Check in for 7-8-01

Hi Deb:O)

Not sure I can describe a sissy squat real good but it's basically a squat done while holding onto a support like a railing or piece of equipment framing that's solid. This allows you to really lean back into the movement. The hands aren't allowed to pull you up though;-). If you don't have Muscle and Fitness Hers for this month...check it out. They use this exercise in their perfect form article. I used the position that Susie Curry demonstrates. I was able to crank out 100 after doing my regular routine this morning, but only because I was inspired by checking here(gotta love the motivation!) this morning and posting to Andrea. I did the first 50 together, took a short break and then did two more sets of 25...both were tough, especially that last 5. I like them best at the end of the of my workout email buddies(Hello Tammy C;-)) gave me the heads up about them. I like them with this routine I'm doing. I start off with the low rep PS into the higher rep CTX and then work right down into the burn of no weight. They say the sissy squats are shapers..we'll see;-) to work.

How's that beautiful Grandbaby doing:).
Cyndie: I see you did one of the Powerstrike videos. Which one? What are your thoughts on it?

Still deciding whether to purchase these or not....

Thanks Nancy!

The contraption I saw was lower to the ground. Boy, does that step'n'go look like fun! Just what I need, another toy too! Thanks for the description of the sissy squats. I'll see if I can track down a M&F Hers. Kennedy is getting cuter every day. She is the most pleasnat lil' thing. Always in a good mood. She just loves to stare from side-to-side when she is done eating. Soooo content! I want to just squeeze her everytime I walk in the room. Thanks for asking. Again, thanks for the info.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hi Cyndie - I also am curious which Powerstrike you did and what you thought of it. Thanks.

WOW!!! My boss' daughter is riding the NY-Boston AidsRide in a couple of weeks -- Sounds like the type of thing that would be no problem for you! Congrats on how fit you must be!!!!

RE: Thanks Nancy!

I'm wondering if you saw a recumbent bicycle. I purchased one last year and just love it for riding long distances. No pains in the neck, butt, wrists.

This is pretty much a like a recumbent exercise bike but for outdoor cycling. The bike I have is a Vision R40. You could take a look at their site.

I'm strivN2Bfit , Paulette

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