Certified Nursing Assistant Training Update!

I'm thrilled to report that I passed my clinical skills exam on Thursday and am now waiting for my information to be uploaded to the Texas Nurse Aide registry! It was a nerve wracking day on Thursday, the classmate I was hoping to be paired with for partner skills ended up having to go by herself. I was the very last one to go and I had to perform passive ROM to hip, knee and ankle, measure respirations and dress resident with a weak right arm. The first two were done on my partner and were a breeze. The dressing skill was done on a mannequin and when I got to my car after finishing, I was like crap, I got the weak arm mixed up. I second guessed myself and incorrectly corrected myself, but thankfully, because I did the skill perfect, keeping the mannequin covered, dressing properly - buttons buttoned, pants and socks on correctly, I passed. I received the remainder of my financial stipend on Monday and bought a beautiful navy dress, shoes and pearl earrings for interviews. I finally got the front shocks and alignment done on my car and it drives like a dream, no more steering wheel vibrations. And, yesterday I went to Kohl's and bought some needed basics: 4 bras, 5 underwear and 2 pajamas and thanks to sales and coupons, I only paid $78 for everything! This has been a one day, one step at a time journey. Next week the fun begins because I'll start combing through job postings and getting some applications out. There is a place called Encompass Rehab and its where my husband spent 5 days after his hip replacement. They're a great place and his physical therapist has some connections with them and told me to let him know when I apply. I think they start CNA's aka Rehab Nursing Techs at $17 per hour and benefits start day 1.

I have a lot of other decisions to make. My husband found out that we have until January 1 to deal with the situation with our house. The sons of his friend have been more than gracious giving us more time beyond the original April 1 deadline. He's in total denial and thinks that he can just keep extending the note without making payments and postponing the inevitable. I've been supportive and encouraging with him all these years and there is no change. Now he won't even look for real estate business. He just keeps thinking the gold is imminent. The situation with the house isn't something new. This has been on a slow burn. All I know is that is the line in the sand for me. I'm going to do the best I can and that's all I can do.

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