Checking In


We'll trudge together! I am not a fan of the colder winter months either, it's a big factor in my workouts..or lack there of this time of year. I don't even like the cooler dry climate in the house. Call me crazy}>
, but I thrive in humidity too:-cool
Let's count down the workout days that are left till spring for motivation:) sport banner.jpg
RE: Checking In - finally

Hey guys

I thought I would check in again with you all. The ham is healing but now the front of my hip flexor feels funny. I guess I will see what the physiotherapist says. No doubt some compensation going on in there.

Of course, my eating has not been modified to reflect the lower intensity (in fact its been worse) and that is something to work on. Yeah right - with the Christmas season coming.

Here was my week:

Monday - 40 minute walk

Tuesday - Step Reebok the Video and Abs from Energy Sprint

Wednesday - PS BBA and 20 weightless squats and 20 lunges on each leg

Thursday - walk 45 minutes

Friday - Step Reebok the Video with 3 and 5 lb weights

Saturday - rest

Sunda - PS CST and CIA 9701

So now, when I stretch my hams, I can feel something like a kink in the front of my leg in the groin hip area which is very different from the muscle pull I have become so acquainted with (and which I might add the ultrasound treatments and deep pressur release really seem to be helping). Can't win it seems.

Don't beat yourself up too badly Nancy - maybe you need a week or two off - you'll get back to it.

Have a great week everyone.

Thanks Dawn!

Thanks for the well wishes for Julie. That means a lot to me. This past week has been a little better so we are hoping and praying she's coming out of that sickness. Thanks again. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

Oh my Wendy~I feel stupid now! I know I hear women complain about fat above their knees & I thought, well, maybe you had a certain "knee routine" you did! :7 Great idea doing the tape w/o a step. I told my DH that he should try one of Cathe's step tapes and do it w/o the step. It's good to know that it works. Yes, the Grove City Outlet Mall is in Pa! We just all piled into my friend's custom van and took off for the whole day. It was a blast. We laughed all day. Let me know if you decide to make your Mom's wish come true. It's sooo much fun waiting to be a Grandma! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Everyone is looking great again this week! And I feel awesome. My Steelers just beat the Raiders.....amazing how easy I am to please sometimes!! ;-)
Let's see if I can remember what I did last week. I am keeping my workouts in Access Database now so I dont have my calendar to help me remember. And of course, I havent printed out a report recently. Oh well.......I guess I will wing it! For weight work I followed what I outlined last week as my splits for lower and upper body. I will just call them that w/o describing each exercise again. All in the interest of saving space.
Mon. -- 35 min. on precor climber. 160bpm was my rate. did my lower body work on weights.
Tues. -- nada
Wed. -- 35 mins. on bike doing intervals. this was very uncomfortable as I almost visited the land of "blowing chunks"! High rev. period was longer than I normally do with a shorter "rest" period between. Worked upper body on weights.
Thurs. -- nada
Friday -- nada, lunch with sales guys left me buzzing on Uozzo and Coors Lite again. Had a nice oyster sandwich too. Thanks to the company for paying the bill!! :) lol! If I was a travelling salesman, I think I would have a real weight problem.
Sat. -- 35 mins. on precor climber while watching U of Md. stomp Michigan in basketball. Intense lower body weight workout. I am really getting into squats. Rediscovered the inner and outer thigh machine.
Sun. -- nada
Basically I would call this week a success. 3days of intense cardio has been plenty for me. And I am seeing great results as far as my attempts to do a little body sculpting. You know those track bikers you see in the olympics? I wanna look like THOSE guys!! :) I really am enjoying the current dumbbell work I am employing. By spring, I hope to be prepared for a few mountain bike races. We'll see!
Gosh, this time of year is great, isn't it? I luv it!! Put up the wreaths on the house today, next week we cut a tree!
Travelling back to Allentown Pa. this week for a few days on business. Anyone live nearby? If so, watch out for a rented Ford Windstar barelling down the highway loaded to the top with inkjet printer paper rolls!! Kidding!! lol!!
Well ladies, I hope everyone is doing well. Have a safe, happy, healthy week. Dont forget to enjoy the season a little. After working hard all year we deserve it, right??!!
Trevor :-jumpy :) :) :)
Hi Dorothy!

Glad to see you posting and great week for you! It's always nice to have another "Cathe-Addict" join our group. Keep up the good work. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Thanks Julie!

