Cheetah check in Thurs Jun 29


Barb...for upper body until my race/trail run I'll do MIS and CTX every week. It really does not matter to me about upper body workouts before a race. Lower body is mostly endurance workouts twice a week and floor legs once a week. I might back off a bit the week before the Sat race. I think my time will be rather slow. I am hoping for about 7 hours. But it'll depend on the weather and it is usually cooler in Oregon than what I am used to in Calif. How often do you swim?

Pamela...don't be sorry for sharing the tough times. It has to be really hard to loose someone like her. It is awfully sad too about your BIL...he has to live with his choice though. I do hope your DH has a safe trip. The anniversaries of a death can really bring everything back. October is my tough month. Don't worry as this time passes you will get back to your old self...:) 50K is July 15th which is the day before Sonoma...after watching the Western States runners you'd think I could handle back to back races...:) finally cooled off yesterday and we got a bit of rain last night. I have just discovered portobellos and the Vegan Planet has some great recipes for them (if you need another book!!) Yes , let us know if you find some good recipes...;) that sounds like a fun day in the Bay Area!!! running, working out, chips, salsa and FOOTBALL!....WOW! You had quite the challenging workout yesterday...a 10 mile trail run sounds fun...:)

Today for me is CTX tri's (missed those yesterday) back,, an endurance leg workout and a 6 mile run.

Have a great day...:)
Hi Cheetahs,
Today was a 5 mile tempo run today. It went ok, but was rushed because we have one car in the shop and I had to get back home to drive my DH to work.
Hope to get in floorwork and abs later.

Carole--Good luck on your upcoming race. "Rather slow" is relative to the huge distance you are completing and the conditions. I usually try to swim once a week as an active recovery workout. I have swum off and on over the years, but restarted about a month before the half.

Mattea--If you have a crockpot, check out Robin Robertson's Vegetarian Cooking for the Slow Cooker. She is also the author of Vegan Planet and I think there are lot of good, easy recipes in the crockpot one. I use it a lot, especially when the schedule gets hectic.

No time today for personals, but I'm wishing everyone a great day and great workouts.

:) :) :)
Good Morning Cheetahs from the Floodzone!

Luckily DH and I live on a hill, (it pays to be a killer hill gal in more than one way, lol:) ) but lots and lots of people very close by are under quite a bit of water. As are our local grocery stores, so DH and I are thinking of going to stay with my parents for a little while.

Carole-I have, and love, Vegan Planet! One of my favorite ways to have portobellos is marinated in salsa and cumin, grilled, and then chopped and used as the base for taco salad. Back to back races? And I thought that the idea of your daily workouts made me tired, lol!

Barb-I also really like Vegan with a Vengeance! It was just so different in style and tone with some really delicious recipes. Did you know she is coming out with a new cookbook title something like Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World? If you go her website
you can see pics of some of the cupcakes. Absolutely amazing! It helps that I love both of those veggies, and really in the middle of the night I want something cold with texture, so its usually either grapes, berries, or mushrooms. I was lucky enough to have snowpeas on hand though.

Out of the batch so far I'm really loving The Modern Vegetarian Kitchen. It is quite large and chock full of vegetables in lots of unusual and really different preparations.

Karen-I'm glad it's not just me and Slow and Heavy, it hit me like a ton of bricks. LOL! And did I mention that I'm SO sore}( Are you using S&H legs as is? I've been subbing GS Legs and L&G, as I don't really want to build larger muscles there.

Pamela-Not every month can be full of new breakthroughs, especially when the emotional and mental side needs to take the forefront. I know you are one tough lady and that you will be making all kinds of strides soon, your body and mind are working on it. I'm so sorry for the tough situations that you are going through right now and just want offer hugs and prayers.

Today will be S&H BSB and CM #3 along with a long walk with DH and the camera to see what we can see of the flood downhill.
Have a great day!
Good morning lovely Cheetah ladies!

Barb - yeah, I know what you mean about sometimes life seems just like doing ab work with a big furry butt in your face (as said furry butt gazes adoring at me - well, not the butt part!). Fortunately, it's a cute butt, and it's easy enough to shove out of the way. :).

Carole - I only push like that when I have a rest day coming! I'm not sure if you'd really appreciate the football here, though. DH has a flat screen tv in the garage (yes, the garage), and that's where he watches, with the door open unless it's very cold or windy/rainy. He would rather be outside than inside - this is his compromise.

Pamela - of course you should unload here! I'm glad you shared. I'm thinking of you.

Mattea - oh how horrible!! *Sending dry weather vibes to Mattea* I'll be thinking of you, too! Hope you dry out a bit soon! Shoot - sounds like I need to get Vegan Planet! That portobella mushroom in salsa and cumin sounds like heaven! I do eat meat, but only a few times a week. I'm always looking for good vegetarian and vegan recipes.

