Cathe's January 2009 Rotation Week 1

Just finished Butts And Guts (Day 2/Week 3). Yesterday I just did Stretch Max as my lower back was giving me some problems.

Nancy That STS announcement has to be real soon! I know that delivery to canada will take quite awhile though so I'm thinking I'll finish this rotation as only 11 workouts left and then concentrate on the 1RM as I wait for STS.

Dani Good job on getting started on the 1RMs

Checking in with 4DS Bootcamp/Triceps & Biceps done. It felt great to do a "real" workout again. It's been awhile. With STS not shipping until the end of January or the first of February, it looks like I just might be able to finish this rotation, after all, since I didn't pay for overnight or express shipping (or whatever it was called!).
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Just finished PUB and 2 mile tm run (20 mins). Exciting news about STS!!! So I figure I have 10 workouts left in the rotation if I don't take any rest days that will put the last workout on the 27th. The 27th is the day that STS is supposed to be in stock. So that will give me the shipping days (which being in Canada will be 2 weeks or so) to concentrate on the 1RM and rest a bit before doing a 6 month rotation!!

Nancy Did you finish the 1 RMs??

Checking in with 4DS LIS, etc.

I can't believe you would go 10 days with out a rest day thrown in there. Superwoman! No, I haven't completely finished my 1RM tests, but I'm close.
Tough workout today! Cardio Fusion and bonus abs from B&G done this morning. Nancy, Cathe has an optional rest day at the end of week 3, I'm planning on doing PUB but will take the rest day if needed.

9 workouts left in this rotation! I've being enjoying this rotation, lots of variety, I haven't been tempted to quit like I often am. How is everyone else enjoying it?
I remember now that I saw that optional rest day, which really surprised me. I am disappointed with how I'm feeling with this rotation, but it's not the rotation itself. I suspect breaking it up with the 1RM testing and feeling a bit in a funk this past week anyway have contributed to my not getting into the rhythm of it. Which is a shame because I was really looking forward to it.

I'm deciding today what I want to do, whether I'm going to:
  1. Ditch the rotation entirely and just wing it for a few weeks while waiting for STS and maybe get some enthusiasm back while giving some of my other workouts a chance to come off the shelf, like Amy Bento, BOSU, etc.
  2. Jump back into the rotation on Tuesday (after Monday's yoga) with Week 3 and finish out before STS
  3. Start over and go as far as I can make myself before interrupting to start STS when it gets here
I just don't want to put an STS start date in my head yet because too many things can happen before it actually hits our front doors.

Sorry to be such a flake about this. I was really looking forward to a good check-in with you all, but I've fallen too far behind to make it meaningful at this point, since you're nearly finished.
Nancy: you took the words right out of my mouth :eek: I think most of the rotations are so difficult for me because I don't have that many Cathe DVD's yet, so my rotations don't really LOOK like anything everyone else is doing because they're NOT... and I also agree that the 1RM testing sorta throws a curve in there too... I had a tough week and think I only managed 3 workouts... let us know what you decide to do :)

So, I think I'm going to do the three Gymstyles this coming week, and then maybe Pyramids the following, until STS arrives...

Kim: I'm so proud of you that you are doing so well with this rotation! I hope you keep going and finish this rotation :)
Still sticking with the rotation, did PLB on Monday and KPC yesterday. Today I decided to take the optional rest day. I'm really tired, I think it's a combination of the rotation and extra busy at work. Plan to start week 4 tomorrow.

What did you decide to do Nancy?

Dani How are the GymStyles going this week??
Hey Kim:

Well, GS is not going so well, but I did get the Terminator DVD and Sunday I did Gauntlet, and Monday I did Viper... last night I was exhausted so took the night off and tonite I did a Premix from Muscle Endurance... (oh, and just to clarify, I was one puddle of sweat and couldn't finish every exercise as produced so there were a LOT of skipping the last reps on most everything! but it was still fun!)

Rotation has fizzled due to my knee issues as I can't do much with lower body, so will see what Dr has to say at my Ortho visit tomorrow and what they can do to help me...

Can't wait for STS! I just hope I can do it! :)

Good job on finishing out the rotation! I just could not keep up...

Hi, ladies! Just flying through to check in with no workouts. My computer crashed twice and I ended up having get a new one. You know what that means in terms of setup, etc. It has put me way behind on some of that volunteer work I'm doing, so I'm trying to get caught up with that. So, no, I never did make a conscious decision about what I'm doing until STS, but it looks like it will be "catch as catch can." Good luck to you!!
Did Cardio Kicks yesterday and today I think is Legs & GLutes, getting close to the finish line. Thanks ladies for keeping me company through this rotation! Hope you knee is okay for STS, Dani! Let me know what the dr says!

Sorry about the computer problems, Nancy!

After a couple of all-nighters with that work, I was able to take a breather and get a little bit of a workout on the treadmill today.

Great going on hanging in with the workout, Kim! It's one I would like to revisit one of these days.

Dani, what news about your knee? Terminator is one of the very few Cathe DVDs I don't have. I might look for it used, but it's not one I've been tempted to get, other than to round out my collection. The DVD with Maximum Intensity Strength (Power Hour, I think it's called?) is another that I don't have.
I'm not sure if you ladies are still checking in here or not. I did Rhythmic Step yesterday and today was GSCT. Only 2 workouts left!

Dani Did you hear anything about that knee??
Hi Kim & Nancy:

I did get news the other day from the Doc.. apparently my pain is due to muscle imbalance and petellar-femoral syndrom, where the kneecap does not "track" in the groove properly and the outside thigh muscles are probably either too overdeveloped (vs. the inner) or too tight (not enough stretching)... I'm betting the latter because I always have some pretty tough time getting my lets stretched properly... He said that if I strengthen the inner thigh areas (upper and lower) and get my IT band and hammies loosened up, I should be in substantially LESS pain and might even resolve the issue all together! Also said to maintain a daily level of Aleve rather than just taking it for pain... taking it on a regular basis will kick in the 'anti-inflamitory' properties of the medication, rather than just a pain reliever... I have a PT appt for an eval and instruction on Wednesday afternoon and will probably go for a few weeks to a month until I have the necessary info and have made some progress... they said to come back if it is not relieved in about 6-8 weeks of PT and has not made any improvement... I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks for asking :)

Kim: YEAH! good for you on (almost) completing another rotation! I am very proud of you! I wish I could have kept up with it, but I did a few upper body workouts this past week and took a few extra days of rest with lots of Aleve! I hate to admit it because the rest of me feels yucky, but my knees do feel better... YEAH! STS will be here soon, so I'm crossing my fingers that I can start that sometime early Feb along with Cathe & Co...

Nancy: Terminator is great! but I am feeling that the Imax Extreme portion is WAY over my head... but it's almost worth the Gauntlet workout alone! I did Viper, but just on the verge of being too much step in that one... I did a LOT of basics and my own modified moves just to keep moving when the routines were over my head... I didn't want to take a chance of falling on my keester! But, alas, no step for me for awhile... WOW! Sounds like you need to take a vacation from retirement! :)

hope you had a great weekend! I have a few more loads of laundry to go and then a quick run around the house with the vacuum!


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