What a fun job. My daughter is one very lucky gal in that she got herself a wonderful hubby who is sooo good to her and is enjoying every minute of the excitement. He has also been so patient and helpful to her while she has been sick. Great week for you & YES, dancing to Christmas songs COUNT!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Watch out! Killer week!!!

Try about 3 altoids at once girl!! Knocks my socks off!! Very refreshing and energizing. I also use hard rock music to motivate. Cathe really needs a tape done entirely to Aerosmith music! :)
Hang tough Nancy! I'm counting on you for some motivation here. Now gimme 3 solid days this week!!! :)
RE: Ooooops Forgot!

Congrats Debbie!! It's a special time, isnt it?
You will have no trouble keeping up. Your workout weeks are awesome. You know, June 9 is a GREAT day to be born on!! :)
Yeah Kelly!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-00 AT 09:15PM (Est)[/font][p]ALMOST 40 POUNDS!! That is wonderful. You'll be surprised the encouragement that you'll give to others. What an accomplishment. Keep up the good work & I agree with you on your previous post~I love to feel strong too! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi Trevor!

Is June 9th. YOUR "special day"? I'll see if I can talk my daugher into holding off for 3 more days! I have a feeling she'll be wanting to go 3 weeks EARLY at that point! Great workout week for you. Sounds like your cardio days have been very intense. Be careful with those bike intervals. We don't want you having a workout of "cleaning-up" after yourself! Hee-Hee! Are you still doing the slow negatives with your dumbell routine? Have a great week traveling and enjoy the holidays. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
It was confusing...

...the way I wrote it--don't feel stupid!! And I have always hated my knees, so I COULD have been doing a special knee fat reduction routine ;-) !
As for the baby thing--I'm open minded and everything, but I think I'd better get married first !! (Although my mom is so desperate she disagrees :) ) My boyfriend and I have been picking out names for the past seven years. I guess we'd better pick out rings, first!
Keep us up to date on the baby news--I love hearing about it!
Here we go Steelers!

I haven't been following at all this year, but I know the Raiders have been having a great year--such a shame: they were my dad's favorite team (I know, I know!), and he's not alive to see it! :-( But we caught it on the news tonight that the Steelers won--I think my dad would forgive me for being happy :)
late night check-in!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-00 AT 11:31PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi all!

It's 11:30 p.m. Sunday night, my little guy is finally sound asleep and I am just getting some free time to myself! Too bad I'm too tired to enjoy it!

I love reading everybody's workout weeks. It's great motivation and has given me so many ideas on how to shake up my own workouts...thanks to everyone!

I had a good start to my week, and a horrible finish. The holidays are coming up fast and there's just so much to do! I've already promised myself that this week will be great...fingers are crossed!

So here goes:

Monday - Leaner Legs + CTX shoulders & biceps.

Tuesday - Cardio Kicks.
I am soooo in love with this workout. It kills me everytime, but I am starting to see so much improvement in my execution of kicks and punches, and I love the way it makes my abs look so great. I just happen to have a mirror in my living room and it's a great incentive to keep going when I'm pooped!

Wednesday - Step & Intervals + CTX triceps.

Thursday - Kickbox without the biceps + CTX back.

Friday - nothing.
I'm mad at myself now for feeling so lazy, but I just could not get myself in the mood. My monthly "friend" was in town, which didn't help, either! I started to do FIRM Fat Blaster, put the tape in and it was at the end. I hate when I forget to rewind things! Stuck in FIRM Core Cardio 2, and although I like the workout, I hate the warmup and took that one out, too! I wasn't in the mood to do a step tape, and since my son was asleep, even a good walk was out of the question. Oh, well! If I had only known on Friday...

Saturday - nothing
...that Saturday would turn out to be a dud, too!
Took my son to see Santa in the a.m., waited in line for an hour only to have him want nothing to do with Santa when it was his turn. My son's picture is with his arms outstretched and a look of sheer terror on his face...for only $9.99! Got home around noon, but had a Christmas party to go to at 4 p.m. My husband wasn't in the cooperative okay-you-can-workout mood, and since we only have a VCR in our living room, a/k/a my workout room, and he was planted there already, I was out of luck.

Sunday - my day of rest...after two days of rest already, but who's counting!?!

Enjoy your week, everyone!

