Check-In for Week of Nov. 26


Good Morning everyone! Where are you? I could not get on last night. Was it just me?? My lil' "Cathe-icon" just kept dancing and would not connect me past the home page?? Hmmm! Hope you all can get on this morning. We had a very nice Thanksgiving at the lodge with my hubby's family. We all went the night before. We had the lodge all to ourselves. It was equipped with many bedrooms, a huge dining hall with a kitchen & fire place. There are many trails so my DH & I went on two different hikes. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see any wildlife but we saw zillions of deer, bunny & turkey (I KNOW WHY THEY WERE HIDING!!)tracks. Of course I got carried away with the big feast but I worked hard on Friday to make up for it. Well, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have sooo much to be thankful for.

Monday~CTX-BICEPS, SHOULDERS, BACK, Step & Intervals, the lower back floor work & plank work from Power Circuit, cool down stretch from LL

Tuesday~Meaner LEGS with the ABS, Cool down & stretch, 10-10-10-entire including CHEST, WHEW, that's hard after all those punches!!, TRICEPS from CTX

Wednesday~Circuit Max (LOVE this tape) The sweat was dripping!! :-tired

Thursday~REST! THANKSGIVING!!! Gobble, Gobble :9 :9

Friday~Meaner LEGS w/ABS, CTX-Kickbox-Fun, Fun, Fun! CTX-BICEPS, not as FUN! Hee-Hee! I can do ALL the crazy-8's!!

Saturday~CTX-TRICEPS, CHEST, CardioKicks, I hadn't done this one in almost two weeks. Whew, it rocks. I love the drills at the end & all that power hopping!!

Sunday~Normally a rest day but since I took Thursday off, I am going to do BACK & SHOULDERS this afternoon to get my two body parts/week done! I am loving this 6 Body Part Rotation and I am starting to see some results too! :) I just finished my 5th. week and plan to stick with it for at least 8 weeks. I have not become the least bit bored with the tapes either. I actually look forward to my workouts EVERY day. (Well, with the exception of Meaner Legs. LOL!!) Have a great week and I'll check back in after church to see how you all are doing. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
AAHH!! Debbie!!! I just posted a checkin too!! How do I take mine off? We were writing at the same time!! Too Cool!! Well, I already wrote my week in the other one but I'll go ahead and recap here.









Debbie, in case you didn't read my post, thank you again for your kind words and reciepes!! Hope everyone had a great holiday!!

Good Morning everyone:

Debbie and Aimee it seems like you guys had a great week. Hope you enjoyed the holiday. We had a Thanksgiving party at our house this year and I made turkey. Surprisingly everyone survived (at least that's what I heard)my cooking. Pretty amazing since this was only my second turkey - no Thanksgiving turkeys over in Europe.

Anyway, I just finished my second week Cathe CTX rotation and it seems to work pretty good for me. Here is my week:

Monday 10-10-10, triceps (morning)
run dogs 45 min (evening)

Tuesday Powercircuit, back, abs (morning)
run dogs 50 min (evening)

Wednesday Step&Intervall, shoulder

Thursday Nada, does lifting a 20 lb turkey count?

Friday Nada

Saturday All Step, chest, Leaner Legs, abs (morning)
run dogs 50 min (evening)
(Ouch, can't move anymore,
meaner legs get me everytime)

Sunday CTX Kickbox, bicep (morning)
Probably run my dogs again

Have a great week everyone!!

Where are all the East Coasters? Shopping? Trying to remove pecan pie from their physique? I'm avoiding a long list of domestic chores.

DH made an interesting comment this week. He said my arms look great but too bad I can't do anything with those muscles :-hmmm. Because I struggle with toe pushups & can't even dream of doing a pullup, he thinks all I've got are cosmetic muscles! It's a moot point because my shoulder is bothering me again & I'm giving it another rest. Feel like I'm in an endless cycle.

Monday: Firm SS; run 30 min w/ dogs
Tuesday: Pilates mat class; run 30 min w/ DH & dogs
Wednesday: spin (passed on weight work - shoulder ached)
Thursday: hike w/ DH & dogs (great hike - lots of driving in LA traffic)
Friday: row 30 min (loosened up shoulder but achey later)
Saturday: cycle 58 miles (flat); Millenium Stretch :7

DH didn't think I was showing enough fatique after Saturday's ride. Guess those "cosmetic muscles" are good for something.

Hope everyone had a safe & happy holiday. Maybe Florida won't be the center of the daily news by next weekend!!!

Love the CTX

My husband was giggling at me yesterday as I was programming the DVD player and gathering the three remotes. "It's Gretchen's high-tech workout ..."

I've been traveling and working at a weekend camp, so not much to report. Did manage to walk my friend's dog, do some push-ups, and get out the xertube a couple of days. It's so hard to work out away from home. x(

I really like the one body part a day system. It's so easy to gear up mentally for that kind of work out.

