Cheetah Runner Check-in Tues. 7/11


Hi Friends :7

Well today is PS BBA and GS floor legs. I was going to golf but my moving to do list is as long as my arm.

Christine the champagne sounds lovely. DH buys wine on line and has it delivered too. He bought a wine fridge and has really been interested in filling it too :)

Shelly- my hip is so-so. I'm not sure 7.4 miles was a good idea. it was a little extra sore yesterday. However I did hip opening exercises several times yesterday and will continue. I do believe it may be IT band strain. I casually asked my DS's trainer,who is a physical therapist and his impression, based on symptoms, was IT band strain.

Carole- Perhaps the two days off really helped your body to rest?

Jes- I found your pitcure in Family Circle Magazine. You look wonderful. And just as sweet as I imagined from your posts!

Wendy- Good job on the TM run yesterday :)

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
G'morning Cheetahs! ROAR!:p

So I survived my class last crazy work out yesterday didn't get the best of me!}( Why? Cause I'm a CATHEITE, THAT'S why!!! Or is it cause I'm a CHEETAH? Aw's BOTH!:+ :7 }( ;)

Judy...Do you ever feel overwhelmed with what you have to do? You always seem so calm even when you obviously have a ton to accomplish!:)

Christine...I did 50 walking lunges after my run. I can't imagine doing 200! Did you take breaks or bang 'em out all at once? Be honest!:p

Shelly...Ok, c'mon...I'm dyin' to hear your take on P90X thus far! Spill it, girlfriend!;) :7

Carole...I have never been to Reno but would like to go one day. My DH has been. He went there for a bowling tournament. I LOVE Vegas. I have been there twice and can't wait to go again!}( You are right...reality isn't that bad...just seems that way coming off vacation!;)

Hi to Barb and Laura and anyone else I missed!:)

The realtor that came to the house last week is coming back w/her analysis on our house this morning so I really don't have time for the gym today so I'll be doing cardio at home....Not sure what though. Any suggestions? }(
Hey there, Judy!! Sounds like you have a lot going on!! Moving is quite a lot of work in itself!! WTG on the 7.4 mile run too!! I hope it isn't IT band strain!!

Cool that you found the pic in Family Circle too!! My Aunt found some copies & bought some for family members. I have yet to see it though!!

Wendy- Great job on making it through your class!! G/L w/ the realtor. I would love to move to a bigger house, but that would be a bigger payment, right?? :p Guess it'll have to wait a little while til we can afford it!

I was going to run this morning, but literally as soon as I was walking out the door a huge downpour hit! It was lightly sprinkling before that & I don't mind running in that, but there's supposed to be t-storms all day & I don't run in thunder/ lightning! So I came back in & decided to do KickMax instead. Haven't done it in a couple weeks at least & it seemed a lot easier already!! :) I did skip the leg drills at the end though.

I'm babysitting for my friends 3 kids again today (they're 11, 9, & 7) & was planning to take them to the pool but not w/ this weather!! I guess we'll be playing lots of games & hanging out around here today!

Bible School went great last night, we had a good crowd of kids. Hoping for more tonight!!! My girls loved it.

OK, better go get my shower & get ready for the day!

Yeah..unfortunately a bigger house usually DOES mean a bigger payment, huh? :p LOL :7 Have fun babysitting today! Stinks that it's raining though...that could drive a house full o' kids and thier sitter NUTS!}(
Hi, Lady Cheetahs! Happy Tuesday...whatever that means! LOL Glad to hear everybody's up and around and active STILL! True cheetahs, we are!

Up EALRY! For the first time in AGES, Zach was up at 4:15 for a drink and knocked on my door to ask for one (he usually just goes to get a bottled water himself). I got it, but then couldn't get back to sleep. I was actually worred that if I did fall back to sleep, I wouldn't hear my alarm at 5:45. SO.......I read my book for an our and then hit the treadmill for today's miles. 3 miles, steady. Then abs. Headed to the YMCA again today for workout #2...upper body.

I'm doing the Y thing for a little bit for 2 reasons. First, the kids get to play with friends they wouldn't normally see. AND, it's a change in my workout routine, which is ALWAYS good. Today I'm going to do a round of upper body weight machines, then a round of the same upper body but with free weights. Planning on going heavy.