Today is a rest day, so I got to sleep in - YEAH! My eating has been off (I can feel my belly move - I HATE that), so I decided to do a bit more yesterday. If want to drop that weight before the race, I have to be very careful. I need to get back to tracking my calories. I was fooling myself that I could be good without doing that, but I'm too easy to convince that that little ole piece of whatever is not too bad... I can eat it... Yeah right... So, I'm charting again. Hope everyone has a wonderful day - 5 more days of work!!! (Although my boss came up to me yesterday and asked if I would stay on for another 2 weeks to help him out - I said, sure, double my salary, and he said of course - which surprised me - so I may be working for 10 more days after that... ick).
Morning ladies!

Carole, Did you say 7 hours????? If I wasn't convinced before that you are a bionic woman, I am now. OMG!! That is just amazing! How does your training plan differ from that of a standard marathon plan? What do you do for hydration and fuel for such an incredible effort? I am just really blown away by this news!!

Barb, Mattea, I am not vegan but do enjoy meatless meals. Looks like I need a couple of new cookbooks!

Mattea, When you mention the floods you are enduring I can picture certain places that are still lodged in my memory and I try to imagine them underwater. I've been out here on the west coast for some time now but still get nostalgic feelings when I think of your neck of the woods. When I go to visit family and am physically there the feelings are really, really strong. But, I married a Utah mountain man and if and when we leave here I suspect we'll end up where his heart is.

Christine, I totally understand the "ick" comment about two more weeks of work. I'm looking at the end of my job coming up any day now and while I feel apprehensive about starting a new chapter in my life, I can't wait to shake the ick!!

Barb, I did NOT like CTX upper body so I rotated in my beloved GSs instead. Everything on my schedule is subject to change without notice!!! LOL! The running distances will always be the same but speedwork has, and will be, changed with my moods! Now, what in the world sort of celebration entails 70 relatives in your home all at the same time? Is it a family reunion?

My workout today......... Muscle Max this morning (no time for GS this week) and a 7 mile run tonight with DH. He's got it in his head that he wants to do mile repeats....

Have a great day everyone!
Boy, it's quiet in here today. I had a run scheduled for today, but I opted for PUB instead. My legs have been worked so hard this week that I could barely get myself over the step long ways yesterday. So, I decided rather than going to run this morning and getting depressed that I would focus on arms and run tomorrow. This is what I have been doing this week and what I plan on doing.

T - Low Max
W - Viper
F - run
S - elliptical
S - Supersets
M - Power Max
T - 4 mile July 4th race
W - Boot Camp
R - Rest

I wonder if I am overdoing it. Maybe the next 9 days of exercise after the rest will be a little easier on the body.

Hope all is well and will check in after the run tomorrow.

Hi everyone. I'm back from my mammogram which turned out perfect. They had to take a few more films because I have dense breast which gave me a little scare but it turned out just fine. So I'm thrilled about that. Now the other news. My IT band. Here I am on this high from the mammogram to get just ok to poor news about that. The bright spot is that I don't need surgery. YEAH but I do have to lay off the running for about 4 to 6 weeks. I have a severe strain in the left knee and with the IT band acting the way it has, it has inflammed it. This has relsulted in the the bruising. Every time it has a chance to heal the knee the IT band acts up and inflames the knee once again. I can do step and short runs but no more than twice a week and no where near the milage I had worked up to. I have an apt. in four weeks to get a look at the progress but all in all I think my half is now off for the fall. I can't be to sad considering how blessed I am to have my mammogram come back fine.

Thanks for your support. I flet it all this week. So for now I'm not a cheetah just a regular cat.
Karen sweetie - you're definitely STILL a cheetah! A wounded Cheetah is still a cheetah - you just can't run as fast. It's good news that you don't need surgery. Sorry to hear that you won't be able to run long distances for a while, but you'll get it back. At least you can run short distances and step. And very good news about the mammogram! {{{HUGS}}} I know how tough it is to take it easy when you're used to moving. I'm still sending those healing vibes.
Ok folks I hope I am posting fairly early enough in the day for ya’ll to read. Does anyone know when our Jersey Girl, Wendy gets back? I hope she isn’t having flooding issues too and I also wonder about our other hill killer gal, Miss Judy and flooding (I posted to Mattea below) Anyone know how they are doing? Oh, and I almost forgot to post my workout again. Today was a good ol’ fashion round of Step Jump and Pump but sometimes I feel like the step part doesn’t give me the cardio like a good solid run…oh well, at least I got my lardy a$$ out of bed and did something. Have a good rest of the day cheetahs!

