Cathe's nutritional software question


Where do I log into it? I purchased one month a few days ago, the charge has been deducted from my checking acct, but I can't find out where to log into it.

I emailed Customer service, but I'm sure they are busy working on getting the new workouts to us.

Can anyone else assist me? I don't want to keep losing out on using my 30 day plan.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Shereta. It has been awhile since I used the nutrition software. If I remember correctly, you go to the workout manager and after signing in, you click on the Nutrition (apple) icon and should be prompted from there to sign in. I've tried so many different nutrition sites and Cathe's has been the only one I've really lost weight on, roughly 15 lbs. I plan on using it after the holiday's. You're brave to start it now. ;)
Thanks, Fembot. I'm starting now so that, hopefully, after the holidays, eating right will be a normal thing. It will also help with damage control.
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Hi Shereta. It has been awhile since I used the nutrition software. If I remember correctly, you go to the workout manager and after signing in, you click on the Nutrition (apple) icon and should be prompted from there to sign in. I've tried so many different nutrition sites and Cathe's has been the only one I've really lost weight on, roughly 15 lbs. I plan on using it after the holiday's. You're brave to start it now. ;)
I am interested in using this software. Can you tell me more about it?
Rcdrcd1, if you go to the Workout Manager and sign in, there is a tutorial under the Nutrition icon. It's similar to other nutrition online journals, only this one grades you on each nutrient, shows you were you are deficient and gives suggestions on what foods would fill the gaps. It gives you access to other meal plans for ideas and creates shopping lists. It's $9.99 a month.

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