunday morning when I couldn't walk at all. As of yet, I don't know if I will be able to run the 10 miler in about 1 1/2 weeks. Tomorrow I am going to try to do a short run on the treadmill with my new shoes and judge how my leg is from there. All in all, I'm doing well... just feeling like a slug. Hopefully if I have to bag the 10 miler race I can still do the HM with my DB the end of April. Well, cross that bridge when we get to it.

Lorie - I love your new toy! I'm jealous too. :) Enjoy it!!

I hope work will be slow today so I can catch up with everyone. I've missed my cheetah girls! Have a great day! I'll BBL.
Good Morning Lovely Ladies!

DH and I went out last night, and I’m a bit fuzzy this morning, so no workout. Besides, that Mint Condition workout kicked my butt! My back is sore! Mid back, of all places. It does feel good, though. I’m thinking of walking to work today and bringing Jimmy with me. I can walk him home over lunch, and I’ll get in a 4 mile walk. :p That will be my workout today, and Jimmy will get a nice long walk, too. The part he chewed on my bike is in, so I’ll go get that over lunch as well, so I can ride bike tomorrow!! Maybe I’ll do a mish mosh of my circuit workout and a Spinervals. Do the Spinervals in place of the 1 minute of plyo work. I think I’m going to try to go without wrapping my finger today – I don’t like the loss of mobility that wrapping it brings.

Kath – Glad you’re here! Thanks for the compliments on Jimmy. I talk about him a lot. He’s a sweetie. 12 miles at the gym’s track? Wow – I’m in awe!

Carole – Is DH any better? Sounds like you had a nice day off yesterday! Your taco soup sounds heavenly. I have to make some one day!

Wendy – those kettlebell burpees kick my butt. It’s a nice adder to that workout. Your Mint Condition workout kicked my butt. Enjoy it if you do it!

Cathy – So sorry to hear about the black cloud dogging you! I’ve had one over my head, too for a bit and after a while I could only laugh. But a migraine is no laughing matter. I hope you’re feeling better!! It’ll be over soon enough!! MIL is back to hanging on. She’s a tough old lady. We always joke that she’ll outlast all of us. I hope you get to try Providence soon.

Wendi – sorry you placed 5th, but that’s still great!! Hope you get some $$ :p. Glad the foot is feeling better. Hope you get some sleep soon! Enjoy your day with DSO!

Sunny – hey there busy lady! I’m disappointed with iTrain too. I actually cancelled my membership – we’ll see if it takes – I’ve heard a lot of complaints about trying to cancel. I got AOS Newport yesterday but it will be about a week before I can do it. Bummer.

Linda – it is tough to get back into routine once you’ve been away. Good idea to take yesterday off. How are you doing today?

Lorie – Nice bench and rack!!! Have fun with it!! Must be driving you nuts not to be able to use it today. DARN!! The guy is not included? Well, then…. :+

Shelly – Oh, I’m sorry happy to hear your mom is being wonderful and understanding about your move!!! That has to be a huge relief! I cannot wait to do my circuit. :p Enjoy your run and Upper Body Circuit!

Kristi – hope your leg is feeling better soon! Sounds painful, though! We are both injured cheetahs.

Have a great day everyone! :p
Good morning cheetahs

Lorie..nice new toy!! Good job with the iTread.

Wendi...enjoy your day with DSO. Sorry you only got 5th place in the bowling...maybe you will get a bit of cash?

Wendy...the taco soup is way past easy to make. Just open up the cans, empty them in the crockpot and turn it on. You only cut up a bit of onion. It is so easy even my DH can make it!...:)..Enjoy your workout.

Shelly...I am happy you heard from your Mom! Glad she is understanding. Good job with B&G. My monday off was nice and hopefully the rest of the week goes well. sorry about the knee. I am sure the new shoes will help, but take it easy...sending healing vibes.

Christine...Yes, DH is better. We are not talking much and right now that is fine. I love the taco soup because it makes so much. I like having it for lunch when I am at work. I hope you get in a nice walk with Jimmy.

Cathy..Mondays are the best to me! So sorry about the migraine...that sucks. Sending good vibes for getting through this hectic week.

Linda...I have never done a CTX rotation so I figure it is about time I did! Sometimes after being out of town a rest day from working out is the best thing!

I am doing CTX biceps, then an EXT circuit with PLB standing exercises.

Have a good day...:)
Good morning everyone!

Christine - I do think things will be getting worse for the economy before it hits better days. Just hoping it doesn't last too long. Your circuit rotation looks good. Sounds like you and DH had some fun last night. What will you do to keep Jimmy from chewing on the bike again?