I've also been getting in some deep water running at the town pool during the day. It's been great! Slow to warm up, but once I get going, it really jacks your heart rate up. Then, when I'm done and getting out of the pool, my legs really feel the effort! It was great on Sunday, after Saturday's long run of 10 miles. Nice recovery workout.

BBL sometime, promise!

What kind of house are you looking at?? We are always looking & dreaming & trying to be patient! The houses around here go really fast & we are looking for property in the country. We're kind of in a country subdivision right now- surrounded by corn/ bean fields & have a nice quiet area which we like. But my dh wants to have a few acres of property. And our house is just too small, it's really hard to have people over because our kitchen is tiny. Our saving grace is that we do have a nice, big yard for cookouts which we try to do a lot in the summer & usually bonfires in the fall!

Yeah, I'm hoping I don't go too crazy today, at least the kids are really good & my girls love them!

Sounds like you have a good routine going on! I'd love to be able to go to the gym for a nice change! I thought about it in the fall for when my 2 older dd's are in school & my youngest could play in the daycare but we'll see.

Pool running is supposed to be so great for you, glad you're enjoying it! WTG on your 10 mile run too!

I didnt end up doing anything yesterday but got up this morning and made myself run 3.5miles. I was tired this morning but managed to get through it. anyway, off to work again. It was so nice having time off, wish it was longer!
Good morning, you are all up and at em' early this morning. Oh wait, I'm a little late, that must be it. The alarm went off at 5am, but I just couldn't do it and fell back to sleep until 6:15am. My meeting went until about 10pm last night and that wasn't bad, but still couldn't get to sleep until close to midnight.

I'm thinking about heading into a new "business adventure" - selling Tasefully Simple products. I have a meeting tonight to see what it's all about. I'm excited, I like to cook and these products are so nice and easy when it comes to whipping something up when I need it quick to take some where or for supper, too. :) It's not eating clean, though, but there are a lot of good maranades that I could use on chicken and fish, so that's hopefully.

I did SJP last night and feel it this morning, that's for sure. It's suppose to rain here, too, so I'm not sure if I'll get in my run - but if not, I'm going to tackle my elliptical instead.

Have a great day everyone and I'll be back later.

Hello again.

Marcia-TS stuff IS tasty! YUM! Good luck, whatever you decide.

Which of you fellow cheetahs is doing the Philadelphia Distance Run (half) in September, besides me? I remember somebody else saying they're doing it, but of course I forget!

Good morning cheetahs

Judy...good workout for you. Sorry you still have hip pain. Maybe you should go to a Physical Therapist for a few visits. I have and they help alot..:)...yes, I do believe the 2 days off helped.

Wendy....way to go in your class last night!! I hope the house analysis goes well. How about a Stepblast premix??

Jess...good job with Kickmax! Those leg drills are burners. Glad your kids are enjoying Bible School...:)

Gayle....I hate it when I wake early and can't get back to sleep...:(...the pool running sounds so fun. Enjoy your gym workout!!

Marcia...I don't think I have tried Tastefully Simple products but good luck in your new venture..:)

Karen...glad you are getting in some good workouts. Hope your run goes well tomorrow.

Laura...yes, there are tests you can do to determine your Max HR. If your Garmin says your Max is 185, and you were saying you have seen your HR in the 190's....then 185 is not your max....make sense?

Chritstine....the champagne sounds very good!! Well, I have Polar and Timex, and unfortunately the batteries do go out in them! Until the Garmin, Timex was the only one that had a HR and GPS unit. In the future though I will be taking them to this jeweler as he has always had a good reputation and changes the battery while you wait.

I am doing a 4 or 5 mile run and some Pilates. Also got this pic yesterday for part of the trail they had to clear for the 50K on Sat...thought I'd share:

Have a great day
Hi Everyone!
The online class started yesterday so I've been a tad on the busy side No real time for personals, but just a few:
Judy-Hope the move goes smoothly!

Carole-Are you kidding with that pic!? It's July!

Shelly-The class in an upper level English course about violence in 20th cent. popular literature.

Barb-The burger recipe is loosely based on one from Vegan Planet, in combination with the back of the box for Amy's California Burgers, lol! Let me know if you want specifics on the recipe! The hummus/grilled veggie flatbread "pizzas" turned out great! Hope your knees are feeling better! LOL!

