Certified Nursing Assistant Training Update!


I've been really busy since I started my CNA training at the end of April. I'm absolutely loving it and a lot of what I'm learning has carried over from the short course I took on becoming a Physical Therapy Aide. We have started taking practice questions for the State of Texas exam and out of 30 some odd questions today, I only missed one and same for when we did review on Wednesday. I finally feel like I'm on the right track.

My husband decided to have his hip replacement surgery now, actually had the surgery was today, his son is with him because I told him that I can't miss class and he started alluding to wanting me to quit school and I gave him a option - if you can wait a few weeks, I'll be done with school and will even postpone my job search for your surgery, otherwise, I can't drop out because my school is free and there would be no way for me to try to rejoin the class because I'm going through a charity group and we couldn't afford the tuition out of pocket because its about $1025 in free education that I'm getting. I've done so much behind the scenes to help prepare him for the surgery - last week, I picked up his pain pills, stool softener and Miralax for post-op, I exchanged some shorts that were the wrong size, I made sure that some of meds were removed leading up to surgery, I printed a med list for him to take the day of, I handled sending release letters to his primary care dr, endocrinologist, nephrologist and cardiologist and spend most of yesterday washing sheets and towels because had he to prep with a surgical cleanser last night and this morning. When he scheduled this, I told him I needed help with 3 things - taking him the morning of, picking him up the next day because he's being held over night for observation and a ride to the 2 week follow up. He really made no plans to find help for me and thankfully his son stepped up and volunteered to come in. My mom and step dad are going to do something nice for him because they know how much its helped me.

My stress levels have just been running high because i really felt like he chose to do the surgery right when I was in the thick of school and this is the first time that I haven't been available to take care of him and am finally doing something to better myself. I've been working out despite the stress, missing a day or two a week and actually this morning just started doing 21 Day Fix Extreme because it gets a lot done in 30 minutes and I'm working on timing things because I will start in person CNA skills training on either Wednesday or Thursday of this week. I should be done by the end of May.

I don't know what I'd do without Luca. She's my everything and is why I'm still at this house. I understand why she can't go to my mom and stepdad's house because of my mom's bleeding risk, but there is no way I could leave her here with him. Heck, he even fusses at her and raises his voice at her. I'm starting to prepare and stock on some of my essential items, like contact lenses and stuff. I don't have a deadline for anything to happen, just going one day at a time.
Thanks for the update and so glad to hear things are going well for you in school. You deserve this. Like you said one day at a time.
Good for you! You are pushing through and it sounds like you are enjoying the process. I’m so glad you still have Luca. Never underestimate the love of an animal. They show love in such an unconditional way. Stay strong for you and Luca. Things are changing for you and I’m very glad.
Good for you! You are pushing through and it sounds like you are enjoying the process. I’m so glad you still have Luca. Never underestimate the love of an animal. They show love in such an unconditional way. Stay strong for you and Luca. Things are changing for you and I’m very glad.
Thank you so much everyone! I can't imagine life without Luca and honestly she's why I'm still in this house. There's no way I could pack up and go to my parents' house and leave her here with him. She and I will get through this together. She is sweetest thing and just follows me all over the house.

My husband spent a few days at a rehab hospital last week and it was the best 4 days of my life. I was relaxed, Luca was relaxed, I went to school, and kept up with things around the house. Luca didn't have any barking outbursts while he was gone and then when I picked him up Friday, she had 3 of them in about 5 hours time. Animals and kids sense when things are tense.

I love my classes and am so grateful that I got this opportunity to go to school for free. It was the first good thing that happened in a few months of looking for work. It got scary when I realized that despite having almost 5 years experience in virtual call center, I couldn't even get a callback on any applications. In mid-March, I even applied with a local maid service and never got a call back and the job was even posted again on Indeed as "hiring multiple candidates".

I should finish school this week or next. After that is registration for the state exam, which is also all expenses paid. I found out I can take the written and skills separately which is exactly what I want to do, so I can have extra time to prepare on the skills.