Karen! I know how discouraging it is to be sidelined when you put so much heart and soul into your running, but once you give your knee time to heal I'm sure you'll be ready to train for a half. There's always another half somewhere and when your time is right it will come. When you do go back to training, try to take it easy on yourself at first and gradually build up. As I have said before, you are an extremely enthusiastic runner and sometimes I have wished for just an ounce of your energy. But at the same time, your best intentions can get the better of you physically. Anyway, I'm babling now and probably not making sense, so anyway, please don't get down on yourself because there's no way you'll ever become anything less than a cheetah!! Hang in there girl, we are all here rooting for you! ;-)

Carole – Bionic Woman Super Carole that’s BWSC or SCBW lol the latter one could almost look like an abbreviation for ‘screwball”. (insert shocked looking smiley saying “WHAT?” right here). Thanks for the bashful smiley the other day, I just knew you’d come through! Excellente job on the training and I’m sure you’ll kick some butt up in Oregon as the temps surely should be anything less than 100.

Hey Barb – Now that’s a good way to get in a “tempo” run by having a time constraint. And thanks for the tip on the slow cooker cookbook, I have one for my family that has meat recipes but I wouldn’t mind getting one for me that is veggie.

Mattea ! - I’ve been worried about ya’ll back there in the floods because the news mentions Binghamton quite a bit. I know you are a hill killer gal, but please be careful as rising water is just as scary as wildfires. For some reason, your posts lately leave me feeling very hungry! LOL :9

Christine – you should have told the boss you wanted 3x the pay! Kidding. I had to chuckle at your DH’s flat screen in the garage. My DH loves to be outside much more so you’ll find him doing things outside until the last minute before football comes on. Cracks me up. I’ll have to tell him I know of people that have TV’s in their garage!

Elaine - Hi! Uh, mile repeats sound just as grueling as hills. LOL. Nah, just kidding, but I don’t like doing that kind of work in the evenings because I’m usually too worn out from work and everything else by then. Good luck with your run and I think it is really cool that you run with your DH. I got my DH to “run” with me one time and it was a spur of the moment thing. I went to run that wacky Bay to Breakers just to see what the fuss was all about. The day we went, I came down with a bad cold so I told him I would just walk it and he could register and walk it too. Well, yada yada, he bought shorts and running shoes at the expo and we ended up running and walking (hayes st hill) it along with a wait at the 2 mile long potty line in the park. I was pretty impressed that he could jump in there and do it. We had fun and all I could think of was how good of a runner he could be if he would just get off the cigarettes and start a regular program. (Sigh) oh well, I’m still working on him but I think he is serious this time about quitting the cigarettes and I have suggested that he get on the treadmill while the news is on and give it a whirl. We’ll see what happens…

Karin – wow, with PLB and Lowmax back to back, I don’t know if a run would be high on my list either. I’m not sure what viper entails but I’m sure there’s some leg work in there too. I would have switched up like you did today and give them legs a rest before a run. Good luck on your 4th of July race!


Meatless in CA
Thomasina!! I just got the book in the mail (as in my DH handed it to me about 15 min. ago). So thank you, thank you, thank you! And for the safety concerns as well. Trust me, we are well out of the water's reach, when I say hill, I mean HILL--but exactly how life will be different for awhile is still up in the air. I don't think that Judy is affected at all in Rochester, but I'm not at all sure about Wendy, I hope she's nice and dry! You can always try SJP step on an 8 in. which I sometimes have to do in order to really get me heartrate up there.

And Barb-I also would like info. on the slow cooker cookbook, I don't usually use it until the fall/winter, but it's better than turning on the stove, right?
You're very welcome for the book. And thank you Miss Mattea ball o' fire for the tips on how to increase my cardio. I should have figured you (a hill killer gal) would know exactly how to make my step experience much more arduous. LOL }( :7 If I add more risers, I just have to be careful not to trip over the step all the time because I'm sure my kids would really wonder what I was doing in my bedroom during the wee hours with all the commotion going on. It's bad enough my dog runs out of my room whenever I even reach for the big step. LOL


ETA : Mattea - Barb posted (for you actually) info on Robin Robertson's Vegetarian Cooking for SLow Cookers earlier today.
Hi Cheetahs

Only a few quick posts then more tomorrow:

Karen-- great news about the mammogram!!! this is most important. Your ITB-Knee will heal and it will be an adventure to not run for awhile and let your body heal. When you start back running, you will still have all you worked up to and gained under your belt. You'll build up again and be stronger and better than ever.

The vegetarian slow cooker cookbook reference:

:) :) :)
Hey all - I'm battling some nasty allergy/cold symptoms today. UGH! I hate feeling sick.x(

I did manage to get in some strength work which helped my energy out for a while. I'm going to do the dishes now and rest - rest - rest, so I can get my runs in this weekend.

I hope everyone is doing well and I will be back tomorrow after what I hope to be a really good nights rest.:)

Nite - nite,

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