Yesterday was S&H legs, CM #1, and KM Leg Drills (guess I picked those up where Jess dropped them;-) ) I can't seem to get enough weight over me head and around my waist to really fatigue my legs. I think I need a squat rack or Smith machine or something:eek:
Today is an interval run and S&H shoulders. Need to get a move on!

Hello to all my other cheetahs! Laura, Christine, Pamela, Elaine, Sarah, Amy, Wendy, Karin, Karen, Gayle!
Good Morning Lovely Cheetah Ladies –

Judy – sounds like we have similar DH’s! Although living where we do, my DH just goes to wine stores and wineries to fill it. It’s getting there. Amazing as before we could barely keep any wine around, now we have a fairly full fridge!

Wendy – Are you moving far? And I took breaks, and probably moved faster than I should have, but hey, 200 is a lot, as you said!

Jess – have fun with the kids – sorry to hear about the rain!

Gayle – Is the deep water running with the belt? I’ve been thinking of getting one. I have a pool and it would make an interesting addition. As you said, it’s always good to change things up a bit.

Laura – good job on the 3.5 miles!

Marcia – good luck with the weather and have fun with your run/elliptical. Glad you had a short meeting last night! Let us know how the new business venture goes.

Karen – a short run followed by Mr Yummypants? Now that sounds like heaven! Enjoy!

Carole – Holy cow! You’re going to be running through some real terrain!!! SNOW?! In July? Where is the course? And at what altitude?

Mattea – I would love specifics on that recipe – [email protected]. I made lentil burgers (lentils, brown rice, carrots, garlic, cumin, cardomone…) with Raita (yogurt, cucumbers, tomatoes, and cilantro) for dinner last night and we really enjoyed them. I sautéed some French green beans to go with them. Yum!

Well, my agenda for today is RS warm up and segment 2 (I’ll probably just do the challenge), Circuit Max 1-4, Abs from ME and Leg Drills from KM (they keep coming up today, don’t they?). Looking over the schedule, there’s no real upper body work for the rest of the week, so I might add the Upper body premix from ME. We’ll see.

Then it’s off to the San Francisco Zoo with DD13 – the one who wants to be a zoo keeper. I got a really cute double layer tank I was planning on wearing, but it’s only going to be 60 in San Francisco today. I guess I'll bring a fleece. Enjoy your days ladies!!!
Good morning runners! My goodness we have alot of early up and at em cheetahs this morning:) :)

OKAY- I am officially a converted and convinced p90xer. (Is that a word?) I started yesterday with Chest and Back and AbRipper. Afterwards I still had time for my bike ride also :) These workouts will be a great change of routine and a nice complement to Cathe and running. I'm feeling some nice DOMS today.

Went out for a nice 3 miler. In a bit I'll head to the basement for more p90x, this time shoulders and arms, then plyometrics }(

I also officially signed up for the PF Changs RocknRoll marathon in Jan. in Phoenix. The one I'll be meeting up with Gayle for :7 :7
For any other cheetahs interested the website is
It's a marathon and half marathon.

Howdy Cheetahs!

Judy- Moving is so stressful but you sure do seem very in control! It always makes me semi-insane! I'm sorry your hip is still troubling you. I agree with Carole that a visit with a therapist is a good idea. I hope you seriously consider it.

Wendy- I'll bet your running class is pretty awed by you. You make us fellow cheetahs proud! I guess you'll be pretty busy soon yourself with moving.

Jess- I definitely plan on picking up a family circle mag today and checking it out! I don't blame you for opting out of running- I draw the line at thunderstorms! Sounds like you could use a TM, especially handy when you're babysitting!

Gayle- Signed up for PF Chang's today :7 :7 :7 You sound like you're getting in some excellent cross training, that pool running sounds interesting!

Laura- good for you that you were able to get in the mileage today
despite the fatigue. Keep up the good work- slow and steady!!!

Marcia- Sounds like and interesting new business venture! Good luck.

Karen- Glad to see you still keeping up with the cross training. You're making steady progress in your recovery. Good luck with your run tomorrow but I know you'll play it smart if you're not ready.