Kath - Great job on the 12 miles! You run like a tough girl. :)

Carole - Hope your day was a peaceful husband free day yesterday. Vegetable taco soup sounds yummy. So the soup comes in a can with the taco already in it? Enjoy your workout.

Wendy - I don't care for recipes that call for more than 5 ingredients. I like those quick dishes.

Cathy - Hope you see some improvement in your runs from the EXT once you hit the pavement. Sorry to hear about the headache. Hope it didn't last long.

Wendi - Those sleep deprived days can wreak havoc. Hope you're able to catch up on some rest. Good luck with getting a few $$$ from bowling. Let's just say I'm getting better with the PP. I still prefer flat hands right now. I don't know if it's my arm strength or what. Maybe a few more times and I'll be ok with them. Enjoy the day with SO.

Sunny - Nice workout yesterday. I'm not too enthused with iTrain workouts this month. I'm not even using my free download this month I'm so disappointed. Hopefully next month they will have something I want.

Linda - I see now why iTrain didn't automatically renew my $49 membership. They knew the cost would triple. I'll probably stick with a la carte for now if they have something I'm interested in. Did the rest day help with your workout today?

Lorie - Hope work slows down a bit for you. Love your new toy. Looks like a good price too. The guy would have been an added perk and incentive. Bummer that you have to use spring break for your dissertation. Hope you can make a dent in it.

Shelly - So glad to hear that your mom wasn't upset about your moving. Guess she just took her time responding. Nice workout to celebrate the news. Enjoy your 5 miles today.

Kristi - Glad to hear you're improving. I ran my first half in new shoes. Felt like it was a mistake because I didn't have time to adjust. The next half I pulled out the old shoes and did much better. Will keep my fingers crossed that you can still do the HM.

Today's workout was iTread #26 30 minutes, iClimb #3 20 minutes and Cathe's Basic Stretch. Got in 3.4 miles this morning. The stretch felt so good afterwards.

Enjoy your day ladies!

Quickie post as I haven't done cardio yet. My sister called and was yapping with her for a while. :) I did get Core Synergistic done before getting the kids up from school. I had some unusual DOMS (obliques and glutes) when I got up this AM. I get the glutes from the heavy resistance (hills) in the spin workout. Maybe the obliques were from YogaX??? Anyway, wonder how they'll feel after CS sets in??? }( I have to say this rotation is definitely defining my ab area nicely. The scale is pretty much the same, but says I've gone down a few body fat %'s. Woo hoo!!! I'll have to cut the recovery week short because next week we're planning a little something for Spring break. :) I'll have to start Phase 2 early.

DS stayed the night w/the grandparents, so I have the day to myself. Stealing Wendy's happy dance (or would that be Cathe's) ;-)

OK, time to get the cardio done. I'll BBL for personals!
Hi Girls :)

Thanks again for the warm welcome . I finish the 12 week challenge on Sunday. I can run :) Sometimes it's not pretty. I have a t-shirt that says "I run like a girl" I get lots of comments on it. There are some days I think I run like Phoebe on friends :) :)Then there are days when I'm on fire. I'm sure you all can relate :)

ShellyC & Jackie Thanks for welcoming me today.

Christine: I am a dog lover. I have a 13 year old retriever who has ADD. I swear he thinks he is 2 still :) :) WE couldn't imagine our lives without him :)

Today I did circuits. 20mins on the bike & 20mins treadmill & 20mins Trainer. I increase resistance and up the incline on treadmill at diff times. I won't post all that. It's in my workout notebook where it needs to be :) :) I was able to work biceps and abs as well.

12 miles on a track can get to ya. I so can't wait for spring. I live in the cold part of NY. And our winter has not been kind to us. We are suppose to be hit with some nasty freezing rain tonight. What's with that?? If it is going to rain--let it rain to wash away this white stuff :)

Thank you again Girls for the warm welcome. I think I'll start the NROL with ya in May if thats ok.

