Check-In for June3rd.!

Ahhhhh just like Old Home Week!!!

Glad to see YOU post also Kim! Wondered where YOU got to. What a lengthy recovery on your hamstring......

I say it's time to get the old familiar faces BACK in here and postin'....Thanx to all who kept the check in going!!! (At least for me) it's a new season, new time, time to get our workouts down on paper....We need to be accountable!!

Wendy, Kelly.. ahhhh all familiar names. Just like comin' home!!! :)

Now, provided I see the date in the check in title ;-) ... I'm all set, I'll be able to post on Sundays! Yeah, yeah!

Off to work...
tipping my helmet to you!

Cleda, that's an awesome challenge you've taken on! This spoiled princess wants a mattress, not a therma-rest, after a day in the saddle. But I have heard the support on the AIDs rides is fantastic.

Are you working with a training group? If your rides this week are typical of your current training, you're just about to get into the distance where you need to refuel during the ride. If you need any help with fueling, hydration, saddle sores, please ask!

Bet your legs look fantastic!

Back at you

You could say the hamstring was in an "active recovery" stage that lasted awhile. I re-injured it in November and went to see a physiotherapist. I have been very careful but I cannot honestly say that I ever took more than a week or two off and I worked out around that injury, perhaps more than I should have.

I was scared to run (fast)at my last ball game but when I did, it felt really good and so I am hoping that I am truly over the hump of things. I have really learned about listening to my body in the last year. My eating has been atrocious and now I have 5 lb. to lose to really feel like "myself". Oh well.

I will endeavour to check in more often. I may miss next week's though because my date and I are heading to Banff for a trip on his new BMW RT motorcycle. Should be a blast. Can't wait.

RE: tipping my helmet to you!

Why thank you Debra! I always read your cycling mileage with awe! I often wondered how anyone could bike SOOOO much! ;-) Now I know I guess.

No, I don't train with a group. I have read several books, become best buds with the bike shop people, ask tons of questions and ride..... ride, ride, ride.....

I've been averaging 100 to 150 miles a week for awhile now and find GU and You Are What You Eat Bars to be the best thing for me! I have a 100 oz. Camelback and carry 2 bottles of Gatorade with me! I drink on the "0's" meaning every 10 minutes, whether I'm thirsty or not. So far so good! But if I have any questions, you can BET I'll be asking... ;-) That's the great thing about the forum -- All I have to do is ask! :)

Good- you've got it covered

Glad to hear you've already addressed the fueling. Most people have to experiment a little.

You're putting in the miles! Puts a cramp in ones social life unless you count the people you meet on the road, doesn't it? It does get bizarre when you're riding 20+ miles for recovery.

One unsolicited tip - I've found if I do a stretching tape (usually Scott Cole thanks to Nancy C) on Sat nite or Sun - my legs are much fresher the next week. I stretch after all rides, but doing an entire video really helps.

Hope you're having fun out there!

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