Cedi's Looking Good!

IMHO, I think Cedie's the most wonderfully "typical" looking person on the crew. The others have physiques that are unreasonable for someone built like me to obtain (and maintain), but Cedie's my girl! She is curvy and round and very feminine - and tough as nails - just like me!

You can keep your 6-packs and popping bicep veins - I really like seeing someone who shows what's possible for women built like me!

Go Cedie!:7

Susan L.G.
I'm with you, Susan. That's also one of the reasons I love Gin Miller, she's not teeny, and she's very fit and looks gorgeous.
Cedi is my DH's favorite of all of Cathe's "girls." He loves her curves. If I'm doing one of the workouts without Cedie he wants to know where she is.

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