Lori-laundry is a never ending thing, isn’t it? You know it’s bad when the KIDS start separating things for me….think they’re trying to tell me something? Oh, and you look AWESOME, girl, in your new pics!!! WTG!
Kath-enjoy your workout! Schools are closed here also!
Amelia-what are you looking forward to for free day tomorrow??? Just curious! Enjoy your workout!!!
I thought I’d share this, in case anybody’s interested: I snagged a new recipe for Protein Pudding off the BFL boards last night and LOVE it! It’s simple, and uses no milk, which is a great way to save on calories. Here it is:
Protein Pudding
1 ¾ C – 2C water
small package of f/f s/f instant pudding (chocolate)
2 scoops chocolate protein powder.
Whisk together until well combined and thick. It makes 2 servings.
It’s a little runny with 1 ¾ C of water, but yummy. Almost drinkable, so I would think 2 cups would be a shake in itself! LOL However, the person that posted it suggested using 1 ¾ C water and putting the 2 servings in the freezer and eat it as a frozen treat.
We’re in the midst of an ice storm, so schools are closed for the day. We’re ALL excited about that! I was able to sleep in just a tad this AM and relax during my workout (yeah….how do you relax while squatting over 105#???? LOL) The ice is supposed to turn to rain later this morning, so I think we’ll spend the day with my sisters and my nieces. Most likely, they’ll want to do lunch out at our fave pizza joint, so I’ll get my usual turkey and cheese tossed salad with no dressing. I’m having everybody here for dinner tonight, and the menu includes Pot Roast, steamed carrots and onions, baked potatoes. Sound YUMMO? LOL
OK….this morning’s workout was AWESOME! I did my planned lower body weight BFL work. Then tacked on the firewalkers and all the floor and ball work from B&G! I feel GREAT!
What are your plans for this weekend, ladies?
My weekend looks like this:
Saturday: first, workout of Cardio Kicks or LIC cardio.
Sunday: my annual Super Bowl Sunday 10K race. My goal time is 52:00, which is about 2:30 off last year’s time. This is a really REALLY hilly course, so I’m going to have to work for that time, but we LOVE challenges, right? Then later that day the boys and I are spending the rest of the day at BF’s house for his Bday party and Super Bowl Party.
OK…time to make the kids breakfast. BBL