Why do my cats INSIST on helping me type my post?
Why do my cats INSIST on sticking their butts in my face while they are trying to make their nests..on my chest...during our nappie time together?
Why do my cats INSIST on have a new, fresh, stinky bowel movement the MOMENT I change their litter box...or even scoop it?
Why do my cats INSIST on sampling every item I try to put in my mouth when I know that they know the item doesn't have a catty good celery or carrots?
I could use any helpful info from my fellow cat lovers. I am a new cat lover. I have two that I and DD#2 rescued from the side of the road, dropped we think, when they were no bigger than a tea cup.
Does the human EVER learn what kitties think?
Why do my cats INSIST on sticking their butts in my face while they are trying to make their nests..on my chest...during our nappie time together?
Why do my cats INSIST on have a new, fresh, stinky bowel movement the MOMENT I change their litter box...or even scoop it?
Why do my cats INSIST on sampling every item I try to put in my mouth when I know that they know the item doesn't have a catty good celery or carrots?
I could use any helpful info from my fellow cat lovers. I am a new cat lover. I have two that I and DD#2 rescued from the side of the road, dropped we think, when they were no bigger than a tea cup.
Does the human EVER learn what kitties think?