Cathe's January 2009 Rotation Week 1

Dani, I'm glad you were feeling better after your tests and headache. Those are really miserable. I don't know whether you saw in the other post from a few days ago, but I did end up getting the Cathe weighted gloves at Big 5. They had one pair and they seem to fit me perfectly. They're very snug and felt like they will stay in place. We'll see what happens when I actually use them.
Kim, congratulations on making it through the first week of the rotation! Way to go. The only kettlebell workout I have is the one from TheFIRM that I got out of curiosity. I don't think I'll be getting any more, simply because my workout room is tiled and I can just see me flinging one of those things around and having it land on the floor, breaking the tile. That's why I have all rubber hex dumbbells and the rubber-encased weight plates. And when I'm doing heavy weight workouts I put down puzzle mats, just in case. This was a very good thing when I was doing the 1RM test for the lying barbell pullovers. I had picked a weight that was way too heavy and once I got it back over my head didn't want to try to lift it back up for fear I would drop it on my head, so I carefully kept extending my arms backward and was able to gently drop it onto the puzzle mat. Whew!
Nancy, it sounds like a good method to do the 1RM. I'm really going to make an attempt to get started on it this weekend.

Today I did CMS and 4DS Bootcamp. I find all the equipment changes on the dvd kind of annoying even though it's a great workout.


Kim, I'm drawing a total blank -- what is CMS? I know what you mean on the equipment with 4DS Bootcamp. It has a bit of a dread factor for me, but once I get going with it I really have a good time. I fudge on putting out some of the markers. I mentioned before that I have tile floors, so I just use the grout lines for some of the drills.

I did more of the 1RM testing, including the dreaded squats. It wasn't bad at all. It turns out once I started looking at the list in detail, a whole lot of the legs exercises are one- or two-star ones. So even though I do plan to do all of the exercises eventually, it didn't feel as critical and that left a very much smaller legs list to start with. Did that make any sense at all?!

The reason I was dreading the squats was only because I was worried about doing them in the house by myself. I have the squat stands (which are great!) so I have the capacity to do heavy squats. But trying to do them to near failure worried me. My daughter and her friend were here at the time so I had them stand on either side of me while I did the testing, just in case. I probably could have gone heavier and I may test that again when my husband is home to spot me. But even if I don't re-test I think I got close enough.

So, I still have about 40 tests to do, but only 15 of them are three stars or above. Progress! It really is time-consuming, but I expect to reap the benefits in the end.
Wow! Nancy, you have been kicking butt on those 1RM's! Good for you! I have done exactly 2! :eek:

I didn't work out tonite because my knees are just too hurty tonite! hopefully they will calm down after HST last night... apparently all those step ups and squats took their toll!

Kim: I agree with you on the equipment and weight changes, too... but moreso on the barbell, rather than the db's since those are easier to drop and grab...

Hope to catch up tomorrow!

have a great evening!
Did 4DS LIS this morning. I really like this workout. Then off to get my hair cut/coloured. Going out for a girl's only dinner with some friends evening. So I nice day overall.

What is everyone else up too?? Everyone keeping up with the rotation? I hope we're not losing anyone yet.


I had worked out 7 consecutive days and was planning to go a bit off rotation and do TheFIRM 500 Calorie Workout for the first time today. I wouldn't be working out that many days, but today is our wedding anniversary (28 years!) and we're headed out for a fine dining meal that I know will be calorie-laden no matter what I choose. We're staying at a hotel tonight, and I doubt I'll be working out tomorrow, so I wanted to get a workout in today.

I didn't feel like a new workout, though, so I ended up going out for a walk to the post office to mail a package and then ran back, which was about 1.5 miles each way. So a good balance between doing nothing and doing a full workout.

Since the 4DS series is next, I didn't want to do that today and then not do the next one until Tuesday, since I do yoga on Mondays. I want to go ahead and do all four in a row. Of course, that plan turns out to be flawed after I just realized I have a very long meeting in Phoenix (two hours from here) on Wednesday, so I probably won't be working out that day. Shoot! There goes that plan.