Carole- great pic!!! What awesome scenery...4 more days :7 :7

Mattea- you teach an upper level english course-- Now I understand why your posts are so intelligent and entertaining :) :) I am humbled. I hear ya about leg work being limited with using only free weights. There is only so much weight you can hoist over your head. That's why Cathe does all those wicked low ends and endless reps }( I'll be interested to see how the p90x leg workout is.

Christine- Sounds like one wicked challenging mish mosh workout for you today! A stroll in the zoo in 60 deg. weather sounds heavenly to me! Say hi to the cheetahs (real ones) for us!

Time to go -- later y'all-- Hi to Barb!

Hi gals.

Carole, I ended up doing about half of Power Max before I read your post this morning.

Christine, We are looking to move with in 30 minutes north of where we are now....closer to the area where I grew up.

Shelly, The woman I was talking to last night really doesn't do any other exercise but walking when she can. She says it's hard to find the time to exercise. I have a feeling a lot of the gals in that class do very little if anything else. I kind of feel like a "superstar"!LOL :p }( :+ :7 :p

So as I mentioned to Carole...I did about 1/2 of PowerMax this morning. I think my body is beat from yesterday so it was rebelling against my work out this morning...I listened for fear of falling flat on my face if I didn't!:eek:

I am off to pre-cook DH dinner. I am going out later to shop for his B'day with DS and my mom so I am being nice and leaving him a meal since I won't be here for dinner. Ain't just the sweetest!? ;) I usually let him fend for himself but for some reason today I feel guilty...BLECH! LOL :7

So the realestate agent that looked at our house last week came back with the market analysis this morning. Her price comes in about $10g lower than the others but I just LOVE her and think she'll do the best job! The others may have come in with a higher price but I'll bet in the end, they wouldn't get the best price for us. Now I just have to talk with DH and if he agrees then I can finally say I've found myself a realtor and can get this process moving! YIPEE!:+ I am EXTREMELY nervous about it all though. Just buying this house was a gut-wrenching experience. I can't imagine having to buy AND sell! YIKES!:eek: If anyone here has bought and sold a home and can offer me some advice on how to stay calm, please don't hesitate!!!

Okay...I have babbled on far longer than intended!

I'll be back later...thanks for "listening"!:+
Surprisingly that was a really nice MishMosh. Not too much of any one thing, and nothing too rough. I feel good and nicely worked out.

Wendy - oh that sounds nice. Are you going to be closer to your parents as well? I wish I could move closer to mine.

Shelly - I'm actually looking forward to the zoo! Last time I went was when DD13 was about 4 and it was the Washington DC National Zoo. I've never been to the San Francisco Zoo. I need to check on line to see if I can find discounted tickets.

Enjoy - I'm off to the showers after I drink my Hemp protein shake. I'm still unsure on whether I like the Hemp or not. It makes everything green, which is kind of odd and it has a "healthy" flavor to it. It's not bad, but I keep thinking of the I Love Lucy episode where she does that commercial for Vitavegamix (or whatever). Of course, there's no alcohol in mine, but I chuckle every time I take a sip, so I guess that's a good thing.
Good afternoon Cheetahs!

Carole, I have a question for you. Keep in mind that I'm a Southerner, and I don't have much experience with snow, but Carole where are the people in the picture? They're wearing summer clothing, and it's July, but the ground appears to be covered with snow??? Am I hallucinating? :)

Judy hope your hip feels better soon!

Jess, Is your picture in the current Family Circle? I have to do some shopping in a few, and I'm going to look for it.

Wendy, sounds like you had a great workout yesterday. How soon are you moving?

Shelly, I bet you love P90X Shoulders and Arms! It's probably one of the best ones -- that and Back & Biceps, and Core Synergistics. Actually, Legs & Back is pretty good to me too. :)

Laura, I ended up not working out yesterday too. My quads were sore, and I just didn't feel like it.

Not today though! :) Today was PUB, and my arms feel like jello -- in a good way :). DD had a game tonight, but I'm hoping to get in a run afterwards. It was too hot after PUB.

Looks like we may not be going to the Carolinas after all, so I just may order Slow & Heavy and start the March rotation next week.

Hi Christine, Mattea, Barb, Elaine, Karen, Thomasina, Gayle, and Marcia!

Happy Tuesday!

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