SATURDAY--CTX Kickbox & biceps, KS Kickboxing Workout abs
After some time off, I've found it's best for me to start back with biceps--easy enough and totally gratuitous. Also, never been much of a kickboxing fan until Cathe took it on.

SUNDAY--Power Circuit warm-up, 10-10-10 triceps, NAC Measured Intensity, Power Circuit Low Impact & stretch

I'm going to try PS Strong Legs & Abs tomorrow for the first time (unweighted, maybe?). I hate leg work--I always get so sore. I'm convinced Cathe can turn me around. Wish me luck!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

:) Gretchen
first time checking-in!

Hi everyone!

I've been reading all your posts for weeks, but wanted to make sure I could get my workouts to a "worthy" check-in level before jumping in! So here goes...

MONDAY: Leaner Legs with CTX shoulders

TUESDAY: all of Kickbox with CTX back

WEDNESDAY: Leaner Legs, again...(this wasn't my first choice since it kills me every time, but I had my niece over to watch my 2-year old who refused to nap. I needed to do something where I could contain myself and my stuff from my son's grabby hands!)

THURSDAY: Allstep plus CTX chest and triceps...(ate everything I wanted, too!)

FRIDAY: warmup and 1st segment of StepWorks, 2nd segment and cool down from StepFit...(I wanted to throw something else in here but I was wiped out for some reason and listened to my body for a change!)

SATURDAY: Tough Tape 2 from the FIRM...(for as tough as Leaner Legs is, I'm surprised that my glutes are a bit sore today from TT2.)

Thanks for letting me join in! I'm sure in the coming weeks I'll use reading what everyone else is doing as motivation to keep moving!

Hi everybody and Welcome Michele!

And Michele...don't ever worry that you're not "worthy" for the check-in -- your week looks great :) !!

This was my last week of my "almost all Max" rotation. I think that starting today I will return to the CTX workouts along with some others thrown in...I haven't really decided yet!

Here's my week:

Sunday - Body Max
Monday - Interval Max
Tuesday - Circuit Max + abs from Leaner Legs
Wednesday - 45 minutes elliptical machine
Thursday - Cardio Kicks in AM; MIS in PM (nothing but cafeteria food for me on turkey day since I had to work...but hey, maybe next year I'll get to celebrate with family). Glad to hear everyone enjoyed their holiday :) !!
Friday - MIC
Saturday - Cardio Kicks (again) it :7 !!

Have a great week everyone,
Hi everyone!!!

Well, made it through Thanksgiving unscathed...did pretty good as far as eating is concerned but stayed up really late Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri nights visiting with family...hence was a little too tired to give my workouts my all...OH WELL!!! We all need a down week!
DebbieH-what a neat way to spend Thanksgiving...out in the woods, hiking in woods or timber is so beautiful! I love the power hops too!
Aimee-whassup with the ___Max rotation, that looks like fun :D
Carola-I'm certain that my DH is thankful that each year so far we've had grandma's turkey instead of my cooking! I do well with desserts, but poultry is another story!
Debra-"cosmetic muscles" :-rollen sorry to hear your shoulders giving you fits, mine always pops when I try to do more than 8 big boy pushups...oh well, with time I suppose!
Gretchen-YOU'RE GONNA LOVE PS SLA!!! I'm thinking Leaner Legs is better for me though, not as much rest in btw. sets, very efficient!
Michele-WELCOME!!! Your legs have gotta be just shaking!
Anyway-here's my week
Sunday-power cleaning (appraisers here monday)
Monday-ACK!!! cramps :-( (sorry trevor) couldn't tear myself away from my heating pad!
Tues-HLH and the firm MBS
Wed-POWER EATING!!! at mom's
Thurs-LEANER MEANER LEGS and Cardio Kicks
Fri-Bryan Kest vol 3
Sat-Step and Intervals & Power Circuit and UB split (CTX), my triceps were literally trembling!!! very tough
today-start putting up the Christmas tree and gonna try my hand at making stockings for me, DH, and of course my favorite hound!
take care and have a great week!
:-jumpy :-jumpy julie :-jumpy :-jumpy
wow, everyone!

You all had great weeks! I'm sitting here on a sore rear end from MIS yesterday--weird, because it usually doesn't get me in the glutes. Hmmm...
Monday: PS SLA + CTX back +CTX bis
Tuesday: Pmax warmup, CTX All Step + CTX chest
Wednesday: Step and Intervals + CTX shoulders +CTX tris and abs
Thursday: off
Friday: Planks (had to do something!)
Saturday: 60 minute walk around lake with BF + MIS
Sunday: 60 minute hike w/ BF

I had planned to do chest and shoulders both on tuesday, but the power went out during the last pushup of CTX chest, and stayed off for 45 minutes! I stretched in the dark--it was fun!

