Cathe, Would you rate the choreography level of Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks and Cardio Express?



Where would you put these videos in the list you
gave before? Please include Interval Challenge in the list. I just bought the 8 video pack and I'm kinda anxious that maybe they're too advanced (in terms of choreography) for me? This is my first time to buy your videos. I'm a high intermediate exerciser who enjoys moderate choreography/hi-low intensity. A few regulars here were kind enough to give their opinions on the past videos.However, I would appreciate your opinions on the new videos. Thanks a lot and I hope I will get to enjoy all your tapes (even though my two left feet are having anxiety attacks!)

From Cathe's FAQs
I will answer this from my perspective. I will start with -1- being the easiest to follow and -12- being the hardest to follow.
I cannot rank Rock Bottoms, Fit & Firm, or MI Strength because they are not aerobically choreographed videos.

1. Step N Motion 1
2. How To Get In Shape For Your Wedding.
3. Step N Motion 3 (Discontinued)
4. Cardi Step Challenge (Discontinued)
5 Step n Motion 2
6. Mega Step Blast
7. StepMax
8. Maximum Intensity Cardio
9. Step Heat
10. Step jam
11. Step Fit
12. PowerMax
New Tapes' choreography level

Hi! I asked Cathe what level the choreography would be for the new tapes about a month ago or so, & she said that they would be moderate choreography-wise. I am guessing that they, along with Interval Max, would fall in between 5 & 6 or 6 & 7 on your list. That is just my guess!
Jennifer thanks for the info!

i can't wait for the tapes! i'm glad they're not very complex :) the choreography of MIC and Interval Max suits me just fine :)
ranking of tapes

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-04-00 AT 09:25PM (EST)</font></center>

This is tough to just categorize like this because these tapes all have such disversified formats.

Let me just take it video by video and tell you about each.....

CARDIO KICKS....60 minutes and advanced in intensity. It has kicks and punches blended into a hi/lo routine. The moves are very easy to learn and the intensity of your punches and kicks will dictate the intensity of the workout. In other words, you get out of it what you put into it

Circuit Max....60 minute advanced workout. You'll warm up actively and go right into 6 cardio/weight cycles. The first two cardio cycles are hi/lo, then kickbox, then step kickbox, then two traditional step cycles. All the weight cycles are combinations of an upper body movement with a lower body movement (ex. squats with military presses). Then you will conclude with some pushups and a stretch. The ways to increase or decrease the intensity of this workout is to use a heavier/lighter weight and or higher/lower step height. Each of the cardio cycles contain fun and tightly choreographed mini routines that have a lot of quick changes and is what is sure to hold your interest for many workouts to come.

CROSS TRAINING EXPRESS....Although we have labled these volume one through six, there really is no exact order in which these tapes need to be performed.

Now don't quote me on this but I think the shortest tape is 47 minutes and the longest one is 61 minutes. Most of them came in at around 53 minutes.

TAPE ONE.....contained warm up, 25 minutes of step, back, abs(traditional mixed with core stabilization plus low back work) and a stretch. The step portion had two sections that went right into one another. Part one, was traditional step aerobics and part two, was a mini interval max consisting of three interval cycles.

TAPE TWO......contained a warm up and 25 minutes of a combination of the following. 1st, a mini hi/lo routine. 2nd, step circuits similar in style to the circuit portion of Bodymax(three cycles of a repeated step pattern into a step intensity blast, into a hi rep barbell leg drill(ex, squat). 3rd, kick box curcuit following the same pattern as the step circuits (but the weights in this section used dumbells instead of a barbell). Then chest, and a stretch.

TAPE THREE....A warm up, cardio consisting of all step(good old favorites freshly mixed with new choreography and a tiny intensity blast at the end), Shoulders, Abs, cool down.

TAPE FOUR....A warm up, cardio consisting of hi/lo, kickbox on the floor, and a new step combo, Triceps, stretch.

TAPE FIVE....A warm up, an all floor kickbox routine featuring high intensity punches and kicks, Biceps, and traditional ab work plus some non traditional ab work which includes complimentary core stabilization exercises and the use of the hip flexors to aid in the strength and endurance of all kicks(mostly front kicks).

TAPE SIX.....An all lower body, hi rep, medium to heavy weight, workout which features a medly of rep style variations to completely exhaust all areas of the leg. A unique active recovery phase is incorporated to keep one muscle group working while the opposing muscle group is resting. Very fun and effective!!! This workout concludes with abs and a stretch.

I would say that if the quick changes of Interval Max did not bother you than you will be fine with these workouts. The two all step workouts may be as tricky as PowerMax at times (on the newer stuff) but overall these tapes incorporate fun old favorites uniquely mixed to keep you physically(and mentally)challenged. Hope this helps you.
These sound fantastic!!!!

Thank you, thank you for the breakdown of the videos, Cathe. They sound even better than I'd hoped. Wow, what variety!! You never cease to amaze me with what you pull together.

OMG, it really *is* hard to wait for these!

Melissa F
Just can't wait!


Wow! What a thorough description you've given us...sounds great!!

I'm sure that since you are the master of quality cueing that we will all be able to follow you without too much difficulty.

There not even released yet and these videos already get a rave review from me.

Thanks Melissa! LOL

I had an urgent email for Melissa
..go to Cathes...she's given a breakdown of the new videos!!!hehehe good thing we look out for each other around here!

Thanks Cathe
, they look incredible!

Well, somebody cyber slap me right now! Cause, this body is going into overdrive when those puppies get in my hands!!! How many times a week can we get all 8 in? Can we say "overtraining"?!...of course, I am just joking..I will be working with in my own fitness level at a safe pace that my body can handle

I am so happy happy happy I upped my order and went for both VHS and DVD...I KNOW I wouldn't have been able to wait!!!

Is it healthy to get all giddy about the terms interval blast and intensity
I had a little note from Brenda that the leg tape was absolutely a killer...giddy about that too!!!

To quote one of my favorite fitness buddies, Cleda...WAAHHhooooooooooo

I want them NOW

Cathe, the video description is almost too much for me. They sound wonderful! Isn't it funny how just *reading* about them can really get everyone excited? LOL!

Happy 4th everyone!


I couldn't have thought up a better 6 day rotation than your 6 pack! I really like that you're doing some interval work in tape 1 and some circuit leg work in tape 2 and all the variety in the others. Also, high rep lower body work has always given me the best results so your tape 6 sounds absolutely perfect. If I hadn't already pre-ordered, I'd be there right now instead of typing out this message. Thank you, Cathe.
just give me a chocolate and I'll know for sure I've died and gone to heaven...

I am drooling. I am elated. Reading those descriptions about crosstraining and comboing is giving me jitters I've not felt since my wedding.

Just letting all you fellow VFers know there is NO WAY you'll ever see me put these up for trade!!!:)


Thank You Cathe & Crew,

Kathy Tyrer

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