checking in on 1/14/00

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-01 AT 10:34AM (Est)[/font][p]Hello everyone!!! Your week's look great! I have not felt very energetic this week so I didn't always give it my very all but still managed to get a few good workouts in...Interval Max shouldn't have been done for the first time this week but I did it anyway. WHAT A WORKOUT! Here's my week...

MONDAY: PS-Back, biceps, & abs AND 3rd section of Dynamic

TUESDAY: Interval Max I can't believe I made it through on my
first try with just a few modifications. I can't say
I had fun but I did get a good workout.

WEDNESDAY: PS-Chest, shoulders, triceps

THURSDAY: Step Heaven (1st section and 1/2 of second section) AND
1st section of Dynamic Stretch

FRIDAY: PS-Legs & abs AND 2nd section of Dynamic Stretch
Boy did my legs feel like wet noodles after this

SATURDAY:Had planned on cardio or some stretching but DH was home
and took a nap in my workout area (living room) at the
only time I had to workout. Oh well, I wasn't too
disappointed. So nothing for Saturday!!!

Hopefully I will feel a bit more energetic this week!

Have a great week everyone!!!

First off, congratulations Trevor!! Hope all is well with your new family. Here was my week:

Mon- off
Tue- Circuitmax
Wed- Stepmax
Thur- CTX upperbody split w/abs
Fri- Leaner legs and abs
Sat- All Step and SNI cardio, Bryan Kest power yoga
Sun- PS BBA and CST, Yogazone Power Yoga

Trying to incorporate more mind/body techniques for greater peace of mind and happiness. How is your Yoga practice going, Aimee? You seem quite dedicated. Till next time. Have a great week everyone!

Congrats again!

Congrats again, Trevor! What a hectic (but enjoyable! :)) week you had! Anyway, here's my check-in:

Monday: Strength - upper body & abs
Tuesday: Crunch Fat Blaster: The Next Step
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Step Heat (short version... warm up and first step section; did my own cooldown and stretch)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Power Max
Sunday: Strength - legs
RE: Hey Brad!!

I'm REALLY falling in love with yoga! In fact I just ordered two more today. From Yoga Zone. I've never done anything by them before, so I thought I'd give them a try. I'll tell ya', ever since I started doing this, all of my back problems have disappeared and I have full range of motion again. The only downside, is I have to make sure that I don't do power yoga on the same days that I lift. It just kills me;-)! Let me know what you think of your mind/body practice. Have a good one!

RE: Hi Kate!!

I see you're a yoga tape a day kinda' girl also. I'm loving what the yoga is doing for me! Have you ever tried any of the Yoga Zone tapes?? I just ordered two from them. Total Body Conditioning and Yoga for Weight Loss. I'm not looking for it to help me lose weight or anything, I just heard that it was more Power Yoga oriented. So, have you tried these? What did you think? Thanks!

RE: Hi Kate!!

Hi Aimee
I am really liking what yoga is doing for me too.
I haven't tried the 2 Y.Z. tapes you mentioned but I do have Yoga Zone conditoning and stress release. I've done this tape 2 times now, and I really like it. I felt really good after doing it.
I just got Living Arts yoga conditioning for weight loss and really like it too(though I know won't help me to lose w8). It's pretty easy, but I'm just a beginner and will be able to grow with this one.
I'm definitely interested in hearing more about YZ-Total body cond, and YZ for weight loss. I need all the "good,but not boring" yoga tapes I can find:) If I get a hold of them before you, I'll let you know what I think.
Preggers check-in

Yikes Trevor! You're scaring me! I am so nervous about having this baby. 12 more days (give or take) and my life is going to change drastically. And like Lisa I have a 4 year old. But unlike Lisa I don't want to do it again. I'm having too much fun with him now!

No workouts last week, but I think I may have actually learned the first part of 9801 step. I popped it in, used a 4" step, no shoes and just told myself I was going to go through the steps slowly. What better time to learn a tape eh? And I actually had fun! The next day I decided to try the 2nd section, but it got a little too powerful for my big belly to follow. Maybe I'll try out the first section again...or maybe the hi/lo this week.

Honeybunch, you must have legs of iron. I can't imagine doing Circuit Max with 50lbs. Although reading how much weight you and some of the others use on legs I made a really stupid remark to my husband. He got me a barbell with 110 lbs of weight for Christmas. And I said, "I can just buy more plates when I work up to this weight." Don't ask me what I was thinking. He just said, "If you work up to that weight, I'll be too afraid to deny you anything." Or something like that. And I'm rambling.

Wow - consistent with the yoga!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-01 AT 06:44PM (Est)[/font][p]Aimee, you're doing such a good job with the yoga. My flexibility work gets crowded out first which is something I wanted to focus on this year. Keep it up, I'm probably not the only one that needs a flexibility role model.

Wow, just saw Kate's post. Another role model!

Dogs love flailing

Cleda, my dogs seem to like walk/trots more than runs. They seem to think it's more like play. They put on their game faces (stoic) when we do all running with them. They seem to be mocking us with their serious faces. Human running - serious not playtime. Notice that dogs don't take rest days?
best smell in the world!

Doesn't the house smell wonderful when you're baking bread? Homemade bread is a real danger food for me. It's easy to mow through an entire loaf before it's even cool. DH is putty in my hands when I make bread (including pizza & foccacia) too!
Congratulations again to you & your family, Trevor. Bet the marketing people can't wait to help you celebrate.

Turned into a poor fitness week after starting off strong with MIS. I've got an entire list of excuses: stormy weather, ant invasions, unexpected visitors (human), & new house aggravations. The silliest distractions were my 2 80# wimpy dogs that think they melt in rain. Basic walks become a workout! The storms left the fields pretty muddy so now they need showers after every walk. OK, done whining.

