I cut down from 2 1/2 packs a day (!) to 10 cigarettes a day and then went on the patch for about 6 weeks. I have NEVER had a desire for another one ever again!Many Congrats!!! That's quite an accomplishment as the experts believe it's incredibly hard to quit. How did you do it?
Congrats, Nancy! November will be 20 years for me too. You and I grew up in such a different time, didn't we? Everyone in my family smoked. We were permitted to smoke in high school, at our desks at work, in restaurants, on airplanes... oh my! It took me about five attempts to quit using Wellbutrin and nicotine patches, but it was totally worth the effort. Today I CAN'T STAND the smell of cigarettes. Gross!
20 years ago today I quit smoking! Every year on this anniversary I buy myself something fitness/health oriented. This year I plan on splurging on new workout clothes. Tonight I'll do a tough Cathe DVD and count myself lucky to be able to do these great workouts!