Check-In for June3rd.!

Checking In

Hi everyone!

Like many of you, I seem to be doing more lower body. Shouldn't we be sculpting our arms for tank tops & sun dresses?

Mon: Walk/trots w/ dogs (30 min); MIS upperbody & abs (abs w/ DH)
Tue: cycle 22 miles (rolling); Precision Toning (Pilates)
Wed: Walk/trots w/ dogs; Spinning; MIS upperbody
Thurs: Voight Abs & Back (recommended it so thought I'd dust it off)
Fri: Walk/trots w/ dogs (30 min)
Sat: zip - it was drippy out & I'd stayed up late to watch LA Confidential
Sun: Cycle 60 tough miles w/ DH (tried a new route & it was a challenge); Millenium Stretch

Poor dogs are trotting w/ me in the a.m. then go for a grueling run with my husband most evenings. They're earning their treats!

Has anyone else tried Hershey's cinnamon chips? I tried the oatmeal cookie recipe on the bag & they were great. My husband asked that I not share this batch of cookies with the neighbors. His metabolism is really reved up. He's being consistent with weight training & running, then our long weekend ride really seems to light the after-burners.

Have a great week everyone!
RE: Checking In

I can't believe how intensely everyone works out. I am very impressed!

This is my first time posting my workouts. You guys have motivated me like nothing else since I've been on the Cathe forum (about six weeks).

Tues--Step Fit / Taught step aerobics
Thurs--taught step aerobics
Fri--attended Sara City Workout conference in Orlando; worked out five times! Upper body strength w/ Keli Roberts; step and body bar intervals; step and hi/lo with Christi Taylor; strength training with TONS of plyometrics for kickboxing; hardcore abs with Keli Roberts. I WAS TIRED!
Sat--conference again; light weight work on big physical therapy ball; sport circuit with Mindy Mylrea; step with Petra Kolber

I was beat on Saturday night. My husband was nice and treated me to a big dinner at a japanese steak house. I ate a ton and then came home and ate a big bowl of popcorn. It was a fun weekend!

Have a good week everyone. Best wishes, Cyndie
My Gosh!!

I was checking out the first pics from the new vids......I didnt even recognize Cathe!! lol! She looks as fit and beautiful as ever but the longer hair kinda thru me for a sec! Everyone looks great and I am sure the new videos are awesome.
Looks like an awesome week for everyone on the checkin. Happy Birthday Lynn!!
I stunk it out last week as far as workouts go. Work drove me nuts and I just didnt have my normal kick. I promise to make it up this week. :)
Mon. -- Bodymax
Tues. -- abs
Wed. -- nada
Thurs. -- nada
Fri. -- Imax, then dropped Matthew off on the boat for his eighth grade class cruise/dance departing from Annapolis. Rained cats and dogs most of the evening. Then...a rare nite out alone with the wife..dinner...a little dancing......a get the picture!! :)
Sat. -- nothing
Sun. -- abs
This week I will do exclusively early morning workouts.....which I am starting to enjoy. It's quite an energy boost as I am sure alot of you already know. 4 a.m. comes quick though!! :)
Have a safe, healthy, happy week everyone!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
hmm, lucky you

with those after burners!! }>
I have been looking for hershey's cinnamon chips, but have yet to find them here in chicago land. I would like to try a fee things..
Hey Trev!

Sounds like your romantic night with your wife made up for ANY workouts you may have missed!;-) Glad you got to spend a nice evening together with no kids! We've been getting all your rain. I'm about over it too! :-( Can you send it some other direction? Good Luck with those early morning workouts! :-sleepy

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
How Fun!

Wow, what a fun weekend, Cyndie! I would love to meet all those instructors. If I get my way, I WILL get to meet Cathe this Fall. It will be so nice to see their new place too. Glad to have you joining us on check-ins!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Thanks for the bday wishes

Good luck with your morning work outs Trevor. That's the only way I seem to fit mine in but love it. It does take a little getting used to though. Make sure you get to bed a little earlier too as you know 4:00 comes mighty early, 4:45 is early enough for me.

Have a good week.

Lynn W

Cyndie, How did you walk out of that place on Saturday. Sounds like a lot of fun. Welcome to the check-in, I do enjoy reading everyones' posts and the motivation that comes with it. Hope to hear more from you.

Lynn W
RE:I'll take some of your warmth


No kidding about staying indoors for the next couple of months. But I thought it was a dry heat? Just kidding, hot is hot no matter what the humidity is.

Cranium was really fun and we did it guys against girls. The guys were the dito heads ( they kept trying to use gestures ) and the girls loved the drawing, acting categories. Go figure. We really didn't finish the game because of time but had a lot of laughs and sighs.

Have a great week.

Lynn W
RE: Hey Trev!

I've gone totally to morning workouts, and it really works out well. Your done and don't have to think about it for the rest of the day. It think I've discovered that if I put off working out, my energy level really went down later in the day. I think I've resigned myself to always getting up early and going to bed early, until I retire anyway!
Gotta Remember how to do this......

I suppose it HAS been THAT long, that I have to figure out HOW to do this check in. Not to worry! I think I can! ;-) I have been keeping up with the check ins, just not posting! ... I'm an old-timer and I'm sure many remember me. My workouts are of MY OWN level and I certainly cannot do any "Max" Rotations! They'd be callin' 911 for me! ;-) Kudos to those of you who can. I wasn't doing Cathe tapes for awhile and admit that I feel somewhat guilty checking in with no Cathe in my workout week. But, I preordered my DVD's and I got my PS (although I haven't done it yet...)

