Cathe! you take your time....


Hi Cathe,

I just wanted to say that I am impressed with your output regarding the new series and your proffessionalism in handling our queries and complaints, just in case you feel that some of us put a lot of pressure on you to hurry in putting out these work. I dont mind if you take your time, as I am used to you manufacturing quality dvds,as well as the workouts themselves, and god forbid, that you should be pressured into substandard workouts and dvds/vids because I can't wait.

Besides we have all the other great workouts you have done to keep us busy. I tend to love the one I'm with (workouts that is).

Absolutely, I would rather have a great product and wait then have you hurry and get an ok product! Thank you for all and all of your staff for all of your hard work.

I totally agree!! I've had experience with another set of tapes which shall not be mentioned, where the person behind them sacrificed quality for quantity, and I was very disappointed in the end result. I was also dillusioned that this person felt justified in selling such sloppy, poorly-finished products to waiting fans.

Cathe's dedication and professionalism to each and every workout video or DVD is one of the many reasons I'm here to stay!!

It's kind of a moot point since the workouts are due to be go to the replicator today. The only thing that might delay them now is a technical difficulty, so I personally hope that this is it and they come out of replication ready to go! Two to three weeks and we should start seeing them arrive. Patience may be a virtue but I don't want to be virtuous, I want to work out! :)
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi

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