CCPP Saturday ~ Check-in


I hope this hasn't been started yet for the early-birds. My apologies if it's a duplicate post.

I did PP today instead of tomorrow, since I'm scheduled for an STS workout. This is the first PP workout I've been up to doing for awhile and it felt great! I'm so happy I worked my way through it to discover that my cardio endurance is back. Hooray!
I just finshed all of CCPP, no extra challenge! I traveled over 5 miles.All I can say is HOLY COW! :p:p I don't feel my legs anymore. I am glad tomorrow is a rest day. Now I know why everyone is doing PP only once a month:p
I am scheduled to work out on the EXT today. It won't be CCPP but I'll make it a Cardio Coach and will be with your girls in spirit! :)
Morning all!

I've decided to postpone CCPP until tomorow, since it's going to be gorgeous here today and my SO wants to run outside with me. Tomorrow it's going to rain so it'll be a good day for the TM. So I'll be late checking in!
Checking in. Hot, sweaty, hungry, and happy! :D Not sure if I want to kiss Coach Sean or throw my IPOD at his head:p Perhaps both? I liked the added challenge. Was great grand fun, I may have to use that one again in the regular V8 workout. I also increased my resistance on the hills this time. My legs are toasted. PP makes me sooooo hungry. I think it's time for 2nd breakfast and a shower. Probably should shower 1st:confused:

See ya,
Belinda - WOO HOO!!!!! Welcome to Press Play Saturday!! :D

Wendy - Do yer best and ferget the rest!! I'll see YOU in the workout! ;)

Shelley - I'll have to see here, but I might be joining you tomorrow. A friend of DH's family passed away and he just told me this morning that the memorial service is today. DH wants to go and the the timing of it kind of interferes with the workout. :(

Nan - AWESOME job!!! Yeah, every time I do Volume 8 I want to throw my iPod at Coach Sean's head -- LOL!!!

Good luck to everyone! I'll check back in after I do the workout -- bonus challenge and all! :eek:
Good morning, from sunny Nazareth, PA, where my CCPP workout was done by 6:30 this morning! WOO HOO!

I added the extra challenge on at the end, with a pause to the iPod between CH 5 of PP and the added challenge (since there wasn't a recovery in between there). I logged in over 7.25 miles, which I'm super happy about since I was aiming for 7 minimum. I did mostly sprints for this month's PP workout. Sometimes I'll do the workout as-is with the hills and climbs and sprints where Coach Sean has them. But other times I'm shooting for distance so I'll change some or all of the hills to sprints, which I did this morning to get my mileage in.

Like somebody else said, though, I wasn't sure if I wanted to kiss Coach or run OVER him! lol

AWESOME WORKOUT! For some reason, very emotional for me this month. I kept thinking of our Gin, of my mom, and my kids. It kept me going and going and I hit my goal. Isn't that the purpose of 'events' like this?


Gayle, AWESOME workout this morning!! I just wanted to tell you that I always pick my favorite SS track from whichever workout the bonus is from and insert it between the last PP challenge and the bonus.
I completed CCPP yesterday morning at 930 am :)

Great workout /run as always - endorphins were flying high afterwards.

I just was not able to get online to report in as my internet has started to act wonky - a real PITA.

I just finished CCPP with Coach Sean's challenge. I think that's the first time I added on the challenge.

That was for Gin, Carola, Michele, the Birthday Girl, Thomas, Kara, Coach Sean and any others of you facing overwhelming challenges today.
CCPP done here. I hope Coach Sean reads this post because he should always remember that every day he inspires so many cardio coach fans, but today is the day for us to inspire him!

Also, I have a new challenge for him..... I call it "the chicken chase challenge". As I was headed to a hill this morning, I noticed one of our chickens had been out of the coop all night (fortunately she didn't get eaten!). I needed to get her back in before someone in the house let out our border collie who would have tried desperately to round up that hen, but not in a nice way. So, that was one of my challenges.... chasing her, trying to grab her, and finally getting her back into the coop with the others. Try it sometime! ;)

Woo Hoo!! Done and survived the grueling challenge:eek: I hope Sean feels all the love and support coming his way!

WTG everyone! Have a great day:D
Well CCPP is done. It started out rough and I resigned myself that I was only going to make it through 30 minutes of it. But then I got to the 30 minute mark and started thinking of Sean and Jim and Virginia and my friend who was just diagnosed with sarcoma and I told myself I'm not quiting for them. So I dialed it back a notch or 2 (well maybe 3), but I plugged on. Didn't do the challenge, but was at least satisfied that I did not quit.

Congrats to all who are participating today. Strong vibes to all of you intentions.

Workout including the extra challenge completed and checking in a sweaty mess. My heel was holding up pretty well until the very last sprint. I was really tempted to just stop but then I started thinking about Jim, Mike, Thomas, Gin and especially about Sean who has been such an inspiration to me every day and whose workouts have taken me through very difficult times and sprinted all the way through. I ended up clocking in at 8.2 miles :D:D:D

Great workout everyone!
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I wasn't home all day yesterday and didn't take the time to get online and find out what bonus challenge was picked for today's CCPP, so I just decided to give V8 C2 a go!!! (I was also inspired by Shana Banana who did it last month - I think?!?). Then I came here to check in and HOW AWESOME that I picked (almost) the same challenge as Coach Sean!!! :eek::eek:

It was a super tough ending to CCPP, but I feel great now :D

Great job everyone and have a great day:D:D
I did my usual mish-mosh of equipment. Started with the warm up and steady state #1 on the bike for 2 miles, then went to the stepmill for challenge 1 for 1.75 miles and 85 flights; steady #2 on TM, challenge #2 on arc trainer for .5 miles on the highest incline; steady #3 on TM, challenge #3 on stepmill for .62 miles and 31 flights; steady #4 and challenge #4 and #5 on TM; steady on TM, using cool down from vol 8 (my fave) then on to bike for another 5.5 miles for the additional challenge, alternating sprints and hills, standing. Speeds for sprints and hills were about 20-21mph - that was my goal for the 20 seconds. Did cool down on bike then TM, and just kept going b/c I had extra energy. Burned 1072 calories (!!), MAX HR: 183, AVG HR: 157, time 1:42.

I wasn't home all day yesterday and didn't take the time to get online and find out what bonus challenge was picked for today's CCPP, so I just decided to give V8 C2 a go!!! (I was also inspired by Shana Banana who did it last month - I think?!?). Then I came here to check in and HOW AWESOME that I picked (almost) the same challenge as Coach Sean!!! :eek::eek:

It was a super tough ending to CCPP, but I feel great now :D

Great job everyone and have a great day:D:D

Great memory! Yes, that was the challenge I chose last month. Did you add it to the end? That's what I do...just to see what I'm made of ;)

Another great CCPP! I loved the extra challenge, and boy what a challenge it was!!! :confused: I think if we can survive that, we can survive ANYTHING :D
I finished by CCPP workout earlier this afternoon. For some reason I had difficulty following the instrumental add-on challenge. I don't think I was paying enough attention. I still ended up a sweaty mess though! It helped me power through when I though of all of you facing particulary tough challenges.

Thanks to Coach Sean for a great workout!


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