I did NOT stop working out, despite NOT checking in. But, I'm back (and hopefully for awhile).

As usual, this will be long-winded, as I NEVER DID get the hang of a BRIEF check-in! :) This is sooooo bad, I didn't even remember what DAY we started to check in with, but I reckon it's MONDAY!!!

Monday: biked 12.69 miles, flail/walk 3 miles with dog (I "flail", not "run" as you all might remember).

Tues: biked 10.52 miles, Leaner Legs minus abs

Wed: biked 32.11 miles

Thurs: Rest days (why? Cuz I STILL need 'em! :)!)

Friday: biked 7.21 miles, Tamilee's 1st section of "I Want Those Abs", Step Class at the gym

Sat: Rest day (torrential downpours, was suppose to go biking!)

Sun: biked 37.55 miles

Yep! Biking is my new thing. Not without reason though. I'm training to do the Tanqueray NorthEast Aids Ride in July. (325 miles in 4 days From Bear Mountain NY to Boston MA)....

That's kinda what prompted me to get back here to check in weekly. Accountability can be a good thing and the last two weeks have not been stellar in the training department! .... I bought my bike in Feb. and have just turned 1100 miles! Wahhhhhhhhoooooo!

It's good to be back....
Hi Cleda!!

We've missed you! WELCOME BACK!! Glad to have someone join me on the "not-so-brief" check-ins!;-) Usually, someone will start the "check-in" real late on Saturday night or early Sunday morning, but of course, you can check-in whenever it's convenient 4 U over the next few days! Good Luck with your training for your ride in July. Sounds like fun and HARD work! Glad to have you back.:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-01 AT 06:05AM (Est)[/font][p]LOL...I kinda figured this was what that short email was about;-)hehehe

I, like Cleda, haven't posted in an age..but still have been plugging along. I actually just started a rotation of strength that will hopefully pull me right into August and the arrival of the new Push/Pull/Slow/Heavy set:7. This schedule, may or may not contain video usage...if it does, I'll be using that handy dandy PS DVD for substitutions. won't see too much Cathe last week..but she's an inspiration to me with a tape in or there:phehe

Monday:Week 1 of the Muscle and Fitness three month challenge.
Warm up with jumprope and Push routine..chest,shoulder,tri

Tuesday:Abs on my own and my own Interval routine on the spin bike..while watching my exercise buddy do Circuit Max. OK..there'a little Cathe;-)


Thursday:Slow, long cardio so I did 50 minutes on the old air glider.

Friday:pull...back and bis...whoops...that was supposed to be Pull LOL

Saturday: Recovery

Sunday:Supposed to be a "hill" type of I did Mindys Sport Cycle

Pretty milk toast with hardly any videos...but I'll be doing a few more this week:)...even the dreaded IMAX has made the cut.

Hey Cleda,

Glad to have you back. I sure wish I had a place to ride that far on a bike. It sounds like fun....and hard of course. You had a great week! I'll look forward to your checkins!!!!

Well, I go according to my Sports Music tapes....the fastest tapes they make go 5.5 mph, which is is 175 beats per minutes. It's real hard for me not to walk all the time and fit in cross training! I've never been injured walking (in 10 years!), which is a real advantage. I have one tape that is 180 bpm but I forget where I got it....I know it's not a Sports Music tape.

ALSO>>>>>>>>>race walking is GREAT for your tummy! If you use your arms and really concentrate on contracting your abs while you walk, it's the best abs workout I know of.

How do this sports tapes work for walking and where can I get some.

I really enjoy walking fast. I didn't know there is tapes that you can walk to the beat of.

Any info would be great,


P.s. I have been looking for exercise that I can do for Life and I think walking is it, but of course I can throw in some Cathe tapes, too.
Hey Cleda!

I simply cannot resist jumping in now. I have been wondering where you were. As for myself, I check in sometimes but I always surf the forum. I got tired of whining about my hamstring injury and just found myself reading them all. That and the fact that life gets pretty hectic and I feel if I can get the workouts done but don't have time to do the check-in, well you know......

As for the hamstring, well I think that after a year, it is finally getting close to 100% again. I played ball last night and actually sprinted around those bases and it felt good and I felt like myself. I am still wary but I think I may be over the hump.

Good to see you. I guess if I am in the check-in, I best get at it. After trying a CTX rotation for 4 weeks after doing an MIS one for about 8, I am back at PS for ball season. No cardio on ball nights. Here was how my week looked:

Sunday - Power Circuit
Monday - Step & Intervals
Tuesday - All Step
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - 10/10/10
Friday - Kickbox
Saturday - Leaner Legs
Sunday - Power Max (thus started a new rotation of PS beginning the next day)

Hope you all have a great week.


You don't know me, but yours is one of the names that I remember from a year ago when I first discovered Video fitness and Cathe. I have been wondering where you were, too, and I'm so glad to see you back!
Wow, your bike training sounds tough--1100 miles is incredible!!!

Try that. They have TONS of good music....I must have 30 of their tapes. This morning I'm walking to Latin Beat and Beach Party. You certainly keep walking at any age, and you can do it anywhere.

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