Cheetah Runner Check-in Tues. 7/11

Mattea....not kidding with the pic at all...there will only be some snow in the higher elevations but I imagine the temps will be nice 90 or so...:)...leg conditioning drills AFTER S&H legs???!!! I have used a 5 lb ankle weight or 2 around my neck for more weight...:)

Christine...the course is in Ashland, Oregon starting at the ski park. The elevation will vary between 6000-7000 ft on the course. Yes, I do feel I should be doing those leg drills now...have a great time at the zoo! I only tried a hemp shake once....that seemed to be enough!

Shelly...way to go to the new P90Xer!!! Let us know how you liked PlyoX....:)...yes, 4 more days...congrats on signing up for your first marathon!!!!!

Wendy...Powermax is also a good might have needed rest after your workouts yesterday!! I bet it will be a bit stressful selling and buying...but you will get thru it, you are tough! is actually warm in that pic, and like I said above there are sometimes just scattered snow, like snowbanks. But temps race day look like 88/59 right now...good job with PUB, it often has that jelly effect.

Did a 4 mile run and then some Pilates, my 1st client cancelled so I don't work til 2....I'll be forced to lay in the sun I guess...[/img]
It's in the August issue, which I believe is out now. My Aunt found a few copies & a couple other people have mentioned that they'd seen it! Let me know, I haven't even seen it yet!!

Have a great day, Pamela! I hope you enjoyed your shopping!

Hey Shelly!! I'm the official treadmill breaker!! I've worn 2 TMs out by now!!! ;-) Hunk o' junk Nordic Track is in the garage- tried replacing a few parts & after spending $130 I think I'll spend my money on new running shoes. :) I actually prefer to run outdoors & don't mind running in the rain/ cold. I even ran in below 0 temps in the winter- I know I'm a nut (so my neighbors like to tell me at least!!).

WTG on signing up for PF Chang's!! Is it a half or full?? I still need to sign up for the Sept marathon, haven't done that yet!

OK, now y'all are making me feel lazy for skipping the leg drills!! I do like them, but didn't have the time to do it all this morning!! ;-) I actually prefer to do them separately than when I'm doing the whole KM. I did do my usual Winsor Pilates buns/ thighs that I have memorized. I do that at least every other day, if not every day.

And, excuse the excitement, but I JUST ORDERED THE GYM STYLE SERIES!!!!!! Yippee!!! W/ my babysitting money I had just enough!! YIPPEE! I can't wait to get them. I'll probably get them Friday on my rest day & I have to run 13 on Sat so I won't be doing them then!!! :eek:

Well, kids are being good so I thought I'd sneak on the computer. And I had to order my DVD's!!! Soooo excited, I'm adding on to my Cathe collection- so far I only have KickMax, PUB/PLB, and Muscle Max & I love all of them!!

Have a great night- another busy one w/ VBS for us!

I'm just popping to say thanks for the well wishes everyone. We are doing well. I packed my desk, and cookbooks and the medicine cabinet today along with shopping for DD, "Nemo" who is going to China 4 days after we move.

I'm off to cook dinner and do some stretches. TTFN!

PS-No, I am not always calm. Just ask my kids }( I do try to keep a positive attitude and it helps tremendously!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
I thought they set a max heart rate for you to not exceed as far as burning fat. what tests could I do? please fill me in. I thought the min and max heart rate zones where just something to try to stay within for exercise and that if you exceeded it that you went past the aerobic benefits . I am ranging between 117-199bpm.
Hey all! Back from the Zoo! It was fun. We saw lions, tigers and bears, not to mention giraffes, zebras and about any other animal you can imagine EXCEPT CHEETAHS!!! I was so bummed! So to make up for it, I bought a stuffed Cheetah. I'll have to take a photo of it so I can post it here. It's cute. I'll take it this weekend to our race. We could hold a contest to name it. :)

Laura - I think you're talking about the anaerobic threshold which if you go past that, you are no longer using oxygen. You'll know if your there. You can sustain that for only a few moments and you will not be able to talk at all beyond a "yes" or "no". That point differs for all of us. If you can carry on a simple conversation at 199 bpm, you're not at your anaerobic threshold. If you cannot, you probably are. There are benefits to pushing against this (interval training does this at it's best) - the more you push against it, the longer you are able to sustain a very high heart rate, and a really strong effort. For me that point is about 160 bpm, but we all vary so that may not be it for you. With the issues you've had since the half, I would try to keep it below that effort except for maybe once a week.

Now, if you're talking about the perfect "fat burning zone". That's a myth, in a way. Okay, so yes, at a walk you burn a greater percentage of fat per calorie burned than you would at a run, but when you run you burn so many more calories than you do when you walk that you burn way more over all fat than you would at a lower effort. Does that make sense? Think of it this way - in a half hour walk you may burn 120 calories. If 30% of those calories are fat, you burn 36 fat calories. At a run for that same half hour, you may burn 350 calories. If you burn, at the higher intensity, 15% fat per calorie, you still burn 52.5 fat calories. So even though it's 1/2 the fat per calorie burned, you still burn more fat...

Hope that helped Laura!

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