Okay, I've rambled and babbled enough :eek: I hope we get more people checking in next week.
Oops,didn't see your question CMS, I meant CoreMax 3 (CM3). Tired heading too bed, will catch up with personals tomorrow.
Okay, just finished 4DS Kickboxing. Also went wall climbing with the kids today, which was fun so will sleep well tonight:D

Nancy, congratulations on your anniversary! What a nice way to celebrate! DId you decide what workouts to do this week?

Okay, I admit that I didn't do any 1RM yet, soon I promise!!

Dani, hope your knees are feeling better! Did you get some workouts in over the weekend??

Hope we didn't lose Laura?!!
Hey ladies :)

I only did a short TM workout today... still trying to take it easy on the knees so no lower body for me for awhile, but walking seems to be fairly neutral I just keep the incline low-ish and the speed slower than normal so I don't throw my feet/legs forward too quick... I dont have the 4DS series, so I am subbing Gymstyles BSB and CT and maybe a KBox workout and TM for cardio... I have an appt on 1/22 woth a ortho doc so hope to have something resolved at that time! I can't do this much longer :( NO High STep Training or Circuit for me for awhile...

Kim: good for you on all your fun activities today! I BET you will sleep well tonite!

Nancy: congrats on your anniversary! that's quite an accomplishment these days! I hope you enjoyed every bite of your fine dining experience! DH's 50th birthday was just after Christmas and we went to Emeril's Delmonico's Steak House... absolutely FABULOUS!!! I never regret THOSE calories one single bit!

check in with you guys tomorrow! :)
Thank you for anniversary congrats. I can't believe 30 years is just around the corner!

Dani, you're smart to baby your knee for now. I hope you get some relief.

Kim, you're way ahead of me on the rotation, and will get increasingly so, I'm sure. I'm pretty loosely following it, what with 1RM testing, yoga, and weird days like today. I nearly didn't get a workout in, but at the last minute decided to take the time for one. I didn't feel like dealing with a lot of equipment so went ahead and gave TheFIRM 500 Calorie Workout a try for the first time. I have not liked many of the recent releases, but this one I really enjoyed. It's fast-paced and did live up to its claim (480 calories, which I figure is close enough!).
ok, apparently smart, but a bit tired. Haven't slept more than a few hours at a time... I actually took my Ambien a bit ago, but couldn't go to sleep... so thought I'd check in here... ok, I didn't do much of anything today but got sent home from work because I was sick, DH is still sick, so the Leslie household is officially quarantined until tomorrow... Seems I have one more day of feeling crappy and then i'll be back to something that resembles normal...

Kim: very impressive! you are almost done with week 2! do you have all the dvd's or have you had to substitute much this time around? This week was going to be GymStyles as a 3 day split, but not if I'm feeling like this tomorrow...

Nancy: you are AWESOME!!! 28 years is no small feet! I have seen those Firm 500 cal workouts... what are they? do they just dance? use weights, bands, etc? I liked The Firm and if it might be low impact I might try it :)

Ok, off to bed with me... nitey nite!
I have seen those Firm 500 cal workouts... what are they? do they just dance? use weights, bands, etc? I liked The Firm and if it might be low impact I might try it :)

Ok, off to bed with me... nitey nite!

Man, I hope you and your family are all feeling much better very quickly. And not getting sleep just makes things worse.

The 500 Calorie Workout alternates cardio segments with fast-moving light-weights segments that keep the heartrate up. The weights segments are mostly compound moves, so you have to go very light on the weights -- and also because they move so quickly. There are some plyos and jacks in the workout, but you can easily modify those.
Thanks Nancy... I might look into it next time I'm at Target or something...

Sorry I haven't posted much for a few days, but DH was sick this weekend, and ended up giving it to me... I have been feeling better but ache all over and have had a horrible headache... finally starting to feel human again... Looking forward to getting back into workouts tomorrow evening... not sure what's on the Cathe schedule but will be doing something...

hope all is well :)
Took a rest day yesterday after 8 straight days of working out! Going to start week 3 today with Drill Max. I have the day off work so figure I have the time to tackle that one. Also have my annual exam at the dr's and am worried about the extra few pounds that I have put on this year.:confused:

We're still in a deep freeze up here, going to -48C (54.4 F) today. Brrr! Hope everyone else is keeping warm! Hope you're feeling better Dani!
Dani, that was very rude of your husband to share! I hope you're quickly back to normal.