I'm loving 21 Day Fix Extreme because its packs a lot into 30 minutes and I want to stay active, but because I prefer to workout in the morning, I just don't have an hour like I used to.
I officially completed my CNA class on Thursday and am fully registered for the State of Texas exam. I take my written portion on June 13, which also happens to be my 4 year no alcohol anniversary and I take my clinical skills portion on June 27. Provided I pass everything, I'll have my CNA license and should have no problem finding work.

I also found out on Friday that I'm receiving a special $2,500 stipend from the charity organization that paid my tuition for the CNA program. The coordinator told me in a meeting that I was being recognized for my commitment and dedication to the program! That is a surprise blessing because now I'll be able to get the final repair done to my car which is front shocks and alignment, and I'll have some money left over to put in my savings account.

I finished my 21 Day Fix program on Saturday and forgot how intense those workouts are. It packed a lot into 30 minutes and was great because of how my mornings would go that I was able to start late, but finish my workout on time. Now during this month, I'm going back to Cathe and am going to run through some of my favorite DVD's because once I start work, I don't know what type of schedule I'll have and how much time I can devote to a daily workout. For that, I've got both 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme, 22 Minute Hard Corps, and Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and Body Shred, all of which come in at around 30 minutes. I think for this week, I'm going to pull out STS 2.0 and do a M-W-F of the total body dvds with Rev'd Up Rumble on Tuesday, Yoga Relax on Thursday and To The Max on Saturday. I'm thinking a week of ICE next week. Then maybe a week of Strong and Sweaty because I want to do Cardio Slam. Perfect Pump Upper and Lower are going to be mixed in at some point too.

Thank you everyone for your support. I'm making slow and steady progress!
Props to that organization...What a wonderful concrete way to congratulate you!!

Keep us posted in your progress! (Hopefully you don't have to wait long to find out.)

Wishing you more positive results for all your hard work!
Thank you everyone! I've really appreciated everyone's support and encouragement! This has been on heck of a ride. Finishing school was a huge relief because there were a few times that I felt like my husband was going to pressure me to drop out so I could take care of him post-op. I told him that the opportunity for a free education doesn't come around everyday and that I was finishing my school and that was non-negotiable. It was very tough mentally and emotionally, but I stood my ground during some very difficult times.

I did STS 2.0 Total Body Tri-Sets this morning and was so happy to get back to Cathe. That song that starts the back portion with the deadlifts, pullovers and rows just pumps me up every time I hear it. Once I start work and know more about what my schedule will be, I'm certainly going to review all of her timesaver premixes so I can still do her workouts. I did find however that during school when I did 21 Day Fix Extreme, 30 minutes was a perfect length to get the job done. I know the STS Shock Cardio HIIT dvd's workouts all come in at around 30 minutes, as do her other HIIT workouts. Ditto for Perfect 30 and the upper and lower are two of my favorite routines. It'll take some research, but I certainly want to find a way to continue my workouts even after returning to work.

I'm taking everything one step, one day at a time, although I do contemplate the day when I'm going to finally exit this marriage. It might be like a person escaping a house fire, they get out with a few things but they're alive. The past few years have been a drain on my mental and emotional health and to finally come to terms with the fact that my husband has mental illness has been liberating because I guess you could say I've been in denial about it for quite some time. I might have to start over in some areas of my life, but I can finally be out of a very negative environment. Its a miracle that my health hasn't been more adversely affected by this constant strain. In 10 days, I'll be 4 years victorious over a very difficult battle with alcohol as a coping mechanism. I've overcome a lot and I can say its by God's grace and Cathe's workouts that I've gotten through so much.
Congrats on your four year anniversary and coming through this whole ordeal stronger than before. You got this and a whole new world is out there waiting for you. You sound so much happier in the last couple of posts. I'm very happy for you.
Thank you so much! Friday is my graduation from the CNA program so I’ll get to celebrate with my classmates. My husband can’t go because he’s still using a cane and can’t stand for long periods of time. It’s just as well because I didn’t want him there anyway because he wasn’t very nice while I was trying to get this education. My mom and stepdad can’t attend because my mom can’t be in large crowds due to health issues. I’m going to spend the night at their house on father’s day and I’m very excited. My husband should be more mobile by that time and ok to be alone.

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