Checking In

RE: Terri...

Amen to this cold weather. I can't wait till spring either.
An Alberta Clipper is going to hit the Midwest tomorrow and that means bitter cold. Bummer! :-(
preggers check-in

NancyC-I've been in and out of a slump lately too. Hope you are feeling better soon! I know how depressing it can sometimes be.

Michelle-When my son first saw Santa I pretty much expected a crying picture. And that's what I got!

DebbieH-How in the world do you do so much?! :-rollen I also hope your daughter is feeling better soon. Preg sickness is one of the worst things ever. Also glad to hear the baby sounds healthy :)

I did Tough Tape 2 and the first section of Mega Step Blast last week. I was still taking it a little easy on my ankle, and the holidays keep me SO busy. But I love them!


Tell more about the Masters swimming. Is someone coaching & designing workouts? It's not especially enticing now, but when it's hot, a water workout would be a great change.
track riders

Just don't get Marty Nothstein's personality along w/ his legs! Your interval training is like my husband's runs - he pushes till he's just below the "toss the cookie" stage.
just cardio week

Hi everyone! I'm resting my shoulder again. Went to my "primary physician" hoping to get a referral to the HMO's PT. No, I was told to rest it & then only use light weights (2#'s!) in the future since I don't want to build muscle just tone. I don't?? I could rant & rave but I'd be preaching to the choir.

My husband is getting great delight in teasing me about my unbalanced workout regime. He's recently added weight workouts & rowing to his runs & rides.

My iron free week:
Monday: cycle 22 miles (rolling - my intervals)
Tuesday: run 30+ min; Body Reform abs & back
Wednesday: spinning
Thursday: Pilates mat class & planned rest
Friday: Cycle 45 miles w/ DH (not a very spirited ride for either of us. Thursday's Japanese dinner probably wasn't the best fueling for endurance work (high protein, simple carbs))
Saturday: unplanned rest day
Sunday: credit card workout - the dryer died. Did get in a 30 minute sunset run w/ DH & dogs

Laying off the weights another week before I start back easy. Really should do more flexibility & core training this week w/ the extra time. The usual seasonal madness seemed to drain on me last week.

Stay happy & healthy everyone!
Wow! Everybody seems to be keeping on track with their workouts despite the holiday season.

This was one of those life gets in the way kind of weeks - hubby is replacing the engine in his car so we had to carpool all week and the toddler boy is going through a difficult stage of not wanting to go to bed. I wasn't too thrilled about my week at first but then I thought about the fact that 4 months ago I wouldn't have worked out at all with this kind of a week, so I am considering the week a success.

Mon - nothing
Tues - a.m. PS CST
Wed - 20 min walk at lunch
Thurs - Sat - nothing
Sun - Step Fit warmup and section 1; Power Circuit Step and Kickbox Circuits (I don't like the hi/lo on this tape too much so I skipped it); CTX Biceps and Back. I had to stop before I did the abs to take care of the toddler boy.

Have a great week everyone!
Christina - question for you

I love your reference to "the toddler boy." Just out of curiousity, how old is he? I have a 27-month-old "toddler boy," so I know how hard it can be to get a good workout in! Nap time is the greatest invention!

RE: Christina - question for you

The toddler boy was 2 1/2 the day before Thanksgiving. He takes good naps at day care but unfortunately he won't nap at home unless he is sick! I REALLY miss nap time! He is very much into his I'm independent phase. His favorite phrases are "I do it!" and "No want to XYZ (whatever I really want/need him to do) I'm sure that you can probably relate!
RE: Hi Trevor!

Hi Debbie!!
Yes I am still using the slow negatives. Really makes it tough but it seems to give better results for me.
Yeah June 9 is my b-day. Also my wedding day! :)
RE: track riders

Hi Debra!!
What does Nothstein have a train wreck for a personality? I have never seen him in an interview. Seems like alot of cyclists and soccer players have bad personalities to go along with a fiery temper! lol!! I'm pretty laid back now but when I was younger..................:)
Hey Debbie!

About the elliptical machine. It's a great workout and for me is even tougher than using the treadmill (I had access to a treadmill last year but no more :-( ). Anyway, I'll warn might want to try one out before purchasing (maybe with a trial pass to a health club or something), to be sure you really like it...because they ain't cheap.

For a good quality one, the price usually runs between $2500 and $3500 but they'll last a lifetime. (Or so I've been told...I haven't had any problems with mine yet for the year I've had it...knock on wood) :).

BTW, mine's a Precor EFX 5.21 si model. The original reason I got it was because I wanted a non-impact cardio option for my home workouts and this definitely fit the bill. There's little to no impact on my joints but my heartrate soars and the sweat pours (hey, that rhymed :) ).

So anyway this is probably more info than you wanted but hope it helps.
Talk to you later,
How Fun!

..that is, your b-day and wedding day being the same. Not soo sure slow negatives are that fun! LOL! I'm hoping Cathe uses the slow negatives in her next batch of tapes. I'll tell my daughter to shoot for the 9th.!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Thanks Lisa!

You're too funny! Heart rate soars & sweat pores, I mean pours!!:D Thanks for the info. Wow, they are a bit pricey!:-wow I do have a very nice treadmill but have let the cob webs accumulate lately since getting hooked on Cathe! Maybe, I'll consider an elliptical some day when the impact gets to me or they come down in price. Thanks for taking the time to give the info.Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
My late check-in. I didn't have a good week as far as exercise; fortunately my eating was fairly good.
Oh well, here goes. . . .

Sunday nothing
Monday nothing
Tuesday 15 min. walk
Wednesday 15 min. walk
Thursday 30 min. walk
Friday Wedding step + 15 min. walk
Saturday nothing

This week has gone better, but I'll wait and post it on Sunday or Monday.


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