Cathe workout you reach for most often

For cardio, Rhythmic Step and Step Blast

For strength, Muscle Endurance

But there are lots of others I love too - like Push and Pull, Step Works, MIS and on and on!!!!
The ones I reach for most often are MIS - all time fave for strength work - LOVE this one. The next one is The Pyramids. I don't do alot of Cathe cardio - to hard on my knees.

I don't have time these days to reach for much of anything, but when I do it always seems to be Power Hour. That music is so invigorating.
For cardio, I reach for IMAX2, Step Blast, Step Works or KPC.
For strength I reach for S&H or ME or PH...gosh it's so hard to pick!
Those are probably my top favorites though.
I appreciate all these posts. I'm impressed by the number of times Imax2 was mentioned. I've had this dvd for a while, but I am slow to tackle new choreography. For those who do this, how difficult is the choreography?
It's a little trickier than Imax, probably medium difficult. I learned it very quickly.

The workout I probably do the most is PowerHour, but I also use the Bootcamp/ME DVD a lot, because of the premixes and the BC/ME combo and just the workouts themselves are so useful, versatile and effective.

I also use PS Legs and the Pyramids fairly often, especially PUB.
If you do other Cathe cardio you shouldn't have too much trouble picking up the choreography. It may take you a couple of times, but after that you'll be so glad you did! IMAX 2 is an awesome workout!

That's like asking what is my favorite candy. I have several & I can't choose. I use Rhythmic Step alot & Imax 2 But I always make time for the Pyramids or CTX. But now I'm getting into KP&C since I got some weighted gloves someone suggested on one of these threads. I love them all!!!!!!!!!!

Oh. I forgot about MIC. That is a fun way to die!

Great thread!

I would say that KPC and lately SB are my favorite cardios, however, Imax2 was trades places with SB.

I love ME and PUB/PLP for weight workouts! The PUB/PLB series helped me lose some weight a year ago and I have kept it off so far (hoping my chip and salsa binge today doesn't haunt me). Weights seem to make the difference for me.
>Oh. I forgot about MIC. That is a fun way to die!>

LOL Marla!!!

I reach for IMAX2, StepBlast and Step and Intervals w/chest most often....I think. That's a tough question! I've had all of Cathe's lower body workouts for a long time but only recently used them consistently. They are stellar and wonderfully effective, I love LL and PS Legs and S&H Legs and,... well you get the picture.:p

Merry Christmas
I use Slow & Heavy all body parts a lot, PS upper body a lot, I max 2 and extreme, Super Sets upper and lower blast and PP 3 sets. At this time these are my favorites. I did the Pyramid upper for a long time. With S&H lower. I have found Pyramid down starting with very heavy weight is a good workout. Mostly for me anything that allows me to go really heavy I like. Also with the new Hardcore series coming out I have tried to incorporate the SS upper blasts and the PS BBA more often because there is a lot of biceps concentration curls. I also have been trying to fit in the deadlifts from PS, SS & SH. Working it in on non consecutive days. For cardio I like to do Boot Camp Cardio, IMax 2 blasts, or all of it,KPC and Body blast , Step jump and Pump cardio. I realy like the music on these. Well I could keep on going, but then you would know I just like all of them.
Diane Sue
I always seem to go for the Intensity Series. I just ordered the Terminator DVD and am so excited because it will be a great way to use 3 workouts at once.

I also use KPC/legs Glutes and SJP often.

I mix and match some of my other Cathe cardio workouts but not as often as the above.

I've already come up with possible rotations to include the Hardcore Series and my favorite Cathes.
CTX gets used a lot. It's pure genius that DVD! So easy to fit into any schedule! I also love PS Upper Body and PLB and L&G. I'm afraid I've OD'd on RS and Step Blast and SJP and need new stuff now! I've been doing CMax a lot lately too!
I love to workout to Body Max. It has everything. Cardio, circuit, and upper body which wears me out. For pure cardio, I reach for Step Blast and Step Works most of the time. And my Saturdays are reserved for Legs & Glutes. But I have to say I love all my Cathe videos, so my favourites are subject to change.
Definitely POWER HOUR!! I don't enjoy leg presses so I don't do ME as often. Power Hour gets used at least once a week. It's a straight to the point type of workout and gets the job done.
For cardio it's a tough call for me. I use Power Max, Cardio Kicks, Step Fit, and Step Blast alot.

Weights: Leaner Legs and CTX Upper make me feel like I really worked hard--love them! Power Hour, MIS, ME, Pyramid Upper more than Pyramid lower (too many quick changes on the barbell for me--I long for a 2nd bb when I do it)

Cardio- my treadmill the most, SB, KPC

Circuit- SB/SJP step only w/ weights premix (81 min) is my absolute favorite circuit workout. BC/ME bonus combo. BodyMax. KPC/Legs and Glutes premix.
For Cardio, I am one of those Step Blast and Rhythmic Step gals. I can't pick a favorite from those two.

For upper body strength, I do PUB, and mix in a set or two each of the S&H bi's and tri's. I get a real kick in the muscles by adding a set or two of the S&H in conjunction with PUB.

For lower body strength, I primarily do PLB, but when I have time, I like to add the Lower Body Sculpt from the Body Fusion DVD. This is like the S&H add-on with upper body, and gives my legs that extra kick (no pun intended).

Abs: I have recently discovered the Power Hour abs and REALLY like this ab segment.

Looking forward to my new DVD's, though. Maybe I'll get some new favorites! And based on several other responses, I suppose I'll have to give IMAX 2 a try before long. I've been too hesitant because of my asthma, but if I modify the moves to keep them a little lower intensity for me, then I should be okay.

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