Cathe, You are Going to Love this.....

When I do Cathe's Kick Max, Cardio Kicks or Kick, Punch & Crunch, I get much more winded than when I do a Tae-bo workout. If I don't feel so peppy, but I gotta do SOMETHING, then I'll reach for a Tae-bo or Firm workout. But when I feel like I need my butt kicked (which is a lot lately) I can always count on Cathe.:D
My brother told me he was going to do Kick Max on Thursday night and I haven't heard a word out of him. That's unusual because we e-mail each other at least one time every single day! Seems like he is avoiding me........
>My brother told me he was going to do Kick Max on Thursday
>night and I haven't heard a word out of him. That's unusual
>because we e-mail each other at least one time every single
>day! Seems like he is avoiding me........

Maybe you should check and see if he's still breathing?
My brother did the workout. Here's the e-mail I received from him this morning. I'm loving this.............

I’m pissed!! I’m so flipping sore that I don’t think I can ride my bike today. I almost had to ask Judi to put my shoes on for me…and taking care of “bathroom business” was a new adventure in pain. Why do they make toilet seats so low to the floor? I felt like I needed one of those handy capped grab bars.

Ok, so here’s the blow by blow:

I needed to run upstairs and grab a sweat band at the 15 minute mark. By the 45 minute mark (after being thoroughly confused on some of the combo’s) I was picking and choosing what I did. The jumping type exercises were the hardest…not the jumping jax or the zig-zag moves, but the ones where you jumped in the air…they were hard for me. And, the leg lifts out to the side where you hold it forever…I’ve lost those muscles too…that was hard. I was soaked when I was done.

So, when should I try that workout again? I’m very stiff and don’t think I would get very far if I were to try it today. I’m not sure my muscles will work even for a bike ride. I’m not even sure I can pull my bow back…that would make me real wooly!!

I'm absolutely loving this!!!!!!

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Whooo-Hoooo! GO CATHE - GO CATHE - GO CATHE! I love it when those who claim "girly videos" truly meet Cathe! It's a whole different world! Great job Roscoe!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Bon Bons? Girly?

I think since he is in such steller condition that:

He should first do Circut Max as a Warm-Up, then move on Bootcamp followed by Imax 3 and then just to take it down a notch or two, let him do Kick Max! I wonder if he can even make Circut Max!

Cathe's workouts are notorious to bringing arrogant macho men to their knees!

I am so loving this!

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