Did the MIS pushups on my toes (first 16, and first 5 of the second set)! You all inspired me in a recent thread--that was my first try ever on my toes!!! :-jumpy
Happy week, everyone.
Hi ladies,
This is my second week posting on the check-in. I'm still kinda in a slump, but I'm slowly coming out of it. I will be adding my strength training back in soon. Have been focusing mainly on cardio these days since I'm desperate to lose 10 lbs before I become pregnant (hopefully in 1st part of 2001). I know that I should really be focusing on strength, however, every time I start to work out something tells me to do cardio. Oh well.
Here goes. . . .

Monday 15 minute walk
Tuesday 40 min. walk and Cardio Kicks
Wednesday 20 min. walk
Thursday nothing
Friday The first 20 minutes of 10-10-10 plus the first 4 intervals in IMAX.
Saturday Wedding step section

I plan to use IMAX in small increments before ever attempting the entire thing. I did really love the first 4 intervals.
I increased my step from 6 to 8 in the wedding video for about 10 minutes this time, and boy did it make a difference!! I turned a purple/red color but it sure felt good!! I can't even imagine doing the whole thing with 8 inches. You ladies that regularly use 8 inches amaze me. As much as I love all of Cathe's videos, I still say you can't beat the wedding video for fun.
Have a great week!!!!!
RE: Great week everyone !!

All your workouts make mine look pretty weak. I have been getting some results though ;-) My right shoulder-upper arm is giving me some grief lately. I am wondering if I am doing one of the shoulder or chest exercises incorrectly. I am still trying to figure it out. It is the upper-arm muscle right below the shoulder. Any "educated crowd" person have any advice? Well, here was my week:

Monday: Cardio Kicks with Abs from CTX Kickbox
Tuesday: MIS
Wednesday: Interval Max with abs from CTX Step/Int
Thursday: BodyMax (what a total body work-out ;-)
Friday: MIC A great post-Turkey day work-out
Saturday: MIS
Sunday: Rest

This week will be somewhat similar, I hope my arm feels better by Tuesday when I usually do the MIS for this rotation, After this week I plan on starting a PS rotation.

Have a great week everyone!

Lynn W
Got so much done!

I just loved having 4 days in a row off work. I got my kids' closets organized and cleaned-out, my house cleaned and even -- gasp -- got started getting caught up on my photo albums. I'm all the way up to 1997 now! HA!

My workouts? Oh yeah. Did OK with those too. It's funny that I'm less disciplined about them when I'm off work and have all day long to get them done. :)

Monday-Cardio, Abs
CTX All Step cardio and abs

Tuesday - Cardio, Abs
Stepping Zone

Wednesday - Cardio, Abs
My evening step class was cancelled, but a trainer at the gym took pity on me and put me through my paces on the elliptical trainer with an interval program and then some tough ab work.

Thursday - Cardio
Geez, enough with the cardio already! This is when I noticed that I needed to get some strength work done! (But didn't do anything about it, ha!)
Run 30 minutes in early morning. This is my annual "things for which I'm thankful," run. Helps calm me and ground me for the day ahead. I always have issues with Thanksgiving ... just not one of my fave holidays.

Friday - Strength (at last, LOL) and Yoga and Abs
Leaner/Meaner Legs at home
Followed by Power Yoga class at gym. I thought it was a regular Hatha-yoga styled class and was not quite prepared for 60 minutes of power yoga! Ouch, my thighs and abs were killing me by the end of this class. That was a brutal combination.

Saturday - Strength
CTX Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

Sunday - Rest

I accomplished one goal for the week -- I wanted to focus on abs. But didn't get as much strength work done as I'd planned. Also, I forgot a rest day in there. Oops. :( My plan is to cut back to 5 exercise days per week, but I messed up and did 6 instead. ;) Oh well.
Thanksgiving Check-in!

Debbie, sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving at the lodge! (And a great workout week! :)) Here's mine:

Monday - CTX Kickbox/Biceps/Abs
Tuesday - CTX Power Circuit (skipped abs)
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - CTX All Step/Shoulders/Abs
Friday - CTX Step & Intervals/Chest
Saturday - CTX Leaner Legs/Abs
Sunday - Tricep work on my own

So far, this has been a great month of workouts for me. I've re-tooled my December workout calendar -- I'll be doing the Pure Strength series once per week, Circuit Max (lower body only) once per week, and 1 or 2 cardio videos per week. I'm psyched for it! As Cleda would say, "Waaaaaahhhhhhooooooooo!" :-jumpy
The checkin that wasn't

I had great intentions for this week. I really did! I started out strong with CIA 2K02, the whole thing. Then the complications started. I mentioned last week that my daughter was sick,and the doctors found that it wasn't anything serious, treatable by antibiotics. Well, on Monday, she had finished her course of antibiotics, and she was still sick. Worse, since finishing her medication, she started getting worse again. To make a very long story short, we had 3 days of doctors, tests, etc. They never did figure out what was wrong. They figured it was a viral thing, but put her on different antibiotics because her ears looked a little bit funky the last time we were in ( They had been fine the day before ). They didn't know what else to do, and the tests had eliminated all of the scarey stuff, thank God! :) She is fine now, so we'll never know if this was viral and she just happened to get better, or bacterial,and the 2nd course did it in.

