Cathe, your abs


As you know by my constant posting, I am in AWE of your abs. I have two little guys (4 and 2) and with the help of your tough workouts, I was able to bounce back rather quickly. Now, I'm in the very best shape of my life and I simply cannot thank you enough. People are always saying that they can't believe I have two young boys and want to know my secret...and I always tell them...go to

Now, the question...I'm getting ready for summer and really want to focus on my abs. I just wondered what you think your toughest ab routines are. What can I do (aside from an already clean diet and relatively low bodyfat) to really make those ab muscles pop? Would 20 minutes of any of your ab workouts 3 times a week suffice? Should I try any other exercises that you haven't shown on your tapes?
Hi Angela! Do you have access to a crunch machine? When you are as close to perfect as you are, wink, its best do exercises in totally different ways then you have done before.

I like to do crunches on the crunch machine, then pullovers to stretch the muscle back out, then hanging knee raises, or exercises where a partner throws your legs to the floor while you pop them back up (warning: these are a little hard on the back so do these with extreme caution and not at all if you have back pain). Then I stand in front of the mirror in a semi-deep horse stance while jabbing right and left non-stop for 5 minutes being sure to aim my punch to the outside corner of the opposite shoulder. Hope this gives you some ideas. Take Care!

Thanks for posting about the results you've enjoyed doing Cathe workouts. They're awesome. I have lost a lot of weight and gained so much strength, etc. doing them. But I am curious since you have had a lot of success with achieving low body fat, if you would share a typical day's menu? I really believe and have come to learn the hard way ;) that diet is at least 80% of the equation. When I really got serious about that, big changes happened.

Also, what Cathe workouts -- abs, in particular-- do you do? Any information you could share would be greatly appreciated. My abs are my last frontier, so to speak, so that's why I'm particularly interested in your feedback. (I have all of Intensity Series, most of Body Blast, all of Gym Style, most of Hardcore [think part of gym series], incl. CoreMax, S&H, Rythmic Step, IMAX, PowerHour, Leaner Legs -- CTX DVD).

Thanks, again, Letswork.

Hey Ann, thanks for writing. I appreciate your interest and must admit that I'm flattered that you are asking for my input. After years and years of struggling, I finally found what works for me. I think if you do a search under my user name "letswork" you'll find several posts of what I've done since I had my kids.

As far as my diet goes, I've followed Body For Life for several years now. I have, however, modified the "cheat day" into two smaller treats per week. This breaks up my week and doesn't lead to the devilish full blown binges that used to set me back. A typical day's menu might look something like this:

am - oatmeal and 6 egg whites
mid morn - small portion of fruit and low fat cottage cheese
lunch - usually grilled chicken or tuna fish with salad, maybe some brown rice or sweet potato and extra veggies too
mid afternoon - protein shake
dinner - small portion of whatever I'm making for the family (chicken, fish, lean red meat, turkey) and steamed veggies OR I'll make a protein pancake with egg whites and oatmeal

I drink lots and lots of water and I never allow myself to get hungry. Honestly I think that is the key...because when you are just don't make the best decisions. Can you say Dairy Queen?

Workout wise...I always, always have the best success when I lift very heavy weights and keep the cardio to a few times per week. I've also included a lot of walking lunges, yoga and rest days into the mix, which has all been very beneficial.

Specifically for abs, I find that using the ab workouts from Cathe's Intensity series has worked wonders. Now, I'm going to use some of Cathe's suggestions to see if I can really make them show.

I hope this helps you. Best of luck. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Wow! Letswork, thanks for the quicky reply! I love Body for Life, too and really love their cookbooks. Oxygen mag, too, for meal plans and recipes.

Okay. I feel like I have a clear idea of what you do. And I agree with the heavy weights, too. I think why Cathe has been sooo effective for me in losing weight is the short rest periods. My friend who has been a personal trainer for 20 years and has a body like Cathe's (she's 44) and works out with me to her tapes & DVDs comments on it all the time. We do Gym Series a lot and Cathe's rest periods are like 10-12 seconds. I think that's key -- for me, anyway.

Regarding Cathe's suggestions (that gym workout w/ crunch machine, etc.), my husband who played Div.1, college soccer used to do and still does that move Cathe described where you lay on the ground, head between partner's feet, grasp back of their ankles or feet and swing (in a controlled way) your legs up and they push them down. Very effective. I can personally vouch for that one. Ouch! And I have to say all the ab/core work from Cathe's workouts have made it such that I don't have a back probelm doing this.

Thank you so much again. I'm going to look at your other posts. Take care and happy training.:)
Hi: I just finished reading the Body for Life book and am about to start "the plan." This meal plan seems to be one of the easier ones to prepare for me. I hope I can stick to it!! Thanks for posting.
Personally, I can't tell you what a blessing BFL has been for me. I've spent years and years of wasted time trying to figure it all out...I'd practically starve myself, then binge, then get depressed, then starve again and repeat the vicious cycle. FINALLY, I've found that happy place where all the elements of fitness, wellness and lifestyle just came together. I've said it a million times on this forum and in my life...Cathe and Body For Life can change everything.

And you know, I read my post about two treats per week and thought...yeah, in a good week. I admit, sometimes I even have three treats a week and yet it's no big deal. I hop right back on the wagon with my next meal and it is smooth sailing.

For example, right now I'm sitting here in my tiny jeans (you know everyone has a pair) and I'm about to go to a baby-shower in my office. I already know I'll have a slice of pizza and a piece of cake. There is one treat for the week and I'm sure I'll enjoy every bite. However, I knowingly packed a chicken breast and some veggies for a little later so I'm not tempted to sneak back to the kitchen for another piece of cake or a leftover slice. Right back on the wagon.

Sorry to just works and I wanted to share.
Can someone please further explain to me the exercises Cathe is describing above--I couldn't really grasp it from the brief explanation. What is a horse stance?
Hi, I'm embarassed to ask...but what is the "crunch machine". Is this the machine that you load with weight and then bend over and "crunch"? Thanks in advance!!!
hi there :)

a horse stance is basically like a plie squat. squat down with your toes pointed out, and stay there and do your jabs!
i'm a bfl fan too... just wanted to ask this thread - anyone out there have success with South Beach Diet and Cathe? dh and i are thinking of following this plan just to jumpstart our spring fitness goals... then we pretty much taper off into the BFL style of eating.

Also, i am overwhelmed with the supplement choices these days. would just like something simple to add to assist with reaching my goals, which are weight and fat loss and muscle tone. weight loss goal is 40 lbs. for those of you who are mixing protein supplements in with your meals, what do you recommend? what has been working for you? BFL's Myoplex makes me gag. :) LOL

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