Cathe's July 2003 rotation


Does anyone have a link to this? It appears to have been deleted from the archives on the Rotations Forum and neither is it available on website. Anyone got a clue?


Hi Clare!

I went back to my bookmarks where I keep all of Cathe's rotations and do not have one for July. Maybe she didn't post one that month due to too many other things going on???
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Clare!

I looked in my bookmarks too. It seems like that month was missed. Wasn't that around the time of the filming the Body Blast series? I wish SMN would keep all Cathe's rotations left at the top of the page.
Susan C.M.
Bookmark this, pals!

Here it is, Clare -- I have saved all of Cathe's rotations in a Word document (y'all know me and my Word documents :)). The following includes Cathe's original post. I called this one "Fat Loss and Definition."

Hi Everyone! I must apologize for getting this rotation out so late. A couple of you have asked if it would be possible to get the rotations out a day or two before the month starts and I will work very hard on trying to make that happen The July Rotation focuses on fat loss and definition. You will do a mix of cardio and weight training with moderate weight. Also, sleep well, eat well, and be sure to keep your daily water intake at a high level. Have Fun!


Monday: CTX Upper Body
Tuesday: Imax 1
Wed: Leaner Legs
Thurs: MIC
Fri: Muscle Endurance
Sat: Walk/Run 40 minutes Plus Abs from Step Heat
Sun: OFF


Monday: Body Max
Tuesday: Step Fit
Wed: Cardio Kicks
Thurs: OFF
Fri: MIS
Sat: OFF
Sun: Power Hour


Monday: MIC
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Pyramid Lower Body
Thurs: OFF
Fri: Circuit Max
Sat: OFF
Sun: Boot Camp


Monday: Step Works
Tuesday: Imax 1
Wed: Power Hour
Thurs: OFF
Fri: Pyramid Upper
Sat: Imax 2
Sun: Strong Legs and Abs Kathy S.
RE: Bookmark this, pals!


I knew I could rely on you!!! Someone had to have it framed and guilt edged up on a wall somewhere!!!

I'll print this out and be able to keep it....always, sigh (joking).

Actually, looking at it, I don't really need fat loss, dare I say it (?!?!?!), but I just wanted to have the whole collection and browse them and decide my next move, so for that, I thank you.


Ouch, girl, ya had to say it, didn't ya??? :)

I loved this particular rotation even though it didn't "complete" my fat loss (a never-ending battle between me and middle-age, it seems) -- I just liked the combination of work and it does produce more arms, shoulders and legs/butt definition in me, for sure. Now, if I could EVER get to the place where I could say what you said (my fantasy phrase), maybe I'd see abs definition. ;-) Kathy S.
Kathy and Clare!

Kath, thanks so much for finding this. Maybe it was because she came out late with it??? Hmmm? Clare, thanks for asking. I wish sooo bad I could say it is better, but not yet. I just decided this past week that I was going to start spinning and it has helped a LOT with loosening up the tightness and even the aching at night!!! Hubby just started his new job so once we get all the insurance paperwork, I am going to go for ANOTHER opinion, maybe even to the Cleveland Clinic which usually is the BEST. I'll keep you posted. I want to do my Cathe's sooooo bad. Thanks for thinking of me.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Kathy and Clare!


I will continue to think of you and keep my fingers crossed for a speedier recovery.


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