BBL :)
hello ladies,

man i am feeling yesterday's workout, OMG!
today i am doing the mint condition workout from m&F hers.

wendy- so what did you decide on? i am sure the workout will kick my butt. i can't wait, lol.

wendi- thank you!! have fun with Dso today.

carole- so how is your hip feeling?

shelly- no not done with TT workouts. just took a little break. they are just too good}( glad to hear your mom is not mad at your regarding your moving. i am sure she understands you are doing what is best. she knows you well enough to know you are a good hearted person.

lorie- working during your break doesn't sound like much fun. however i am sure you are anxious to get it done. love the new toy!!

kristi- UGH, so sorry to hear about your leg on race day. sounds like you are recuperating! i know you are estatic dh is home!! now worries on the 10 miler you will be back in no time.

christine- so sorry your finger is keeping you away from your beloved kb's. hopefully you are able to get back to them very soon. very happy for you that dh is home!! did you read that i ordered steve maxwell's 300 kb challenge?

dallas- how is the studying coming along? hope you and your family are all feelling better.

kath- welcome again. great job on the 12 miler. are you doing any races this year? you are definitely welcome to join us with NROL4W!

jackie- yea, i can't believe itrain. hopefully they will reconsider. i just can't see myself buying anymore at their new rates. when do you move into your new home?
Sunny: I've decided to do mint condition with you today and I plan to add weight to the burpees and the walking lunges!!!}( Can't wait to hear your thoughts! Did you check out the ab section yet? Looks good too! }(

GTG make some java and then I'll be back for more personals!:)
I'm back. I had to feed the munchkin lunch as well as make my java. :)

Shelly: I'm so happy that your mom's reaction was not as you had thought it would be. That must be a giant worry lifted off you mind. :) Yeah, I don't know when or how it happened but I apparently became a faster runner when I wasn't paying attention! LOL I was reading the description of the Turbo Jam pkg you bought and now I want it!}(

Kristi: I hope you can run the 10 mile race!!!!

Christine: Glad you got some DOMS from the mint condition work out. Strangely enough, I did not. I thought for sure all of those push ups would get me but they didn't!? Perhaps I'll get a little lower body soreness after adding weights today! I'll let you know!

Carole: Okay, now you are really tempting me with that soup!:9 Enjoy your work out!

Jackie: Nice work out this morning. I tend to make the same basic meals all of the time. My goal is to make a decent meal for DH and DS that is easy and fast as possible! :p

Dallas: So what cardio work out did you do today? Glad you are see nice results in your core from the X. It did the same for my midsection. So what are you doing with your child-free time today, you lucky girl?

Kathy: Can't wait to start NROL with you in May! Nice job on the circuit work out today!
Mint Condition is done!

I lowered the reps in some of the push up exercises in order to get 3 sets of everything in this time. I also did the walking lunges and burpees with a set of 12# weights. YOWZA, that DEFINATELY made a difference! Me likey! }(

It stunk though cause I could only do 1 set of walking lunges/burpees the first time through as my leg got tweaky and started to hurt. Then on the 2nd round of those exercises I somehow tweaked my shoulder and had to take the push ups out of the burpees for 2 out of the 3 sets. x(

All in all though it was an even more fantastic work out then the first time! YEE-HAW! :7 :7 :7

Boy, does the day go by quickly! I actually went to get DS right after lunch. I guess I got a half day. :) I never get as much as I want done no matter how much time I get. :( Oh well.

I ended up doing Bosu Blast. I needed something fun and fast. I did not do the abs. No need for that.;-) This head thing just won't go away!! UGH!! I felt fine all morning and then after my shower my head got all congested and foggy feeling. :( Y-day I felt foggy and forgetful. I told DS5 I needed a brain transplant. He said, "They'd have to cut your head off mommy." LOL :7 The way my head feels right now they can have it. :+

Wendy ~ I made a note to p/u the latest M&F issue. I forgot the other day. :( It sounds like a goody! Yeah, Buddy must be new for iCycle? I only have downloaded Mimi and Keith's workouts. Well, looks like I'll have to take the plunge at get the 8 gig MP3 player! :) Oh, I got house stuff done...not exactly what I wanted to do, but now it's done. :D And dinner was made early.

Jackie ~ Wow! 30 gig!! Do you like that player? I bet it's cheaper than iPod? I wonder if it's compatible w/MacBook Pro? I'll have to investigate. Nice workouts today!

Kath ~ Way to go on the progress you've made and 12 miles y-day! :)

Carole ~ That soup sounds yummy! I just made the linguine pasta recipe from the first Clean Eating magazine. It's pretty tasty.

Cathy ~ We're hear cheering you on to make your deadline!!! :D Hope you're feeling better.

Wendi ~ Hope you got some rest last night. It does catch up, doesn't it? The kids and I have been watching a series on Discovery Channel called The Human Body: Pushing the Limits It's fascinating. The sleep topic came up and I told my kids, "See, I'm not trying to be a mean mom!" LOL! Bummer about the tourney. IA w/Wendi it seems like 5th is still decent.

