Cathes Wedding Video


Hi, calling Cathe Wedding video fans out there,

I am ordering this video today (my first !), and was wondering if one does this video, do most of you do both step and strength training altogether or do you seperate the routines ? So, for example, you do the step routine on a Monday and do the strength training on a Tuesday ?

Look forward to hearing from you

Hi Anna. I have this video and LOVE the cardio portion; however, I've never actually done the strength portion. I guess because I have most of her other more advanced strength videos. I'm sure I'll give it a go one of these days. I just like MIS, Power Hour, CTX series, and Body Max weight lifting section. Enjoy your tape when it arrives! :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-02 AT 09:49AM (Est)[/font][p]hi anna

i have this tape and love it.. and i have never done the strength portion either.. I Love the step portion .. its easy choreography wise .. i my opinion.. but its tough and you will feel like you had a grreat workout .. i'm sure u will like it. I too, turn to MIS, Slow and heavy, Pure Stength, CTX or Power Hour for my stength days! Welcome to Cathe's will have them all soon i'm sure;-)!

Thanks Hollie and Kandeycane, I will let you know what the strength training is like on the Wedding video, as I am a bit of a novice when it comes to weights !

Hi Anna,
I'm so glad you're starting lighter with the weights, since you are "a bit of a novice". This was also my introduction to Cathe weights, although I had done some other tapes like Kathy Smith's Secrets and had taken some classes at the gym. It is a nice little section to get you started, and I think you'll enjoy it. the chest flyes always fried my arms, even only using 5 or 8 lb weights. If I remember correctly, there is also some burning floor work for your outer thighs...
Anyway, enjoy the tape!
PS I notice you've been posting alot, so I know you're awfully excited about all this fitness stuff. Just wanted to invite you to visit if you haven't already! It is a really great site that a lot of people here also frequent.
:) Wendy
Thanks Wendy,
I've been a big fan of the Video Fitness site for over a year now, I found it invaluable when wanting to learn more about american instructors. There are so few tapes available here in England. Since I got my NTSC VCR, I have just started ordering - Karen Voight's Lean Legs and Buns arrived last week, so far I have only watched it through. Before I got my new VCR, I had been building up my Aussie Fit and Aerobics Oz Style collection, very tame compared to Cathe !
This forum is great because I am finally getting answers to questions I have always wondered about. Though I think I might be thrown off the forum if I submit any more queries this weekend !!!!!!!!
Actually, I have just realised that I don't think there is an Aerobics Oz Style section on Video Fitness, if my memory serves me well, there is an Aussie Fit section. Maybe I could send some Aerobics Oz Style reviews !


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