Cathe workout you reach for most often


I really love reading the posts that involve people's comments on the various workouts. So, I'm going to start another. [I wish that there were a video review section on this website, where there could be running reviews for each workout. Video fitness is fine, but I'd like to have more reviews.] Anyway, my question is: which workout do you reach for most often? Why? For me, it's probably Kick, Punch, and Crunch because I love kickboxing and I think this workout is fun and thorough. I really love the skater move! I think kickboxing is great for legs, abs, and shoulders -- the body parts I like to work the best. What about the rest of you, which workout do you do most often?
Rythmic Step and Step blast for fun factor. Supersets when short of time. Leaner legs and PUB because they are tough and produce fab results. Circuit max also for tough days and Powermax always because the music rocks and the moves are great and I'm always on a high throughout it.

Rhythmic Step and Step Blast for an intermediate cardio workout and Gaumtlet for an intense workout. For strength I most often reach for the S&H or Pyramid Series.
IMAX2. I'm always like, "Oh Goody! Today is IMAX2 on the rotation!" I'm waiting for the day I get that excited about KPC, because it's still a bit hard for me. Even harder than Boot Camp! As far as the weight workouts, though, it's got to be a split one that features shoulders or triceps. They're my favorite body parts to work.
For strength training, Pyramid Upper Body. For cardio, the Classics Volume 1 DVD - I'm still learning Cathe choreography and I have all the moves down on two of the three workouts on this DVD.
Rhythmic Step and IMAX2 for cardio, PUB/PLB and CTX Upper Body Split for strength, depending on time available. But there are so many to choose from! Last week I pulled out Step Works for the first time in probably two years, and I had just forgotten how much fun it is! :)

Oh, and my favorite segment-within-a-workout is the kicking and punching drills in Cardio Kicks -- I LOVE working out with those buff guys!! Kathy S.
Difficult question. My favorite workout is the gaunlet in the terminator dvd and bootcamp. I must be the only who like the terminator climbers and the ice breakers. For cardio I usually do IMAX 2 and for strenght ME. I love kickboxing too. Kathy S I absolutely love the punching drills in cardio kicks.CK is my favorite kickboxing workout.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
For strength it's definitely Ctx Upper body split and L&G for lower body. For cicuit I reach for Body Max a lot. For cardio it's definitely Step Blast.

Aila:) :) :)
For cardio I favor Step Blast IMAX2. SB is just so much fun and I love the challenge at the end with the three intervals. IMAX2 makes me sweat like no other workout.

For strength, I usually go for The Pyramids, S&H or CTX Upper. The Pyramids are so effective; S&H is kind of boring, but if I can stay focussed, it makes me feel very strong.

For cardio I find myself reaching for The Terminator b/c I absolutely love the music esp IMAX Xtreme. I recently received SJP/SB, I love the hi/lo part of SJP.

To really work the muscles I go for S&H.

Although I have PUB/PLB I haven't tried it as yet, but I will just as soon as I'm done with this weeks' rotation. I also like L&G.

I don't have all the videos but for cardio I really like Imax 2 it goes from o.k. to alright I'm really getting tired. For weightlifting it would depend on what I'm going for, really trying to pump it up I'd go for slow and heavy arms. For legs I think I prefer either ME or L&G. I really love K P & C that's really fun and the cardio's pretty good. I hope the next Kickboxing workout makes you sweat a little more because I really love kickboxing.
the gauntlet...

i actually have to force myself not to do that one all the time!

my second favorite: the viper!

favorite just cardio: KPC
favorite upper body: PUB
fave lower: not sure.. i like LL, PLB, and L&G's... not sure i have a fave in this category!
I'm not sure which video I do the most, but, by far, the series I use most often is the Intensity Series (except C&W). I also do KPC quite a bit.
For my cardio, it's Imax 2. That's so much fun I could do it everyday. For strength, it's Slow/Heavy. I love the upper body section and how it makes me feel. I know I've worked hard wben I finish.
This is a hard question. I love all of them. I guess BC because it covers it all in an hour and it is pretty tough. Though I have to say I am able to do this one now without collapse, but the 2nd set of terminators still get me pretty winded. I also like the music in this one. Imax 2 takes a close second because it has a lot of fun choreography. When I want a shorter, advanced workout, I reach for Breakthru Body Blast with Tracy and Michelle. It is a lot of fun and good intensity. I wish I could find the dvd for this one.;(
I love most of them but for strength it's definitely S&H, followed closely by Pyramids. If I'm feeling wiped I'll go with P&P.

For cardio, my all time fave is RS. I also enjoy Step Fit & Step Works a lot.

Kickboxing I consider a category all it's own. Mostly cardio of course, but also strength. My fave is still CK, but I love KPC too.

I too think it is so hard to choose! Cathe has such great workouts, but if I had to choose:

For step cardio, it is a toss up between RS, IMAX 2, and SB.
For kickboxing, KPC of course.
For lower body, L&G hands down.
For upper body, no doubt PUB.
For circuit, BC without a doubt.
For abs, ME abs.
Finally for total body, ME.

I also like the Hi/Lo from SJP but am not as fond of the step portion.
For strength and endurance: PS series, Pyramids, MIS, PH, CTX-UB split, LL

Cardio: IMAX 2, KPC, SJP, CTX-Step & Intervals, CTX-All Step, CTX-Kickbox, Power Max, Step Works

Crosstraining: C&W, Circuit Max, CTX-Power Circuits, lower body circuits in Body Max

For strength, PUB, and L&G's. When I do PUB regularly, my UB looks good.

For cardio, I love, love, love KPC. I can't wait for KickMax!!!!!!!!!!!!

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