Linda ~ Hope you ease back into a routine. Thanks for the heads up on the iTrain workouts. I guess they want us to buy more. :) We'll have to put 2-30 minute workouts together. Although, I have to admit I'm really getting into these shorter cardio sessions. :)

Sunny ~ You've joined the hummus lovers here! :D I had some too this afternoon. :9 Studying is going. I just wish I had more time at night to study. I only get in an hour and a half. Of course, my brain is fried by then anyway. :p How about you?

Shelly ~ Glad your mom was understanding. See, we worry ourselves for nothing sometimes. Then there's the times we're blindsided. :( Nice workout plan today. Do you have iBiClimb as well? I think that will be my next purchase. I think that circuit works upper body?

Lorie ~ That is a great deal you got on the squat rack. LOL on the model not being included.

Christine ~ When are you doing that workout you posted? It looks good! That's nice you can walk to work. How's your finger/hand doing w/o wrapping it? If you signed up at a lower price on iTrain doesn't that price stick?

Kristi ~ Sending more healing {{{VIBES}}}.

Anyone else see the Discovery Show I mentioned in Wendi's post ^^^^. You should check it out. Neat stuff! Wendy, you're using 70 muscles every time you p/u your coffee cup! ha ha! 100 when you're driving your car. I think tomorrow's upper body workout will be to drive around and drink coffee. :p :7

Have a great evening!
mint condition # 2 done:7

i did a little tweaking myself (even without my tweaks it's a kick ar$e workout. i did all 3 sets. in combo # 2 instead of the set of the second pushup sequence i did b. split squats. i used my bosu for the uneven push-ups. and in combo 3 (i think) instead of plyo push-ups i did thrushers}( (such an evil exercise) and in the last combo i add kb swings after each ab combo!! wooo, all in all definietly will be doing this one again!! the great thing is it fit right into my tt workout for today:7

thanks again for the recommendation WENDY:7 :7

dallas- i have two ipods for the very same reason, lol. love tomorrows workout:+
Great workout Sunny!!! How much does each of your iPods hold? Is 8 gig the biggest capacity? I just don't want to run into this problem again.
Good evening Cheetahville!

Well, guess what.......I'm a Cheetah again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goal was to go out for an easy 3 miler just to test how the foot felt. I also decided to go back to the first pair of shoes that I started running with back in Sept since I know they *never* caused any issues. Well, I got to mile 3 and felt fabulous so I just kept going. Wound up doing 4.5 miles in an easy 44:00 and decided to end on that for the day. I felt like I could have gone another mile or two but decided to give the foot a break and see how it feels in the morning. Goodness knows I needed the cardio after lunch with DSO today :9 }(!

I was supposed to do L&G Xtreme (standing) today but, since I ran, and I have another leg workout on tap for Thursday, I think I'll scrap that for this week and sub it in next week. I really do need to get the cardio back into my rotation and, for me, running is the most effective. Tomorrow morning I have 4DS Back and Biceps, CM#1. I might add in a quickie cardio if I get up early enough.

Alrighty, gonna grab some dinner and catch up on personals...
Hey there!

Lorie – That is awesome! I would love to have a squat rack! That piece of equipment looks great! Awwww! Are you “sure” the guy doesn’t come with it? Great job with your Tag Team!

Wendi – Hope you enjoyed your day with DSO! 5th is still good! But sorry ‘bout the “no cash” prize :<(

Wendy – I didn’t mind the price increase that much, either….until I saw the length of the workouts! Oh well. Who knows if I’ll rejoin, or not ….I will have to think about it after I see what they offer next month.

Shelly – I am glad your mom was supportive of your move! That is great! Enjoy your run and upper body! Good job on B&G yesterday!

Kristi – Oh dear! Sorry about your leg! I am glad it is somewhat better. I was kind of wondering if maybe you didn’t pull or tear your muscle because of the cold and not being sufficiently warmed up on the morning of the race. I agree with you. Hope you do okay with your practice run!

Christine – Oh no! So, Jimmy is a chewer, too, huh? ;>) I’ll bet he will enjoy 4 mile walk! Hope the finger is doing better!

Carole – Hope you enjoyed your workout and CTX!

Jackie –Yep, that is probably why the didn’t automatically renew us! Grr! Great job on your workout!

Dallas – LOL…..your obliques will probably be screaming at you later! Good job on your workout! I love Bosu Blast! I like the shorter workouts a few times a week. But still like their longer ones :>)

Kath – Good job on your circuit workout! That looks great! 12 miles is a long way to run on a track! Hopefully spring will come when it is supposed to this year!!

Sunny – LOL…don’t ya love DOMS? Glad you enjoyed Mint Condition!

This morning I ran 4 miles and did the total body weights from Gilad’s Express Workout and a section from the core workouts. I am starting to get back into the swing of things….

Have a good night!


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