Monday: MIS (good start)
Tuesday: run 30 min (uh oh, missed Pilates)
Wednesday: Spin; Body Reform Abs & Back
Thurs: Body Max upper body (missed Pilates again)
Friday: Spin
Saturday: Cycle 58 flat miles
Sunday: nada

Hope I escape the flu bug that already circulating - I'd really like a strong, balanced week. Have a healthy week everyone!
Good week and a change

Trevor..I can feel the joy jumping from your post..thanks for sharing Brandon's first week with us. Matthew is old enough to really appreciate and get a kick out of his little brother, I'm sure he'll be a big help too:).

[font color="red"]Warning...if you read the VF strength check-in...this is cut and paste..running a little late[/font];-)

Last week was great, so happy to be back in the groove again and the body is finally remembering the moves;O). Most of the week was that U/L split combo with PS/CTX..and now I am moving on...

Monday: Got my butt up and did [font color="red"] (Upper Body)PS-CST/CTX B&Bis[/font] in the am.
PM [font color="green"] StepWorks[/font]..still felt my hams from the previous saturday leg workout!

Tuesday:[font color="red"] (Lower Body)CTX Legs[/font]

Wednesday: [font color="red"] (Upper Body)PS-B&Bi/CTX CST[/font]

Thursday:AM [font color="green"] Keiser Race&Pace[/font] much as I found this video not to my liking...I did manage to complete it all and get a good workout out of it...actually..the workout wasn't so bad..just didn't care for the other stuff:O/.
[font color="green"] KB Class[/font]..yeow! Wendy and I headed back after a very long absence..there were two sad examples of kickboxers looking back at us in the mirror that night! LOL

Friday:Rest, I was surprised at how stiff I was from KB..not really sore..just stiff.

Saturday:[font color="purple"] Yoga for Athletes[/font](first 1/2 hour) just to workout the kinks from the last couple of days.
Then my exercise buddy showed up and we did [font color="red"] (Lower Body)PS Legs[/font] and right into [font color="green"] CTX Step & Intervals[/font] with lead legs.

Sunday: OHHhhh fun fun fun! This is the change up. I decided after reading an article in M&F Hers about Fat Burning Circuits that I would try it and make up my own variation. I wasn't sure I would stick to it but after doing it today..I'm pretty motivated with how it went. I'm going back to PS for this..for now. Started with [font color="red"] PS CST[/font] and used [font color="green"] CTX 101010[/font] as my circuit cardio.
I began with short warm up of PS and moved into the Chest work. Now that I was back to a more focused split routine..I had already decided I would go heavy...even heavier then what was intended..I dropped off a few reps on the last sets and increased weight. I didn't know how well this would go till I went back to a strength section...getting ahead of myself...anyway, finished a good strong chest section...stopped the tape and ran upstairs(where I have to do cardio:O()..had the 101010 primed to start and did the KB section (but 100% into it knowing it was short), then tore downstairs and started shoulders..WOW...instantly could go heavier then expected. That break for the cardio gave the shoulders a nice recovery from the chest work.

Headed back up for the hi/lo with interval bursts and..once again..surprised at the energy and focus from having the strength break...but sweatin' like a fool;O).
Tris! wow...never have been able to feel that good with PS tris..usually just wiped from doing Chest and shoulders...but the feeling of these exercises after doing the cardio convinced me this was a great idea.
I finished with the step section of 101010 and was euphoric during those darn double richocettte(sp?) at the end..when I am usually pretty tired from the intervals and doing this complete.

I am very surprised at how this all worked out...working these two tapes together as a circuit really enhanced both workouts...I'm just jazzed about how I am going to combine my others now. If anyone is bored with their workouts..give this one a try!
Aimee & Kate - When to do Yoga

....and anyone else who cares to chime in.

Do you feel a difference in your yoga workout if you do it in the am, when your muscles (or at least mine;-)) aren't fullly warmed up? I've been trying to tack my yoga/stretch tapes onto the end of a cardio or lower body strength workout on the theory that I'll get better results if my muscles are warm. But it's hard to set aside such a large block of time. I suppose doing it consistently (whatever time of day) is better than not doing it at all, but I'm really curious about your experiences.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Aimee & Kate - When to do Yoga

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-01 AT 08:19PM (Est)[/font][p]DRATS!!!!! Why do I keep double posting! Ugh! Sorry eveyone.
mine does too!

My dog loves to's more like sprint-pee on something-walk/jog, I'm essentially doing intervals but he's in control of the speed and timing. It's so much more fun when I play...did you ever see that Friends episode where Phoebe and Rachel are running and Rachel kinda made fun of Phoebe's form...she was running like you do when you're young, with abandon and enthusiasm. At the end, Rachel was right along with her and loving every minute ;-) Reminds me that exercise SHOULD be fun!!! Here's to flailing :-jumpy
RE: Aimee, Yoga "Cured" my back problems...

It took awhile, but i attribute pain free back to Yoga, Pilates strong ab work....
Cool Nanc!

Sounds like FUN!! I was worn out just reading about you running uo & down the steps a zillion times! I am definitely going to give this a try. It will be fun especially with my DVD's. (I don't have to run up & down stairs so I'm sure your w/o would be tougher.) Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Aimee & Kate - When to do Yoga

Hi Janet! Yeah, I definately notice a difference!! I almost always do mine in the morning. But when I have had the chance to do it in the evening, I've noticed that I can go deeper into my poses. I've noticed it after cardio also. I just make sure that I really listen to my body in the morning, and wait for it to open up a little more before I push a pose farther.

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