

I pm'd you.I wrote up a rotation and I wanted you to have a little glance at it...if ya don't mind!
Me too, me too please!!!!

I always like new and challenging rotations. Although I am doing a P90X style rotation with Cathes right now, but that would be something nice for later.

Thank you
Kristine :)
Hey Miss Charlotte! I ain't no cry baby!:) You have no idea what you are dealing with hahahaha:7 Im glad you took a look at it!

Kristine and Marcia, here it is but you asked for it! I will add that I did this to my schedule b/c I am a shift worker.The harder days are afternoons when I am home alone or days that I am off.I don't have any babies so I have free time.I didn't add in to many days off "just in case" I wanted to workout.But if I feel the need to take a day off, then I will.

Here you go:
Sept 27- PLB,LM,MM Legs + Abs
Sept 28- 60 min run,GS C&T,MM C&T + 400 walking lunges
Sept 29- Imax 3, Intervals twice,GS B,S,B, MM B,S,S + abs
Sept 30- 30 min run in a.m
Oct 1- HSC (heavy weights)a.m + 30 min run p.m
OCt 2- OFF
Oct 3- GS LEgs, 400 walking lunges,KPC,+abs
Oct 4- RUN, HST + abs
Oct 5- GS C&T, S&H C&T, + S,J&P
Oct 6- C&W, 30 min run+ abs
Oct 7- GS B,S.B, S&H B,B,S + LM
Oct 8- Run + BC
Oct 9- OFF
Oct 10- 1 HArdcore extreme workout + abs
Oct 11- Run in a.m + BM p.m
Oct 12- PS Legs,30 min run + KM
Oct 13- 3 of the timesaver workouts + abs
Oct 14- Imax exterme , CTX UB, UB from SS
OCt 15- 60 min Run, L&G + 200 walking lunges
Oct 16- OFF
Oct 17- SB,PP,+ PUB going up
Oct 18- LOng run
Oct 19- BC in a.m , + 30 min run p.m + abs
Oct 20- 30 min run a.m + C&W p.m
Oct 21- SS,PP,+ Imax 2
Oct 22- 60 min run + Imax 3 intervals
Oct 23- OFF
Oct 24- KPC,CTX UB, + MM UB
Oct 25- same as the first day

This is where my schedule falls exactly to today so I am just gonna start from the beginning for the remainder of the month.
Soooooooooooo, are you gonna do it?
HOLY CRAPOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) You are a wild woman - GOOD FOR YOU! I'd love to do this with you, but I just don't have that much time to commit to a rotation like that. AND, I wouldn't want to do it if I couldn't put 100% effort in it. But, I will for sure be behind you all the way and give you support throughout your efforts. :)

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) }(

Thanks,I have the time now that summer is over and I am a shift worker so thats why somedays are broken up.But like today, my DD is in school and I have the afternoon to who better to spend it with then Cathe? Im sure you could modify it if you wanted to.
Okay, maybe I don't get it, but this seems insane to me. For starters, you're going to be doing nothing but working out every spare minute of your day. What is the goal of a rotation like this, apart from overtraining injuries?

I dunno, maybe I'm dense and I just don't get it, but I can't see how this could be good for anyone. Just seems like a big game of "anything you can do, I can do harder, faster and longer".
I don't know about you, but I have a job that takes up 40 plus hours of my week. Not only that, even if I could stay home & workout all day, Shelley is right. That would lead to injury or at least burn out. My goal is NOT to reach burn out.

wow Lori that looks awesome. I have to admit I don't think I have enough time in my week to complete this but I hope you have a wonderful time getting through it.

Keep us updated on your progress}(
>Okay, maybe I don't get it, but this seems insane to me. For
>starters, you're going to be doing nothing but working out
>every spare minute of your day. What is the goal of a
>rotation like this, apart from overtraining injuries?
>I dunno, maybe I'm dense and I just don't get it, but I can't
>see how this could be good for anyone. Just seems like a big
>game of "anything you can do, I can do harder, faster and

Well I think Lori knows what is good for Lori. What is overtraining for one person is not necessarily so for someone else. I wouldn't do the rotation myself because I like more rest days, but that is just me. And ya know, maybe Lori just wants to challenge herself and is trying to motivate others to a challenge, but I think I understand where you are coming from though...I really do. :D

Charlotte, I don't understand. Why would you recommend it for someone if you wouldn't go for it yourself?

You also must know, that as Catheites, most of us are probably pretty much in shape to keep up with Cathe. And Cathe is known for challenging the crap out of us. Also, Lori looks pretty darn fit too.

>Charlotte, I don't understand. Why would you recommend it for
>someone if you wouldn't go for it yourself?
>You also must know, that as Catheites, most of us are probably
>pretty much in shape to keep up with Cathe. And Cathe is known
>for challenging the crap out of us. Also, Lori looks pretty
>darn fit too.

Well I obviously have different goals then Lori has. ;-) I don't have alot of the same workouts either.

I never said anyone was out of shape, hmmm...did I? And yes, Lori is fit....your point?

I really wish this didn't look like "kill yourself" material to me but it does. To each their own but why would one do this to oneself is the question that comes to my mind?! But that's just me :)
I think folks might be misreading this rotation. Lori clarified on another thread that when she has multiple workouts listed, it is generally for a single body part, i.e., the chest work from PUB, MM, ME, etc. If you look closely you can see where these are differentiated in the listing....

Seeker of clarification,
Even with the clarification it STILL looks like overkill to me! It looks like an injury waiting to happen! If a client asked me what I thought of it, I certainly would advise them NOT to do it. But to each her own. (shrugs...) ;-)

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