Kim, good luck with that workout -- that's a test of endurance, no question.

I am checking in with two rest days. I retired a few months ago (too young perhaps, but got an offer I couldn't refuse) but am sticking with some volunteer work for a program called the Law Enforcement Torch Run For Special Olympics. We're gearing up for our 2009 fundraising year and a statewide conference. I'm really busy with tasks for the conference and I'm finding time getting away from me, like yesterday. Then today I traveled to a Torch Run meeting that in itself was 5 hours, with another 4 hours of travel.

I really, really want to get a workout in tomorrow! I'm torn between finishing up some more 1RM tests or starting the 4DS series from the rotation. I'm leaning toward 1RM to get them off of my mind and to be able to really get back into the rotation after that.
Well I did get Drill Max done this morning and live to tell the tale. You're right Nancy it is a test of endurance.

Nancy I hope you get a chance to fit your workout in tomorrow! Are you busier now than before you retired? I've done some volunteer work over the last few years that I've really enjoyed but hard to find the time with work and young kids but hope to do more when I retire.

Dani I do have all of Cath'es dvds so don't usually make many substitutions in the rotations. How are you feeling today??
Hi ladies: I started doing a Kboxing Extreme workout by Amy Bento tonite as I got it from Netflix, but I didn't really like her style... so stopped after the first few combinations and then switched to a KickMax premix for the rest of my workout! LOVED IT!!! I modified the rotation for this week, so not exactly sure if this is what was on the rotation but I think it was fairly close...

OH, and Nancy, you will be proud! I started my 1RM's tonite!!! I did a few of the upper body tests... I will fudge a bit and use a few weights for similar tests, but I'll get through some more tomorrow... waiting to do lower body until after my DR appt next week with the ortho about my knees... :) but at least I finally started! Hope you get a workout in tomorrow! I don't blame you for wanting to get the 1RM's out of the way though! I'm all for that... but I still need some cardio in there too!

Kim: I am working on my collection, but I'm afraid I will never have enough to do a complete rotation without any substitutions! I don't like the step workouts, but really enjoy most of Cathe's other types... Total Body, Circuit, High Step, etc... Stay warm! It was in the mid 60's here today and I was roasting in my sweatshirt... since I didn't go out for basically 3 days straight, I didn't know it was so warm out... still cool in the morning, but by the afternoon it was quite beautiful!

glad to be finally getting back on track! hope you have a great day tomorrow!
Kim, I sometimes think I'm more busy since I retired. What's up with that? It's a different kind of busy, though. Things can be done at a much more leisurely pace. And once this event that we're preparing for is over in February, I think the Torch Run volunteer work will slow down dramatically. But we'll see. There is always something going on with Special Olympics that they need volunteers for.

Dani, good for you for getting started on the 1RM testing! I'm really glad I finally took that plunge, as I feel much more comfortable with that whole situation now. Even if I never get all of them done at least I have a really good idea about where to start. In what seems like a few short years I have acquired nearly all of the Cathe workouts. There are a few I don't have that I probably won't get unless I get them in conjunction with something else and save some money. I do like having the "right" workout for rotations and hate subbing. I have to really, really dislike a workout to make a sub on it when it comes up in a rotation. One of those is MIC. I have finally come to the conclusion that I just don't like floor aerobics any more (aka Hi/Lo), so I do sub with that one.

I did work on some more testing today, but didn't accomplish much. I felt really flat and just didn't think I was doing my best. This is starting to get annoying, as I haven't had a good workout in nearly a week. My fingers are crossed for tomorrow!

I was bummed when I logged on to the STS forum just now. At quick glance, the first thing I saw was a thread title of "New Date" and saw Cathe's name on it. Turns out it was just a question about the release date and Cathe happened to be the last person to reply to it when I saw, so no news on STS. It's not unusual for them to announce things late at night, so I thought sure that was it! It's got to be soon, though. It just has to be <fingers crossed>

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