Michele--arms outstretched in terror for only $9.99! :7 That is too precious!

Kim--glad to see there's another walker that loves Cathe out there.

I'm still getting back into the swing of lifting again. The one body part a day is so perfect! I'm also going crazy with the combos now that I have all these great DVDs.

Sunday: CTX Power Circuit warm-up, 10 push-ups on knees; CTX triceps; NAC Measured Intensity after warm-up; CTX Power Circuit low impact

Monday: Kathy Smith Lean Walk 1 tape - 40 min.

Tuesday: Step Works warm-up, CTX chest, Great Moves 102 step, Step Works cool down and stretch

Wednesday: back w/o at rec center, stationary bicycle - 30 min.

Thursday: off

Friday: CTX shoulders, PS SLA standing leg work (unweighted)

Saturday: walk with hubby, 4 miles

The rec center has a new assisted pull-up machine. I have such a hard time working my back--I never feel like I'm doing anything, but I was actually pretty sore on Wednesday. Yeah! Gotta build those back muscles for paddling ...

:) Gretchen
Finishing the month strong!

Wow. This was a great month for workouts -- something I haven't had for a while! :-jumpy

Monday - Step & Intervals/Chest
Tuesday - Kickbox/Biceps (skipped abs)
Wednesday - Triceps (on my own, no video)
Thursday - Power Circuit/Back/Abs
Friday - All Step/Shoulders (skipped abs)
Saturday - Step Works (first time I did this in a year and a half, and I noticed a huge improvement!)
Sunday - Rest

I'm shelving the CTX videos for a little while and switching to a PS rotation this month. So I'll have 3 strength days, 2 cardio days and 1 cardio/strength (circuit) day. Have a great week everyone!
This is my second check in. Everyone looks like they had a really great week. I am still keeping up with workouts but I am getting a little stressed with the holidays plus two b-days and an anniversary this month. My husbands b-day is the 9th. My son will be 8 on the 15th. My husband and I will be married 12 years on the 10th. So, I got to plan a b-day party this weekend. Here is my week.

Sunday: 7.5 mile run in a.m. MIS in p.m. It felt good to hit the weights.

Monday: Step Works

Tuesday: 6.5 mile run

Wednesday: Body Max, Did the step section, circuit section, chest, back, and abs for strength

Thursday: 6.5 miles on Treadmill. Didn't feel as good as outside.

Friday: Circuit Max FUN FUN FUN

Saturday: 6.5 mile run Outside. It was a clear bright day and the snow on the mountains was beautiful.

Well, I hope this week goes as well. I have a two day business trip in Montana. I hope the hotel room has a VCR so I can do Cardio kicks.


This check in is fun.
Love Altoids!

Hi, Trevor! I just had to pop in and say how much I LOVE Altoids! My family thinks I'm nuts for popping TWO at once. Just think what they'd say about you popping THREE! :)

Working past the slump

With Daphne's admonition that I may NOT be in a slump since we're working out together on the 23rd, I've been pushing myself to work through it. The tightening jeans were a decent motivator too! :)

Sunday: Warm up and section 1 of CIA 9801 with Christi, followed by BMax lower body, Chest, and Back. At this point I totally pooped out, and needed to stop if I was going to keep good form.

Monday: Step Works, followed by the rest of BMax that I was unable to finish the day before.

Tuesday: OFF

Wednesday: Intense Moves. I forgot how great this video is! I was planning a long, intense cardio-only day, but the kitchen door blew open and my beagle was GONE. So I guess you could say that half of my cardio was spent chasing my dog around, who was hot on the trail of a bunny rabbit. Then when I finally caught her and came home, I had to thaw out, because the outerwear I grabbed to chase her down in was not the most weather appropriate. By the time I did all of this, I only had time for a short, intense cardio workout. :)

Thursday: Happy Hour Hi/Lo warm up and section 1, then Firm Bootcamp.

Friday and Saturday: OFF ( unless you count gift wrapping and once more chasing the dog, who got out due to child negligence. I swear those Poo-chis are looking better all the time. THEY can't walk! :) )

All in all, a better week than I've been having,a lthough still short of the 5 I was shooting for. THIS week, though, for sure!! The tight jeans thing muct have been mostly in my mind, since 1 week of good workouts couldn't have THAT much effect, but somehow they don't seem too bad anymore. :)

Great weeks everyone!!


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