Then the Thanksgiving festivities and fun took up the next 3 days. I got back on track yesterday, but THAT'S a subject for next week's check-in.

Thanks for listening to me babble about my lack of qualifications to check in this week! :)

It sounds like everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

I had a good week.

Mon - nada
Tues - am - Vol 4
Wed - am no workout because I was baking & cleaning house before my parents arrived.
pm - 30 min run/walk on treadmill
Thurs - pm 30 min run/walk on treadmill - the toddler boy came in the room just as I finished up and told me "Good job Mommy" and "Good job exercise" It was too cute!
Fri - toddler boy had a friend over - I was too tired to work out! I'm sure glad I don't have twins!
Sat - am Tough Tape 2, CTX All Step abs only - the toddler boy was actually awake the whole time I was exercising and let me workout with only a couple of interruptions.
Sun - The Toddler Boy dance workout - this was definitely my most fun workout this week. He wanted me to dance with him so we put on some music and danced around the living room for 30 to 45 minutes. He had a great time and went to sleep almost right away. We may have to make this a regular activity.
Everyone's week looks great. Mine wasn't. So Michelle, my week should make you feel at ease at posting every week.

Monday: Cardio Kicks
Tuesday: PS BBA
Wednesday - Sunday: :-tired Sick with cold - rested.

The Good news is that I'm back in the saddle for this week.
Hi all!

Everyone has had great weeks or else darn good reasons for a little down time. Although Debbie, I don't believe the words "down time" are in your vocabulary - your user name should be Energizer Bunny! :) Glad you and your family had a good time at the lodge.

Michele, any type of work out is a worthy effort and your week looked pretty awesome, Meaner Legs is a killer (not to mention 2x in 1 wk!) Glad you've joined us!

Erin, glad your daughter is feeling better.

O.K. - here's my abbreviated :-( week:

Sun: PS BBA and CST
Mon: CK
Tues: MIS LB and BM UB
Wed: sat on my rear for a 7 1/2 hr car ride to in-laws in GA
Thurs: ate reasonable (except for pieces of peanut butter and pumpkin pie :9 )and had severe allergy attack from mother-in-laws cats
Fri: Thought hotel had a fitness room (according to sign in lobby) but found out it was several miles away and DH had truck at a hockey game. Did some push ups, lunges, crunches, CK style kicks in hotel room but not still not feeling well so it was pretty lame.
Sat: Played with nieces and nephews, twin 3 yr olds, a 2 1/2 year old and a 6 month old. Another severe cat allergy attack x(
Sun: sat on my rear for another 7 1/2 hr car ride back to FL in horrendous holiday traffic.

Cannot wait to work out tonight! However, have to go to a funeral right after work so hope my mental state will be ok after that. Also, my boss is critically ill so after 2 more weeks I will be out of a job since the office has to shut down. I am sure hoping he pulls through but if he does, recovery time will be a long time coming. Too much stress!!! x(

OK enough whining already! Hope everyone has fun workout weeks!
preggers check-in

I almost didn't check in this week. Didn't do much and just didn't feeeeel like it :-tired I think I have hit that slump some of you have been hitting this last month. Plus my sprained ankle is taking forever to heal.

I did BodyMax upper body twice last week and the floor legwork of GWW once. I had such a great time over the Thanksgiving holiday with TONS of family to see that I was just dead after it all. And I am a major morning person so I couldn't even get myself to sleep in past 7 am.

And yes, Christina, the dance with a toddler boy is a great workout! I can't quite get into now, but am looking forward to it after I have the baby!

Enough babbling. Have a great week everyone!

Your workout was great! :-wow I'm not surprised you were sore after doing Meaner Legs twice and kickbox, not to mention all your other workouts! Great week for you and don't ever feel you're not welcome to check-in if you have an off week. It happens to the best of us. We'll be looking forward to your next check-in. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Okay Julie!

Make me feel bad! I was going to make my stockings this year too but came across some REALLY cute ones at Target. They even had one for our cat! :D(They have dog ones too for your pooch!) Not that I'm trying to talk you out of being crafty. Let us know how they turn out. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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